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Oracle® Retail Merchandising Security Guide
Release 14.1
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12 ReSA Security Considerations

The chapter provides guidance for administrators to understand, configure, and customize functional security for the Oracle Retail Sales Audit (ReSA) application.

The following topics are covered in this chapter:


ReSA should implement similar file permissions as the RMS. For more information, see File Permissions.

Default Security Configuration

Access control of system resources is achieved by requiring users to authenticate at login and by restricting users to only those resources for which they are authorized. A default security configuration is available for immediate use after the Oracle Retail Fusion application is installed and is configured to use the Oracle Fusion Middleware security model. The default configuration includes three predefined security roles for application specific permission grants. Users can be added to predefined groups that are mapped to pre-configured application roles. ReSA is pre-configured to grant specific application permissions.

Table 12-1 Privileges

Name Description

Search Store Days Priv

A privilege for searching for store days and store day total transaction data summary information (transaction data summary).

Maintain Store Days Priv

A privilege for editing a store day including error list, over/short totals, miscellaneous totals, combined totals, total export log, revisions of totals (total audit trail), missing transactions and comments.

Delete Store Day Priv

A privilege for deleting a store day.

View Store Day Priv

A privilege for viewing a store day including error list, over/short totals, miscellaneous totals, combined totals, total export log, revisions of totals (total audit trail), missing transactions, store day import log, store day export log, store day total transaction data summary information (transaction data summary), and comments.

Manually Set Store Day Data Status Priv

A privilege for submitting an allocation for approval.

Reset Store Day Audit Status Priv

A privilege for resetting a store day's audit status.

Search Transactions Priv

A privilege for searching for transactions, transaction revisions (audit trail) and transaction summaries (item and tender).

Maintain Transactions Priv

A privilege for creating and editing transactions, mass updating items on transactions through Item Summary, and comments.

Delete Transactions Priv

A privilege for deleting transactions.

View Transactions Priv

A privilege for viewing transactions, transaction revisions (audit trail), transaction summaries (item and tender) and comments.

Post Void Transactions Priv

A privilege for post voiding transactions.
Maintain Application Administration Priv

A privilege for editing system options.

View Application Administration Priv

A privilege for viewing system options.

Search Total Definition Priv

A privilege for searching total definitions.

Maintain Total Definition Priv

A privilege for creating and editing total definitions.

Submit Total Definition Priv

A privilege for submitting a total definition for review.

Approve Total Definition Priv

A privilege for approving a total definition.

Disable Total Definition Priv

A privilege for disabling a total definition.

Delete Total Definition Priv

A privilege for deleting a total definition.

View Total Definition Priv

A privilege for viewing total definitions.

Search Audit Rule Priv

A privilege for searching audit rules.

Maintain Audit Rule Priv

A privilege for creating and editing audit rules.

Submit Audit Rule Priv

A privilege for submitting an audit rule for review.

Approve Audit Rule Priv

A privilege for approving an audit rule.

Disable Audit Rule Priv

A privilege for disabling an audit rule.

Delete Audit Rule Priv

A privilege for deleting an audit rule.

View Audit Rule Priv

A privilege for viewing audit rules.

Maintain ACH Information Priv

A privilege for maintaining Bank ACH and Store ACH information.

View ACH Information Priv

A privilege for viewing Bank ACH and Store ACH information.

Maintain ReSA Admin Data Priv

A privilege for maintaining error messages, GL (General Ledger) Cross Reference, Reference Fields, Currency Rounding Rules, and Store Data through Admin Data Loading.

View ReSA Admin Data Priv

A privilege for viewing error messages, GL (General Ledger) Cross Reference, Reference Fields, Currency Rounding Rules, and Store Data through Admin Data Loading.

View GL Drill Back Priv

A privilege for viewing General Ledger Drill Back.

Maintain Bank Store Priv

A privilege for maintaining Bank Store relationships.

