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Oracle® Retail POS Suite 14.1/Merchandising 14.1 Implementation Guide
Release 14.1
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B Appendix: Pricing Rules

The following are assumptions about the behavior of Oracle Retail Price Management with regard to pricing rules:

Figure B-1 Oracle Retail Price Management to POS Suite Pricing Map

Surrounding text describes Figure B-1 .

* Includes Simple Promotion Type only

** Includes: Threshold Promotions, Multi-buy (Buy/Get) Promotions and Transaction Promotions

The following are Oracle Retail Price Management definitions related to pricing rules:

The following are POS Suite definitions related to pricing rules:


The following are Multi-Buy pricing rules.


The concept of kits is not used by RPM, this promotion type is considered multi-buy - merge grid with multi-buy grid.

Oracle Retail Price Management Multi-Buy Assumptions

  • If the reward list or "Y" is a group of items, only one item in the group qualifies for the discount even if the customer purchased multiple items from the reward list or "Y" target group.

  • Funding of the promotion applies only to the item in the reward list or "Y" target group that received the discount.

  • Oracle Retail Price Management and Oracle Retail Merchandising System do not spread the discount out to items in the reward list or "Y" and the buy list or "X" groups at the time of the sale. The Deal Distribution Indicator is always set to Target (reward list or "Y"). An exception to this rule is that the multi-buy promotions that are created with no reward list, will have the Deal Distribution Indicator always set to Source Target (buy list or ”X”).

  • The buy list or "X" and the reward list or "Y" can be the same items. The Multi-Buy Cycles Indicator and Allow Repeating Sources Indicator are two separate entities:

    • Allow Repeating Sources Indicator - specifies that the same item cannot be used to qualify the buy list (N of X). For example, if you buy two pairs of jeans, and get a sweater for free, the jeans purchased must be different items. Oracle Retail Price Management promotions always have an Allow Repeating Sources Indicator set to Y.

The following is true for Table B-1:

  • N = quantity or value

  • X = Source items or items in a list

  • Y = Target item or item in a list of items

  • Z = price or discount

Table B-1 Multi-Buy

Promotion Type Example Oracle Retail Price Management Promotion Type Oracle Retail Price Management Setup Compatible Comments

Buy N of X, Get Y at Z% off regular Price.

Buy two pairs of jeans, get a sweater at 50% off.


Buy Type = Qty, Reward %off, Buy Value = N



Buy N of X, Get Y at Z$ off regular Price.

Buy two pairs of jeans, get $10 off of a sweater.


Buy Type = Qty, Reward Amount off, Buy Value = N



Buy N of X, Get Lowest Priced Y at Z% off.

Buy two pairs of jeans and two or more sweaters, get 10% off the lowest-priced sweater.


Buy Type = Qty, Reward %off, Buy Value = N


Oracle Retail Price Management does not currently support "lowest price" concept, only cheapest free is valid.

Buy $N of X, Get $Y for free.

Buy one pair of jeans at regular price over $45 and get a T-Shirt regular priced at $25 or less for free.


Buy Type = Qty, Reward Amount off, Buy Value = N



Buy N of X, GetY at Z$ .

Buy two pairs of jeans, get a sweater for $20.


Buy Type = Qty, Reward Fixed Amount, Buy Value = N


Oracle Retail Price Management can change the selling UOM when discount is fixed amount.

Buy $N of X, Get Y at Z% off regular Price.

Buy $40 worth of jeans, get a sweater at 50% off.


Buy Type = Amount, Reward % Off, Buy Value = N



Buy $N of X, Get Y at Z$ off regular Price

Buy $40 worth of jeans, get $10 off of a sweater.


Buy Type = Amount, Reward Amount Off, Buy Value = N



Buy $N of X, Get Y at Z$

Buy $40 worth of jeans, get a sweater for $20.


Buy Type = Amount, Reward Fixed Price, Buy Value = N



Buy N of A and N of B, Get Y at Z% off

Buy a cap and a glove, get a scarf 10% off.The buy and reward lists may use a combination of AND and OR conditions.


Buy Type = Qty, Reward %off, Buy Value = N



Buy N of A and N of B, Get Y at $Z off

Buy a cap and a glove, get a scarf $2 off.The buy and reward lists may use a combination of AND and OR conditions.


Buy Type = Qty, Reward Amount off, Buy Value = N



Buy N of A and N of B, Get Y for $Z.

Buy a cap and a glove, get a scarf for $10.00.The buy and reward lists may use a combination of AND and OR conditions.


Buy Type = Qty, Reward Fixed Amount, Buy Value = N


Oracle Retail Price Management can change the selling UOM when discount is fixed amount.

