Oracle® Retail Merchandising System

Release Notes

Release 15.0.3



May 2019

Oracle Retail Merchandising System (RMS) Release 15.0.3 is a patch release for RMS 15.0. RMS 15.0.3 includes selected defect fixes and enhancements for RMS 15.0 code.

Oracle Customer Support investigates submitted issues assuming that all released updates have been applied. It is the customer's decision when to apply a new release; however, delays in applying updates can complicate the support process.

This document contains the following topics:

n    Overview

n    About Patch Releases

n    Hardware and Software Requirements

n    Applying the Patch Release

n    Running Scripts

n    Integration Enhancements

n    Technical Enhancements

n    Defect Fixes and Documentation

n    Noteworthy Defect Fixes

n    Documentation Accessibility


Oracle Retail Merchandising System (RMS) executes core merchandising activities, including merchandise management, inventory replenishment, purchasing, vendor management, and financial tracking.

About Patch Releases

Oracle Retail patch releases are periodic releases that can include the following:

n    New defect fixes

n    Product enhancements

n    Technical upgrades

Documentation for patch releases includes the following:

n    New and updated guides (for example, operations guides) that apply to the patch release level.

n    Defect reports for new fixes and enhancements for the patch release.


Customers must apply the entire patch release to update their installation to the currently supported level.


See the Oracle Retail Merchandising System Installation Guide for instructions about how to apply the defect fixes and enhancements that you have not already applied.

Hardware and Software Requirements

See the Oracle Retail Merchandising Installation Guide for additional information about the following:

n    Hardware and software requirements

n    Oracle Retail application software compatibility

Applying the Patch Release

Before applying the RMS 15.0.3 patch release, be sure that:

n    RMS 15.0 has been installed.

Before applying the new files over your code:

n            Note whether any modules have been customized. If so, the customizations must be reapplied to the new version of the module, or the fix may need to be applied to the custom version of the code.

n            Copy the original files to a different directory before you copy over them, in case you need to refer to them at a later date.

Running Scripts

Back up data before running any script, because the scripts provided do not preserve data. See defect reports for details.

Check with your database administrator to determine whether your database should be analyzed after a script is run. In many cases, an analysis of the database is necessary to take advantage of new or modified indexes intended to improve performance of the application.

Integration Enhancements

This section addresses the integration enhancements included in Oracle Retail Merchandising System Release 15.0.3.




When ranging on the fly during transaction processing (transfer, inventory adjustment, sales/returns), if the newly ranged item/location is on an active clearance, the transaction that triggered the ranging process will be written with the clearance retail value.


When deleting a merchandise level below Department (for example, Class or Subclass) in RMS, the same level will also be deleted from the RPM_MERCH_RETAIL_DEF table in RPM.


As part of the bug added fields in the item integration to be used by RWMS to ensure that catch weight items can be correctly processed using the same assumptions made in RMS


Technical Enhancements

This section addresses the technical enhancements included in Oracle Retail Merchandising System Release 15.0.3.

Fusion Middleware Support

Oracle Retail Merchandising System 15.0.3 is supported for use with the following Fusion Middleware components:

n    Oracle WebLogic Server

n    Oracle Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Server

n    Oracle BI Publisher

n    Oracle Forms

Browser Support

Oracle Retail Merchandising System Release 15.0.3 is supported for use with the following browser:

n    Mozilla Firefox ESR 60+

n    Microsoft Edge 41+

Defect Fixes and Documentation

A defect fix is a modification to the base Oracle Retail code (for example, a bug fix, a performance enhancement, or a functional enhancement). Each defect fix that is included in this patch has a corresponding defect report titled <defect-number>.PDF (for example, 1234567.PDF) that is posted to My Oracle Support at the following location: Oracle Retail Defect Document Listings (MOS ID:2021275.1).

In the same folder, the file named DEFECT MODULE XREF RMS 15.0.3.XLS lists every defect number and the modules and scripts that are included in the patch. Review each defect report carefully before implementing the defect fixes. Note that scripts do not preserve data. Make sure that all data is backed up before you run any script.

Noteworthy Defect Fixes

The following noteworthy defects are fixed in this release:




When searching clearance using the Dept, Item Level, Status and Zone Id, users are experiencing a delay of 15 minutes or longer in many cases before it returns with any results. As part of the fix we have introduced indexing to resolve the performance issue.


When a Return To Vendor (RTV) comes from RWMS to RMS against a physical warehouse which contains multiple virtual warehouses, it is not creating entries into RTVITEM_INV_FLOW table.