View Bank Store Priv

A privilege for viewing Bank Store relationships.

Maintain Employees Priv

A privilege for viewing assigned stores for ReSA users through location traits.

Maintain Error Override Priv

A privilege for editing the Override check box on the Error List tab in either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

View Error Override Priv

A privilege for viewing the Override check box on the Error List tab in either the Store Day Summary, Balance Level Summary screens, or on the Sales Audit Errors popup.

View Store Day Summary Over/Short Value Priv

A privilege for viewing the Over/Short value in the Status container in the Store Day Summary screen.

View Balance Level Summary Over/Short Value Priv

A privilege for viewing the Over/Short value in the Status container in the Balance Level Summary screen.

View Over/Short Totals Trial Over/Short Values Priv

A privilege for viewing the Trial Over/Short values in both the Accounted for and the Accountable containers on the Over/Short Totals tab in either the Store Day Summary or the Balance Level Summary screens.

Maintain Over/Short Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

A privilege for editing the HQ Reported values in both the Accounted For and the Accountable For containers on the Over/Short Totals tab in either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

View Over/Short Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

A privilege for viewing the HQ Reported values in both the Accounted For and the Accountable For containers on the Over/Short Totals tab in either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

Maintain Miscellaneous Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

A privilege for editing the HQ Reported value on the Miscellaneous Totals tab in either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

View Miscellaneous Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

A privilege for viewing the HQ Reported value on the Miscellaneous Totals tab in either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

View System Calculated Totals Value Priv

A privilege for viewing the System Reported Totals values in both the Accounted For and the Accountable For containers on the Over/Short Totals tab in either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens, as well as on the Miscellaneous Totals tab in either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

View Flash Reports Priv

A privilege for viewing the Flash Totals and Flash Sales reports accessed through the main Tasks list or through the Store Day Summary screen.

View Transaction Reports Priv

A privilege for viewing the Credit Card Summary and the Voucher Activity reports accessed through the main Tasks list.

View All Reports Priv

A privilege for viewing all reports via the View Reports screen. This includes the Flash Totals, Flash Sales, Credit Card Summary, Transaction Data, and Voucher Activity reports.

Table 12-2 Duties

Duty Description List of Privileges

Store Day Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing store days.

Search Store Days PrivView Store Days PrivView Flash Reports Priv

View All Reports Priv

Store Day Management Duty

A duty for managing Store Days. This duty is an extension of the Store Day Inquiry Duty.

All privileges found in the Store Day Inquiry Duty.Maintain Store Day PrivDelete Store Day Priv

Store Day Manual Status Update Duty

A duty for setting a Store Day's Data Status and Audit Status.

Manually Set Store Day Data Status PrivReset Store Day Audit Status Priv

Transaction Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing transactions, transaction revisions and transaction summaries.

Search Transactions PrivView Transactions PrivView Transaction Reports Priv

View All Reports Priv

Transaction Management Duty

A duty for managing transactions. This duty is an extension of the Transaction Inquiry Duty.

All privileges found in the Transaction Inquiry Duty.Maintain Transaction PrivDelete Transaction Priv

Transaction Post Void Duty

A duty for post voiding a transaction.

Post Void Transaction Priv

Application Administration Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing ReSA System Options.

View Application Administration Priv
Application Administration Management Duty

A duty for managing ReSA System Options. This duty is an extension of the Application Administration Inquiry Duty.

All privileges found in the Application Administration Inquiry Duty. Maintain Application Administration Priv
Total Definition Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing total definitions.

Search Total Definition PrivView Total Definition Priv

Total Definition Management Duty A duty for managing total definitions. This duty is an extension of the Total Definition Inquiry Duty. All privileges found in the Total Definition Inquiry Duty. Maintain Total Definition Priv Delete Total Definition Priv

Total Definition Submit Duty

A duty for submitting an Total Definition for approval.

Submit Total Definition Priv

Total Definition Review Duty

A duty for approving or disabling a total definition.