Buy N of X, get the cheapest free

Buy four pair of shoes, get the cheapest pair free.


Buy Type = Qty, Reward Cheapest Free, Buy Value = N



Buy N of A and N of B, get the cheapest free

Buy a shirt and a tie, get the cheapest item free.


Buy Type = Qty AND Qty, Reward Cheapest Free, Buy Value = N



Buy $N of X for Z$ off

Spend $40 or more on P&G items, get $10 off.


Buy Type = Amount, Reward = Amount off, No items defined as reward list



Buy N of X for Z$ off

Buy 1 or more of select fragrances, get $10 off.


Buy Type = Quantity, Reward = Amount off, No items defined as reward list



Buy N of X for Z% off

Buy Rice Krispies, Large Marshmallows and Butter, get 25% off.


Buy Type = Quantity, Reward = Percent off, No items defined as reward list




The following are threshold pricing rules.

Threshold Assumptions

In RPM, threshold promotions can be either single tiered or multi-tiered (such as, buy 5 items in a group, get 10% off; buy 12 items in a group, get 20% off, and others). All of the examples in the table below show a single tier, however they all support multiple tiered threshold promotions.

For example, if you buy five pairs of jeans, you get 10% off each item. The discount applies only to the five items if, less then 10 items are purchased. If 10 items are purchased, 10% discount is applied only for 10 items. If 11 items are purchased then, the 10th items get 10% discount and one item (the least priced among all eleven) is sold on a regular price. If 12 items are purchased then, 20% discount is applied on all 12 items.

If the promotion is multi-tiered, once the next threshold is reached (12 items based on example above) the customer receives 20% off each item including any additional items more than 12.

There are two types of threshold promotions used by RPM:

  • Threshold Type: Customer qualifies for the discount with any item in a group

  • Item Type: Customer must buy 'X' of a particular item to get the discount

The following is true for Table B-2:

  • N = quantity or value

  • X = Source items or items in a list

  • Z = price or discount

Table B-2 Threshold

Promotion Type Example Oracle Retail Price Management Promotion Type Oracle Retail Price Management Setup Compatible

Buy N of X, get Z% off .

Buy six pairs of jeans, get 10% off each of the jeans .


Qualification Type = Threshold Level

Threshold Type = Quantity

Discount Type = % off


Buy N of X, Get $Z off.

Buy six pairs of jeans, get $10 off each of the jeans .


Qualification Type = Threshold Level

Threshold Type = Quantity

Discount Type = Amount off


Buy N of X, Get items for $Z .

Buy two pairs of jeans and get them for $45 each .


Qualification Type = Threshold Level

Threshold Type = Quantity

Discount Type = Fixed Amount


Buy $N of X, get Z% off.

Buy $100 worth of jeans, get 10% off each pair of jeans.


Qualification Type = Threshold Level

Threshold Type = Amount

Discount Type = % off


Buy $N of X, Get $Z off.

Buy $100 worth of jeans, get $10 off each pair of jeans.


Qualification Type = Threshold Level

Threshold Type = Amount

Discount Type = Amount off


Buy $N of X, get items for $Z

Buy $100 worth of jeans and get them for $45 each.


Qualification Type = Threshold Level

Threshold Type = Amount

Discount Type = Fixed Amount


Buy N of X, get Z% off.

Buy six pairs of jeans, get 10% off each of the jeans.

Each item on the promotion must meet the threshold to have the discount applied.


Qualification Type = Item Level

Threshold Type = Quantity

Discount Type = % off


Buy N of X, get $Z off.

Buy six pairs of jeans, get $10 off each of the jeans.

Each item on the promotion must meet the threshold to have the discount applied.


Qualification Type = Item Level

Threshold Type = Quantity

Discount Type = Amount off


Buy N of X, get items for $Z

Buy two pairs of jeans and get them for $45 each.

Each item on the promotion must meet the threshold to have the discount applied.


Qualification Type = Item Level

Threshold Type = Quantity

Discount Type = Fixed Amount


Buy $N of X, get Z% off.

Buy $100 worth of jeans, get 10% off each pair of jeans.

Each item on the promotion must meet the threshold to have the discount applied.


Qualification Type = Item Level

Threshold Type = Amount

Discount Type = % off


Buy $N of X, Get $Z off.

Buy $100 worth of jeans, get $10 off each pair of jeans.

Each item on the promotion must meet the threshold to have the discount applied.


Qualification Type = Item Level

Threshold Type = Amount

Discount Type = Amount off


Buy $N of X, Get items for $Z.

Buy $100 worth of jeans and get them for $45 each.

