Oracle® Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console Guide > Overview of the DAC Interface >

The DAC's Server Monitor Icons

The Server Monitor is located in the upper-right corner of the DAC client. Its color and shape change based on the DAC server status. When the DAC client cannot establish a connection to the DAC server, the Server Monitor icon resembles a red electrical plug. When the client is connected to the server and the server is idle, the icon resembles an orange electrical plug in a socket. Finally, if the client is connected to a server that is running an ETL process, the icon resembles a green electrical plug with a lightning sign superimposed on it. In addition, clicking on the icon when there is a connection to the server opens a text box that displays data related to the ETL process.

Table 9. DAC Server Monitor Icons

DAC client cannot establish a connection to the DAC server.

DAC client is connected to the server, and the server is idle.

DAC client is connected to a server that is running an ETL process.

Oracle® Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.