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Oracle® Retail Merchandising System Reports User Guide
Release 15.0
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2 Report Descriptions

This chapter describes the RMS reports available through the Report Request window.

The reports are organized according to module, as listed in the List of Modules window.

Figure 2-1 List of Modules

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-1 .

Control Report

The following section describes the Control report.

Daily Purge Report

Module: Control

Description: A regularly scheduled batch program deletes records that you have marked for deletion. Some records may not be deleted if the system determines that the record is still in use in RMS. If an item is marked for deletion the dlyprg.pc program checks that the item was not put on order later in the day. If the relations are found to exist, a record is written to an error table (DAILY_PURGE_ERROR_LOG).

Parameters: None

Figure 2-2 Daily Purge Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-2 .

Cost Management Reports

The following section describes the Cost Management reports.

Cost Overlap/Conflicts Report

Module: Cost Management

Description: The Cost Overlap/Conflicts report identifies any conflicting cost changes that are entered into the system.

Parameters: None

Figure 2-3 Cost Overlap/Conflicts Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-3 .

Item Catalog Report

Module: Cost Management

Description: The Item Catalog report lists the items available for sale to wholesale stores, showing the current cost and suggested retail for each item.


  • Customer Group

  • Customer

  • Loc List

  • Store

  • Division

  • Group

  • Dept

  • Class

  • Subclass

Figure 2-4 Item Catalog Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-4 .

Finance Reports

The following section describes the Finance reports.

Fixed Deal Data Report

Module: Finance

Description: This report shows the fixed deal data for accounting entry by deal and supplier.

Parameter: None

Figure 2-5 Fixed Deal Data Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-5 .

Letter of Credit Amendments Report

Module: Finance

Description: The Letter of Credit Amendments report displays the details of amendments made to a given letter of credit.

Parameter: Letter of credit ID (this is a mandatory field)

Figure 2-6 Letter of Credit Amendments Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-6 .

Letter of Credit Details Report

Module: Finance

Description: The Letter of Credit Details report displays the details of a given letter of credit.

Parameter: Letter of credit ID (this is a mandatory field)

Figure 2-7 Letter of Credit Details Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-7 .

NWP Inventory Valuation Report

Module: Finance

Description: This report shows the inventory valuation for a fiscal year at the location and division level.

Parameter: Fiscal Year

Figure 2-8 NWP Inventory Valuation Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-8 .

Transaction History Report

Module: Finance

Description: This report shows the transaction history of the accounting entry detail by item and location.

Parameter: Fiscal Year

Figure 2-9 Transaction History Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-9 .

Year End Valuation Report

Module: Finance

Description: This report shows a fiscal year end summary of inventory value by location and department.

Parameter: Fiscal Year

Figure 2-10 Year End Valuation Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-10 .

Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) Maintenance Reports

The following section describes the HTS Maintenance reports.

HTS Mass Update Impact Report

Module: HTS Maintenance

Description: The HTS Mass Update Impact report lists the items and purchase order/items that were affected by a change in the harmonized tariff schedule.


  • Displays only item (restricts the report to the affected items or to the affected items on all purchase orders)

  • Displays only unapproved orders

  • Effective date (effective date of the HTS change)

Figure 2-11 HTS Mass Update Impact Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-11 .

Inventory Reports

The following section describes the Inventory report.

Inventory Adjustments Report

Module: Inventory

Description: This report shows inventory adjustments grouped by location.


  • Location

  • Location list

  • Item

  • Item list

  • Start date (this is a mandatory field)

  • End date

    Figure 2-12 Inventory Adjustments Report

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-12 .

Items Reports

The following section describes the Item report.

Mass Item Change Rejection Report

Module: Items

Description: You can enter a request in RMS to make the same change to multiple items. The Mass Item Change Rejection report lists those changes that are rejected by the system and why the request could not be completed.

Parameter: Change type (item indicator, location-level attributes, merchandise hierarchy, seasons/phases, replenishment, substitute items, user-defined attributes, VAT indicator).

Figure 2-13 Mass Item Change Rejection Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-13 .

Orders Reports

The following section describes the Orders reports.

Open PO Report

Module: Orders

Description: This report shows details about purchase orders that are not fully received.


  • Division

  • Group

  • Dept

  • Class

  • Subclass

  • Item

  • Item list

  • Supplier

  • Supplier trait

  • Not before/not after date

  • Location

  • Location list

  • Start date (this is a mandatory field)

  • End date

Figure 2-14 Open PO Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-14 .

Open to Buy Summary Report

Module: Orders

Description: This report shows open-to-buy and related information by week for a selected department, class, or subclass for a selected time period.