Each item on the promotion must meet the threshold to have the discount applied.


Qualification Type = Item Level

Threshold Type = Amount

Discount Type = Fixed Amount



The following is true for Table B-3:

  • X = Source items or items in a list

  • Z = price or discount

Table B-3 Simple

Promotion Type Example Oracle Retail Price Management Promotion Type Oracle Retail Price Management Setup Compatible

Fixed Price

Buy X, get X for $15.


Fixed Amount


Percent Off

Buy X, get X for 10% off .


% off


Amount Off

Buy X, get $10 off of X .


Amount off



The following is true for Table B-4:

  • N = quantity or value

  • X = Source items or items in a list

  • Y = Target item or item in a list of items

  • Z = price or discount

Table B-4 Kits

Promotion Type Example Oracle Retail Price Management Promotion Type Oracle Retail Price Management Setup Compatible

Buy N of X1, N of X2, N of X3 for a flat price $Z

Buy hamburger, Coke and fries for 5.00


Qualification Type = Multi-buy

Multi-buy = Quantity (with AND connector)

Reward Type = Fixed Price


Buy N of X1, N of X2, N of X3 for $Z off of purchase

Buy hamburger, Coke and fries, receive 1.00 off purchase


Qualification Type = Multi-buy

Multi-buy = Quantity (with AND connector)

Reward Type = Amount Off


Buy N of X1, N of X2, N of X3 for Z% off of purchase

Buy hamburger, Coke and fries, save 15% off purchase


Qualification Type = Multi-buy

Multi-buy = Quantity (with AND connector)

Reward Type = % off


Finance Promotion

The following is true for Table B-5:

  • N = quantity or value

  • X = Source items or items in a list

  • Z = price or discount

Table B-5 Finance

Promotion Type Example Oracle Retail Price Management Promotion Type Oracle Retail Price Management Setup Compatible

Buy N of X with promoted card, get promotional interest % for Z duration

Purchase $1,000 of Electronics using Visa and receive promotion percentage of 0%, with a duration of 18 months (for no interest payments if paid in full within 18 months).


Card Details Threshold Amount $ Promotion Amount % Duration in Months Items


Transaction Promotion

The following are transaction promotion pricing rules.

Oracle Retail Price Management Transaction Assumptions

  • A transaction promotion will have a discount type of "amount off" or "percent off" that will be taken off the entire purchase or shopping basket verus specific items.

  • Reward items will not be designated for transaction promotions.

  • A transaction promotion can be created at "storewide" level or at any of the lower levels including; department, class, subclass, parent item, parent diff item, transaction item, or item list.

The following is true for Table B-6:

  • N = quantity or value

  • X = Source items or items in a list

  • Z = price or discount

Table B-6 Transaction

Promotion Type Example Oracle Retail Price Management Promotion Type Oracle Retail Price Management Setup Compatible Comments

Buy $N of X, Get Z$ Off Entire Pur-chase

Buy $200 worth of any merchandise - get $20 off entire purchase


Buy Type = Amount, Reward= Amount off


Storewide Example

Buy $N of X, Get Z% Off Entire Pur-chase

Buy $200 worth of any merchandise - get 20% off entire purchase


Buy Type = Amount, Reward= Percent off


Storewide Example

Buy $N or X or Y, Get Z% Off Entire Pur-chase

Buy $100 worth of Jeans or Khakis - get 10% off entire pur-chase


Buy Type = Amount, Reward= Percent off


Multiple Buy lists using "or" between lists

Buy $N of X and Y, Get Z% Off Entire Purchase

Buy $100 worth of Jeans and $50 worth of T-Shirts - get $50 off entire purchase


Buy Type = Amount, Reward= Amount off


Multiple Buy lists using "and" between lists

Buy N of X, Get Z$ Off Entire Pur-chase

Buy 10 items - any merchandise - get $20 off entire pur-chase


Buy Type = Quantity, Reward= Amount off


Storewide Example

Buy N of X, Get Z% Off Entire Pur-chase

Buy 10 items - any merchandise - get 20% off entire pur-chase


Buy Type = Quantity, Reward= Percent off


Storewide Example

Buy $N or X or Y, Get Z% Off Entire Pur-chase

Buy 10 pairs of Jeans or Khakis - get 10% off entire purchase


Buy Type = Quantity, Reward= Percent off


Multiple Buy lists using "or" between lists

Buy $N of X and Y, Get Z% Off Entire Purchase

Buy 5 pairs of Jeans and 5 T-Shirts - get $50 off entire pur-chase


Buy Type = Quantity, Reward= Amount off


Multiple Buy lists using "and" between lists