Bookshelf for OracleŽ Business Intelligence Applications
Version 7.9
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Using Support Search to Find Documentation Using Support Search to Find Documentation


Support Search lets you search for topics in Oracle's Bookshelf. The contents of the 7.5 - 8.0 Bookshelf versions are searchable. Prior Bookshelf versions, available only in PDF, cannot be searched using Support Search.

For more information about setting search parameters, click Search Instructions on the Support Search page of SupportWeb.

To find topics in product documentation on SupportWeb

  1. Navigate to Support Search.
  2. Define your search criteria.
    Click the Search Instructions hyperlink to see information about how to use Support Search.
  3. To search only Bookshelf content, under Content Types, select the Siebel Bookshelf check box.
  4. Click Search.


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