Approve Total Definition Priv Disable Total Definition Priv
Audit Rule Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing audit rules.

Search Audit Rule Priv View Audit Rule Priv

Audit Rule Management Duty

A duty for managing audit rules. This duty is an extension of the Audit Rule Inquiry Duty.

All privileges found in the Audit Rule Inquiry Duty.

Maintain Audit Rule Priv

Delete Audit Rule Priv

Audit Rule Submit Duty A duty for submitting an audit rule for approval.

Submit Audit Rule Priv

Audit Rule Review Duty A duty for approving or disabling an audit rule.

Approve Audit Rule PrivDisable Audit Rule Priv

ACH Information Inquiry Duty A duty for viewing ACH information including Bank ACH and Store ACH.

View ACH Information Priv

ACH Information Management Duty A duty for managing ACH information. This duty is an extension of the ACH Information Inquiry Duty.

All privileges found in the ACH Information Inquiry Duty.Maintain ACH Information Priv

ReSA Admin Data Management Duty A duty for managing ReSA Error Messages, GL Cross Reference, Reference Fields, Currency Rounding Rules and Store Data through the Upload and Download Actions in Admin Data Loading. This duty is an extension of the Admin Data Inquiry Duty.

View ReSA Admin Data PrivMaintain ReSA Admin Data Priv

Bank Store Inquiry Duty A duty for viewing Bank Store.

View Bank Store Priv

Bank Store Management Duty A duty for managing Bank Store. This duty is an extension of the Bank Store Inquiry Duty.

All privileges found in the Bank Store Inquiry Duty.Maintain Bank Store Priv

Employee Inquiry Duty A duty for viewing Employee.

View Employees Priv

Employee Management Duty A duty for managing Employee. This duty is an extension of the Employee Inquiry Duty.

All privileges found in the Employee Inquiry Duty.Maintain Employees Priv

Error Override Review Duty A duty for viewing the Override check box on the Error List tab on either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens, or on the Sales Audit Errors popup.

View Error Override Priv

Error Override Management Duty A duty for the ability to override errors by checking the Override check box on the Error List tab on either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

All privileges found in the Error Override Review Duty.Edit Error Override Priv

Totals HQ Reported Value Review Duty A duty for viewing the HQ Reported values on both the Over/Short Totals and Miscellaneous Totals tabs on either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

View Over/Short Totals HQ Reported Value PrivView Miscellaneous Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

Totals HQ Reported Value Management Duty A duty for the ability to override errors by checking the Override check box on the Error List tab on either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

All privileges found in the Totals HQ Reported Value Review Duty.Edit Over/Short Totals HQ Reported Value PrivEdit Miscellaneous Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

Over/Short Value Review Duty A duty for viewing the Over/Short values in the Status container on either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens as well as the Trial Over/Short values on the Over/Short Totals tabs in either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

View Store Day Summary Over/Short Value PrivView Balance Level Summary Over/Short Value PrivView Over/Short Totals Trial Over/Short Values Priv

Totals System Reported Value Review Duty A duty for viewing the System Reported values on both the Over/Short Totals and Miscellaneous Totals tabs on either the Store Day Summary or Balance Level Summary screens.

View System Calculated Totals Value Priv

Table 12-3 Role to Task Mapping

Column Name Sales Auditor Sales Auditor Manager Finance Manager Administrator

Main Navigation Tasks

Store Day Audit

Store Day Audit

Store Day Audit (View Only)

Foundation Data Loading

  • All

Create Transaction

Create Transaction

Manage Transaction (View Only)

System Options

Manage Transactions

Manage Transactions

Foundation Data Loading

  • All

RMS Company Closing

Bank ACH

Bank ACH

Create Total Definition


Store ACH

Store ACH

Manage Total Definition

Bank Store

Total Audit Trail

Total Audit Trail

Bank Store

Transaction Audit Trail

Transaction Audit Trail

Bank ACH (View Only)