Incorrect elc values on few rms windows viz [ALCHEAD], [ALCORDFN] AND [ORDSKUS]


RMS allows user to create a new Vat Rate for a Vat Code with Active Date as the current day, but the Vat Rate does not apply to existing items, it only applies to any newly created item.


The markup and selling unit retail are calculated incorrectly for an item with foreign currency as item_cost.


When a sales return comes for a location on the current date and the item was not ranged to that location, the data is incorrectly inserted into the TRAN_DATA_HIST table. This should have written a Tran_date of the first date of the open month and not for a closed period


If there is no data entered in retail by zone, code should take a reference of item_master standard UOM which happens in the UI. If and only if data entered in retail by zone tab. then only the default data proposed by RPM/RMS should get overwritten by the data entered in excel by the user. UI and Induction functionality is not in sync


Expenses in ordhead screen are getting doubled


The System should not allow the creation of VAT details with previous dates.


Code (TC) 15, Promotional Markdown, records with Old Unit Retail equal to 0 and the New Unit Retail equal to the sum of Unit Retail from PRICE_HIST table and New Unit Retail from the TC 1, Net Sales. RMS should not create the TC 15 record


The pricing cost is wrong when there is a cost template with margin and an upcharge in another currency different from the default. The application of the converted upcharge value is incorrect, causing the pricing cost to be higher than the value it should be.


When there are multiple items in Customs Entry, the non-merchandise amount for the invoice created is double the value in Customs Entry.


Clearance sales showing as regular, and TRAN_CODE 15 records created, when they should not have been.


User unable to create a Customer Order Return to Virtual Warehouse since the RTLOG files still expects a Physical warehouse as Input parameter.


Tran Code 15 records are posted with negative retail when a sale transaction is posted for an item that is on clearance.



Receive the shipments. Customer creates Customs Entry and allocates ALC for CE.

When the ALC is allocated, ALC_HEAD.SHIPMENT will be populated. Finalization will be allowed even though the PO is not closed.


Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.
















Oracle Retail Merchandising System, Release 15.0.3


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Licensing Note: This media pack includes a Restricted Use license for Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server (RPAS) - Enterprise Engine to support Oracle® Retail Analytic Parameter Calculator for Regular Price Optimization only.

Value-Added Reseller (VAR) Language

Oracle Retail VAR Applications

The following restrictions and provisions only apply to the programs referred to in this section and licensed to you. You acknowledge that the programs may contain third party software (VAR applications) licensed to Oracle. Depending upon your product and its version number, the VAR applications may include:

(i) the MicroStrategy Components developed and licensed by MicroStrategy Services Corporation (MicroStrategy) of McLean, Virginia to Oracle and imbedded in the MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Data Warehouse and MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Planning & Optimization applications.

(ii) the Wavelink component developed and licensed by Wavelink Corporation (Wavelink) of Kirkland, Washington, to Oracle and imbedded in Oracle Retail Mobile Store Inventory Management.

(iii) the software component known as Access Via™ licensed by Access Via of Seattle, Washington, and imbedded in Oracle Retail Signs and Oracle Retail Labels and Tags.

(iv) the software component known as Adobe Flex™ licensed by Adobe Systems Incorporated of San Jose, California, and imbedded in Oracle Retail Promotion Planning & Optimization application.

You acknowledge and confirm that Oracle grants you use of only the object code of the VAR Applications. Oracle will not deliver source code to the VAR Applications to you. Notwithstanding any other term or condition of the agreement and this ordering document, you shall not cause or permit alteration of any VAR Applications. For purposes of this section, “alteration” refers to all alterations, translations, upgrades, enhancements, customizations or modifications of all or any portion of the VAR Applications including all reconfigurations, reassembly or reverse assembly, re-engineering or reverse engineering and recompilations or reverse compilations of the VAR Applications or any derivatives of the VAR Applications. You acknowledge that it shall be a breach of the agreement to utilize the relationship, and/or confidential information of the VAR Applications for purposes of competitive discovery.

The VAR Applications contain trade secrets of Oracle and Oracle's licensors and Customer shall not attempt, cause, or permit the alteration, decompilation, reverse engineering, disassembly or other reduction of the VAR Applications to a human perceivable form. Oracle reserves the right to replace, with functional equivalent software, any of the VAR Applications in future releases of the applicable program.

This documentation is in preproduction status and is intended for demonstration and preliminary use only. It may not be specific to the hardware on which you are using the software. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to this documentation and will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to the use of this documentation.

The information contained in this document is for informational sharing purposes only and should be considered in your capacity as a customer advisory board member or pursuant to your beta trial agreement only. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described in this document remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

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