Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications Installation and Configuration Guide > Overview of Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse > Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Architecture >

Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Architecture Components

The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse architecture comprises the following components:

  • DAC client. A command and control interface for the data warehouse to allow for set up, configuration, administration, and monitoring of data warehouse processes.
  • DAC server. Executes the instructions from the DAC client. The DAC server manages data warehouse processes, including scheduling, loading of the ETL, and configuring the subject areas to be loaded. It dynamically adjusts its actions based on information in the DAC repository. Depending on your business needs, you might incrementally refresh the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse once a day, once a week, once a month, or on another similar schedule.
  • DAC repository. Stores the metadata (semantics of the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse) that represents the data warehouse processes.
  • Informatica Server. When the server is loading or refreshing the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, it is recommended that the server be dedicated to that activity. However, when the ETL server is not loading or refreshing the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, you can use it for other purposes.
  • Informatica Repository Server. Manages the Informatica repository.
  • Informatica Repository. Stores the metadata related to Informatica workflows.
  • Informatica client utilities. Tools that allow you to create and manage the Informatica repository.

For information about using the Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console (DAC), see Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console Guide.

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