Item Summary

Item Summary

Store ACH (View Only)

Tender Summary

Tender Summary

General Ledger Drill Back

Create Audit Rule

Create Audit Rule

Manage Audit Rule (View Only)

Manage Audit Rule

Manage Audit Rule

View Reports

  • Flash Totals

  • Flash Sales

  • Credit Card Summary

  • Voucher Activity

Create Total Definitions

Create Total Definitions

Manage Total Definitions

Manage Total Definitions

View Reports

  • Flash Totals

  • Flash Sales

  • Credit Card Summary

  • Voucher Activity

RMS Company Closing


Foundation Data Loading

  • All

View Reports

  • Flash Totals

  • Flash Sales

  • Credit Card Summary

  • Voucher Activity

Data Security

Data security can be set up to limit visibility to data within the merchandise and organizational Hierarchies. In ReSA, only data security on the organizational hierarchy is used. ReSA users have access to all items in the merchandise hierarchy, but can only see data for stores to which they have data authorization based on this data security setup in RMS.

For more information on the Data security, see Security Features of the Application section under Chapter 10.

Unlike RMS which relies on the database user ID for applying the data security, Resa uses the application logged in LDAP ID. The application user ID is copied to database session context RETAIL_CTX. APP_USER_ID. The RMS security table SEC_USER now also holds application user ID in addition to database user ID. The data security function uses the application user ID for applying the security policy if database session context RETAIL_CTX. APP_USER_ID is available else, it uses the logged in database ID for applying security policy.

Securing ReSA Tables

ReSA resides in the same database as RMS and other MOM products, so it may be required to secure the ReSA tables so that unauthorized users do not access/modify the data in the ReSA tables. This access can be secured by using the database roles and privileges.

For more information on securing ReSA tables, see RMS Users and Security section.

Table 12-4 ReSA Tables

User Name




For more information on Merch Mobile Security Consideration, see Functional Security for Applications Using Fusion Middleware chapter.

For more information on ReST Services Security Consideration, see the Oracle Retail Sales Audit Operations Guide.

Duty Description List of Privileges


Store Day Management DutyStore Day Manual Status Update DutyTransaction Management DutyTransaction Post Void DutyTotal Definition Management DutyTotal Definition Submit DutyTotal Definition Review DutyAudit Rule Management DutyAudit Rule Submit DutyAudit Rule Review DutyACH Information Management DutyError Override Management DutyError Override Review DutyTotals HQ Reported Value Management DutyTotals HQ Reported Value Review DutyTotals System Reported Value Review DutyOver/Short Value Review Duty

