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Oracle® Retail Active Retail Intelligence User Guide
Release 15.0
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4 Security Considerations

Active Retail Intelligence provides no special security features or safeguards. Addressing any site-specific security issues involving Active Retail Intelligence is the customer's responsibility. Security settings in other applications with which Active Retail Intelligence interacts will not be overridden or circumvented by Active Retail Intelligence. Whereas this is generally desirable, it is a consideration when determining to whom Active Retail Intelligence alerts should be routed. Sending an alert to a user who does not have the privileges to take the actions necessary to resolve the event may prove frustrating and counter-productive. Users should be educated about this issue so that they can avoid forward events that have actions with limited access as well.

At a data level, Active Retail Intelligence detection is necessarily done with full access privileges to all data. Individual users with data level security may see different values for some parameters (in particular those involving sums) than the values seen by Active Retail Intelligence. This may cause adverse effects such as a user looking at an event automatically causing it to close because the user's limited data access causes the event to see values that make Active Retail Intelligence think the exception is no longer an issue when in fact it still is. For this reason Oracle urges extreme caution when designing Active Retail Intelligence processes that involve users with limited data access. The consequences of missing alerts can be great in an exception driven enterprise, so extra care is needed in the technical analysis of how such Active Retail Intelligence processes will behave.

See Oracle Retail Merchandising Security Guide for more information.