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Oracle® Retail POS Suite 14.1/Merchandising 14.1 Implementation Guide
Release 14.1
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6 Known Issues and Troubleshooting

This chapter describes some known issues, as well as troubleshooting options for dealing with some issues.

Authorized for Sale

The Oracle Retail Back Office data field Authorized for Sale is mapped to the status of an item at a store (item_loc). If the item is Active at that location, then true is extracted. Other statuses, such as Discontinued and Delete cause the value false to be extracted.

Currency.XML Import Restart

When Currency.XML is imported with Fill Type KillandFill, the Foreign Currency Exchange Rates table in the UI is empty even though the import is successful.

Point-of-Service, Back Office and Central Office must be restarted after the currency import.

Data Import

If an individual batch fails but the rest of the data import completes successfully, there is no retry mechanism to import only the batch that failed.

If the integrity of the incoming data cannot be guaranteed as Data Import expects, it is possible to avoid rolling back valid data within a failed batch by adjusting the size of the import batches from the default size of 1000 to 1 by editing the spring.properties file and restarting the application server. Note that this resolution will have a negative impact on performance.

Data Import Field Width Maximums

All VARCHAR(255) sizes were changed to VARCHAR(250) to match Oracle Retail Merchandising System and Oracle Retail Price Management sizes.

This was done as of version 12.0.

Download of Items Currently on Promotion to New Stores

In a new store situation, items currently on promotion may download to Point-of-Service with the original price on the item, not the promotion price. This occurs because the import process assigns a creation date equal to the current date, but this date is after the start date of the promotion.

Hardcoded Attributes in Oracle Retail Merchandising System Extracts

The following lists identify attributes that are hardcoded in Oracle Retail Merchandising System extracts:

Item Extract

  • RegistryEligible = true

  • SizeRequired = false

  • SerializedItem = false

  • Discountable = true

  • DamageDiscountable = true

  • EmployeeDiscountAllowed = true

  • MinimumSaleUnitCount = 1

ItemCoupon Extract

  • ItemCost = 0

  • Taxable = false

  • Discountable = false

  • Returnable = false

  • EmployeeDiscountAllowed = true

CouponPrice Extract

  • PromoCompID = -1

  • PromoCompDetlID = -1

  • NbrTimesPerTrans = 1

  • AccountingMethod = Discount

  • AllowSourceToRepeat = false

Item Cost Attribute

In the Item Maintenance screen, the Item Cost attribute is set to 0.00 by default.

Jar Extract

Extracts from Oracle Retail Merchandising System and Oracle Retail Price Management are typically scheduled to happen once per day.

Multiple Regular Price

When multiple regular prices are passed for an item, the last regular price passed is the regular price that is used.

Need To Escape Special Characters In XML File

Special characters in an XML file, such as <, >, & and so forth, must be escaped. For more information, see the following:


Preload Section of ItemImport

Data in the Preload section of ItemImport is treated as an UPS which stands for Upsert. DIMP tries to Update data and if fails to update, then it Inserts data.

Price Promotion/Discount Rule endDateTime in Pricing Import XSD

An Oracle Retail Price Management Price Promotion/Discount Rule imported through DIMP that has no specified end dates will default to December 31 at 11:59 PM, 19 years in the future. That is, the endDateTime is set to 12-31-(calendar year+19) 11:59 PM.

For example, if current year is 2009, the year in the endDateTime of promotion/Discount rule will be 2028 (2009+19):

12-31-2028 11:59 PM

Promotion ID Item Not On File

When a Promotion ID that is associated with an item that is greater than the value 231 (2,147,483,647), then that item is considered an item not on file.

Promotion ID, Promotion Component ID and Promotion Component Detail ID cannot have a value greater than the maximum allowed for a Java int datatype (231).

Reason Codes for Price Discount

Oracle Retail Sales Audit is unable to identify the reason codes for a Price Discount transaction.

RegistryEligible Field

The RegistryEligible field is hardcoded with the value true in Oracle Retail Merchandising System extracts.

Retail Price Field Size Limitation

Current Point-of-Service column length for Unit Retail Price supports six whole digits (Decimal 8,2) only.

Special Order Eligible Coupons

By default, all coupons imported through Data Import will be Special Order Eligible.

Store ID Maximum Length

The Oracle Retail POS Suite products support a maximum store ID length of five digits.

Use a store ID that is not greater than five digits in length.

Transaction-Level Items

Oracle Retail Merchandising System extracts transaction-level items only.

Single VAT Code Per Item

Even though POS can pass multiple IGTAX/TTAX lines to ReSA and from ReSA to RMS, RMS only supports one VAT_CODE per item.

If multiple taxes for an item is sent from POS to ReSA, they will be summed to a single tax in RMS and assigned one of the applicable tax codes when writing TRAN_DATA 88.