Search Store Days PrivMaintain Store Days Priv

Delete Store Day Priv

View Store Day Priv

Manually Set Store Day Data Status Priv

Reset Store Day Audit Status Priv

View Flash Reports Priv

View All Reports Priv

Search Transactions Priv

Maintain Transactions Priv

Delete Transactions Priv

View Transactions Priv

Post Void Transactions Priv

View Transaction Reports Priv

View All Reports Priv

Search Total Definition Priv

View Total Definition Priv

Maintain Total Definition Priv

Delete Total Definition Priv

Submit Total Definition Priv

Approve Total Definition Priv

Disable Total Definition Priv

Search Audit Rule Priv

View Audit Rule Priv

Maintain Audit Rule Priv

Delete Audit Rule Priv

Submit Audit Rule Priv

Approve Audit Rule Priv

Disable Audit Rule Priv

Maintain ACH Information Priv

View ACH Information Priv

Edit Error Override Priv

View Error Override Priv

Edit Over/Short Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

View Over/Short Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

Edit Miscellaneous Totals HQ

Reported Value Priv

View Miscellaneous Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

View System Calculated Totals Value Priv

View Store Day Summary Over/Short Value Priv

View Balance Level Summary Over/Short Value Priv

View Over/Short Totals Trial Over/Short Values Priv

Auditor Manager

Store Day Management Duty

Store Day Manual Status Update Duty

Transaction Management Duty

Transaction Post Void Duty

Total Definition Management Duty

Total Definition Submit Duty

Total Definition Review Duty

Audit Rule Management Duty

Audit Rule Submit Duty

Audit Rule Review Duty

ACH Information Management Duty

ReSA Admin Data Management Duty

Employee Management Duty

Error Override Management Duty

Error Override Review Duty

Totals HQ Reported Value Management Duty

Totals HQ Reported Value Review Duty

Totals System Reported Value Review Duty

Over/Short Value Review Duty

Search Store Days Priv

Maintain Store Days Priv

Delete Store Day Priv

View Store Day Priv

Manually Set Store Day Data Status Priv

Reset Store Day Audit Status Priv

View Flash Reports Priv

View All Reports Priv

Search Transactions Priv

Maintain Transactions Priv

Delete Transactions Priv

View Transactions Priv

Post Void Transactions Priv

View Transaction Reports Priv

View All Reports Priv

Search Total Definition Priv

View Total Definition Priv

Maintain Total Definition Priv

Delete Total Definition Priv

Submit Total Definition Priv

Approve Total Definition Priv

Disable Total Definition Priv

Search Audit Rule Priv

View Audit Rule Priv

Maintain Audit Rule Priv

Delete Audit Rule Priv

Submit Audit Rule Priv

Approve Audit Rule Priv

Disable Audit Rule Priv

Maintain ACH Information Priv

View ACH Information Priv

Maintain ReSA Admin Data Priv

View ReSA Admin Data Priv

Maintain Employees Priv

View Employees Priv

Edit Error Override Priv

View Error Override Priv

Edit Over/Short Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

View Over/Short Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

Edit Miscellaneous Totals HQ

Reported Value Priv

View Miscellaneous Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

View System Calculated Totals Value Priv

View Store Day Summary Over/Short Value Priv

View Balance Level Summary Over/Short Value Priv

View Over/Short Totals Trial Over/Short Values Priv

Finance Manager

Store Day Inquiry Duty

Transaction Inquiry Duty

GL Management Duty

Bank Store Management Duty

Total Definition Management Duty

Total Definition Submit Duty

Total Definition Review Duty

ACH Information Inquiry Duty

Audit Rule Inquiry Duty

Error Override Review Duty

Totals HQ Reported Value Review Duty

Totals System Reported Value Review Duty

Over/Short Value Review Duty

Search Store Days Priv

View Store Day Priv

View Flash Reports Priv

View All Reports Priv

Search Transactions Priv

View Transactions Priv

View Transaction Reports Priv

View All Reports Priv

Maintain ReSA Admin Data Priv

View ReSA Admin Data Priv

View GL Drill Back Priv

Maintain Bank Store Priv

View Bank Store Priv

Search Total Definition Priv

View Total Definition Priv

Maintain Total Definition Priv

Delete Total Definition Priv

Submit Total Definition Priv

Approve Total Definition Priv

Disable Total Definition Priv

View ACH Information Priv

View Audit Rules Priv

View Error Override Priv

View Over/Short Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

View Miscellaneous Totals HQ Reported Value Priv

View System Calculated Totals Value Priv

View Store Day Summary Over/Short Value Priv

View Balance Level Summary Over/Short Value Priv

View Over/Short Totals Trial Over/Short Values Priv


Error Messages Management Duty

GL Management Duty

ReSA Admin Data Management Duty

Bank Store Management Duty

Employee Management Duty

Application Administration Management Duty

Maintain Error Messages Priv

View Error Messages Priv

Maintain ReSA Admin Data Priv

View ReSA Admin Data Priv

View GL Drill Back Priv

Maintain ReSA Admin Data Priv

View ReSA Admin Data Priv

Maintain Bank Store Priv

View Bank Store Priv

Maintain Employees Priv

View Employees Priv

Maintain Application Administration Priv

View Application Administration Priv