Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications Installation and Configuration Guide > Integrating Interactive Dashboards and Operational Applications Data >

Importing Oracle's Siebel Industry Applications Seed Data

Oracle Business Intelligence seed data is not installed with Oracle's Siebel Industry Applications. You must import the seed data into your database after the Oracle Business Intelligence installation is completed.

To import Analytics seed data into a transactional database

  1. Obtain the required language .inp and .dat files from the Oracle Business Intelligence language folder $INSTALLDIR\SeedData\ l_xx, where xx is the two-letter code for the language you want to import.
  2. Copy the .dat and corresponding .inp file from the language folder to the server installation \bin folder.
  3. From the command prompt in siebsrvr\bin, run the following command:

    dataimp /u $USERNAME /p $PASSWORD /c "$ODBCDatasource" /d $Tableowner /f analytics_seed_<XXX>.dat /i metadata_upgrade_<XXX>_<DBPlatform>.inp /w y

    Replace the XXX with the three-letter code (FRA, ITA) and the DBPlatform with the abbreviation for the database platform being used. For example:

    dataimp /u sadmin /p sadmin /c JPN_CRMDEV1 /d siebel /f analytics_seed_JPN.dat /i metadata_upgrade_JPN_db2.inp /w y

For information about merging content into Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services, see the topics about using the Catalog Manager in Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide.

Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications Installation and Configuration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.