  • Dept

  • Class

  • Subclass

  • Start date (this is a mandatory field)

  • End date (this is a mandatory field)

Figure 2-15 Open to Buy Summary Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-15 .

Order Redistribution Report

Module: Orders

Description: Sometimes orders are distributed to a dummy location (also referred to as a redistribution warehouse) because the order is placed before the buyer knows which locations need the ordered items. The Order Redistribution report lists those purchase orders that must be redistributed by a specified buyer. If a buyer is not specified, the report lists such orders for each buyer.

Parameter: Buyer

Figure 2-16 Order Redistribution Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-16 .

Pre-Issued Order Numbers Report

Module: Orders

Description: The Pre-Issued Order Numbers Report displays the numbers already issued for specific suppliers and sites.

Parameter: None

Figure 2-17 Pre-Issued Order Numbers Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-17 .

Purchase Order Report

Module: Orders

Description: The Purchase Order report displays the details of a given purchase order.

Parameter: Purchase order number (this is a mandatory field)

Figure 2-18 Purchase Order Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-18 .

Point of Sale Reports

The following section describes the Point of Sale report.

Off-Retail Report

Module: Point of Sale

Description: The Off Retail report lists the items that are sold at an unexpected retail price. The report provides the date, type of discount, expected retail price, and the retail price actually charged at the point of sale.

Parameters: None

Figure 2-19 Off-Retail Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-19 .

Shipping and Receiving Reports

The following section describes the Shipping and Receiving reports.

Bill of Lading Manifest Report

Module: Shipping and Receiving

Description: This report displays relevant information for each item on a bill of lading, such as the quantity, unit cost, and unit retail price for each item.


  • Location

  • Ship date

  • Bill of lading number


    You must supply either the bill of lading number, or the location and ship date.

    Figure 2-20 Bill of Lading Manifest Report

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-20 .

Inbound PO Shipments Report

Module: Shipping and Receiving

Description: This report shows details about inbound purchase order shipments for a specified time range and location. The warehouse can use this report along with the Open PO report to aid in creating schedules.


  • To location

  • Start date

  • End date

Figure 2-21 Inbound PO Shipments Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-21 .

Open Transfers and Allocations Report

Module: Shipping and Receiving

Description: This report shows information about open transfers and allocations that have been shipped. Optionally, the report can include information about transfers and allocations that have been approved but not yet shipped.


  • From location

  • To location

  • Location list

  • Department

  • Class

  • Subclass

  • Item

  • Start date

  • End date

  • Show future


When Show Future is Yes, the start date must be blank.

Figure 2-22 Open Transfers and Allocations Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-22 .

Pick List Report

Module: Shipping and Receiving

Description: The Pick List report shows items and quantities to be picked in the specified warehouse for outbound transfers and allocations.


  • Department

  • Item

  • To location

Figure 2-23 Pick List Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-23 .

Stock Count Reports

The following section describes the Stock Count reports.

Missing Stock Count Result Report

Module: Stock Count

Description: The Missing Stock Count Result report identifies the locations where a stock count is scheduled for the current week but for which stock count data has not yet been entered into the system.

Parameters: None

Figure 2-24 Missing Stock Count Result Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-24 .

Stock Count Variance Report

Category: Stock Count

Description: The Stock Count Variance Report displays items that exceed the unit, cost, or retail stocktake variance system settings.

Parameter: None

Figure 2-25 Stock Count Variance Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-25 .

Stock Count Worksheet Report

Category: Stock Count

Description: The Stock Count Worksheet report lists the items that are to be counted at a location on a specified date. You can enter the results of the physical count next to each item on the worksheet.

Parameter: Stock count ID

Figure 2-26 Stock Count Worksheet Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-26 .

Supplier Compliance Reports

The following section describes the Supplier Compliance report.

Supplier Compliance Order Summary Report

Category: Supplier Compliance

Description: This report shows a summary of performance by supplier by month, including order quantities, quantities received, late receipts, and compliance percents.


  • Not before/not after date

  • Division

  • Group

  • Department

  • Class

  • Subclass

  • Supplier

  • Supplier trait

  • Start month (this is a mandatory field)

  • End month

Figure 2-27 Supplier Compliance Order Summary Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-27 .

Transfer Reports

The following section describes the Transfer report.

Stock Transfer Manifest Report

Category: Transfer

Description: The Stock Transfer Manifest report displays the details of a given transfer.

Parameter: Transfer number

Figure 2-28 Stock Transfer Manifest Report

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-28 .