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Oracle® Retail Xstore Suite 18.0/Merchandising 16.0.2 Implementation Guide
Release 18.0
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4 Configuration

This chapter provides information on the configuration changes that can be made for the integration with RMS. There are no configuration options available for integration with RPM.


For information on configuration for the integration with RMS for the following type of data, see the following:

Configuration is not available for all the data. If there is no available configuration, that is called out in the following sections.

The Xcenter and Xstore config.jar files contain a Spring bean configuration file used by the DataLoader. Configuration modifications are made in the following file:



Diffs (also known as Diff IDs) information provided by RMS is consumed by Xstore using the DataLoader. Diff is short for Differentiator and is similar in concept to Xstore's Dimension concept. Diffs data is the primary source of rms_diff_ids records representing an identifier record for a Diff.

RMS Diff information is communicated to Xstore in three separate extract files: Diff Group Header, Diff Group Detail, and Diffs. The rms_diff_group_head table is a staging table supporting the loading of ItemHeader records. The Diff staging tables are accessed by the DataLoader to generate Dimension data when an ItemHeader record is a Style or Style Item. Xstore and Xcenter do not directly access the rms_diff_group_head table.

Diff Group Header data is the primary source of rms_diff_group_head records representing a header record for a Diff Group. Diff Group Detail data is the primary source of rms_diff_group_detail records representing a detail record for a Diff Group.

RMS Diffs

The DataLoader uses dtv.dataloader.mom.DiffTransformer to process RMS Diffs records. This bean has one configuration option.

The prefix used for DIFF Groups generated by the DataLoader as a Default Diff Group for each Diff Type. The prefix must be four characters or less. If not provided, DEF_ is used as the prefix value.

<bean id="diffTransformer" class="dtv.dataloader.mom.DiffTransformer" >
  <property name="defaultDiffGroupIdPrefix" value="****" />

RMS Diff Group Header Records

The DataLoader uses dtv.dataloader.mom.DiffGroupHeadTransformer to process RMS Diff Group Header records. There are no configuration options for the diffGroupHeadTransformer bean.

<bean id="diffGroupHeadTransformer" class="dtv.dataloader.mom.DiffGroupHeadTransformer" />

RMS Diff Group Detail Records

The DataLoader uses dtv.dataloader.mom.DiffGroupDetailTransformer to process RMS Diff Group Detail records. There are no configuration options for the diffGroupDetailTransformer bean.

<bean id="diffGroupDetailTransformer" class="dtv.dataloader.mom.DiffGroupDetailTransformer" />


Configuration is available for item header and item location.

Item Header

Item Header information provided by RMS is consumed by Xstore using the DataLoader. Item Header data is the primary source of itm_item records representing physical items. Records representing non-physical items are ignored.

The DataLoader uses dtv.dataloader.mom.ItemHeadTransformer to process RMS ItemHeader records. This bean has one configuration option.

The prefix used for DIFF Groups generated by the DataLoader as a Default Diff Group for each Diff Type. This value must match the property configuration used by the diffTransformer bean. The prefix must be four characters or less. If not provided, DEF_ is used as the prefix value.

<bean id="itemHeadTransformer" class="dtv.dataloader.mom.ItemHeadTransformer" >
  <property name="defaultDiffGroupIdPrefix" value="****" />

Item Location

Item Location information provided by RMS is consumed by Xstore using the DataLoader. Item Location data is the primary source of itm_item_option records representing store-specific attributes of physical items. Records representing non-physical items are ignored.

The DataLoader uses dtv.dataloader.mom.ItemLocTransformer to process RMS ItemLoc records. This bean has two configuration options:

  • When an RMS ItemLoc record's TaxableInd='N', the TaxGroupId of the Xstore item ItemOptions record is populated with the value configured for nonTaxableTaxGroupId.

  • When translateItemDescriptionEnabled is true, a com_translations record is populated using the RMS ItemLoc records' Local Item Description.


    For anyone configuring Xcenter, this property should be configured with "true" when loading ItemLoc data into the Xstore database; the property should be configured with "false" when loading ItemLoc data into the Xcenter database.

<bean id="itemLocTransformer" class="dtv.dataloader.mom.ItemLocTransformer" >
    <property name="nonTaxableTaxGroupId" value="0" />
    <property name="translateItemDescriptionEnabled" value="true"/>

Merchandise Hierarchy

RMS Merchandise Hierarchy information provided by RMS is consumed by Xstore using the DataLoader. RMS supports the following merchandise hierarchy levels:


Xstore has four merchandise hierarchy levels, so mapping the top two RMS merchandise hierarchy levels (COMPANY, DIVISION) is not supported. Only the bottom four RMS levels (GROUP, DEPARTMENT, CLASS, SUBCLASS) can be mapped.

Following are the supported configurations to be used in Xstore's SystemConfig.xml:

  1. GROUP through SUBCLASS mapping

    <MerchHierarchy dtype="Default">
      <NumberOfLevels dtype="Integer">4</NumberOfLevels>
      <Level1Code dtype="String">GROUP</Level1Code>
      <Level2Code dtype="String">DEPARTMENT</Level2Code>
      <Level3Code dtype="String">CLASS</Level3Code>
      <Level4Code dtype="String">SUBCLASS</Level4Code>
  2. DEPARTMENT through SUBCLASS mapping

    <MerchHierarchy dtype="Default">
      <NumberOfLevels dtype="Integer">3</NumberOfLevels>
      <Level1Code dtype="String">DEPARTMENT</Level1Code>
      <Level2Code dtype="String">CLASS</Level2Code>
      <Level3Code dtype="String">SUBCLASS</Level3Code>
      <Level4Code dtype="String"/>
  3. CLASS through SUBCLASS mapping

    <MerchHierarchy dtype="Default">
      <NumberOfLevels dtype="Integer">2</NumberOfLevels>
      <Level1Code dtype="String">CLASS</Level1Code>
      <Level2Code dtype="String">SUBCLASS</Level2Code>
      <Level3Code dtype="String"/>
      <Level4Code dtype="String"/>
  4. SUBCLASS only mapping

    <MerchHierarchy dtype="Default">
      <NumberOfLevels dtype="Integer">1</NumberOfLevels>
      <Level1Code dtype="String">SUBCLASS</Level1Code>
      <Level2Code dtype="String"/>
      <Level3Code dtype="String"/>
      <Level4Code dtype="String"/>

The DataLoader uses dtv.dataloader.mom.MerchHierarchyTransformer to process RMS Merchandise Hierarchy records. There are no configuration options for the merchHierarachyTransformer bean.

<bean id="merchHierarchyTransformer" class="dtv.dataloader.mom.MerchHierarchyTransformer"/>

Organizational Hierarchy

Organizational Hierarchy information provided by RMS is consumed by Xstore and Xcenter using the DataLoader.

The Dataloader uses dtv.dataloader.mom.OrgHierarchyTransformer to process RMS store records. The orgHierarchyTransformer bean has no configuration options.

<bean id="orgHierarchyTransformer" class="dtv.dataloader.mom.OrgHierarchyTransformer" />

Related Item

RMS related items are communicated to Xstore in two separate extract files: Related Item Header and Related Item Detail. The rms_related_item_head table is a staging table supporting the processing of RelatedItemDetail records by the DataLoader. Xstore and Xcenter do not directly access the rms_related_item_head table.

Related Item Header

Related Item Header information provided by RMS is consumed by Xstore using the DataLoader. Related Item Header data is the primary source of rms_related_item_head records representing a header related Item record. RMS supports three types of related item relationships, Cross-Sell, Up-Sell, and Substitution. RMS Cross-Sell/Up-Sell records are interpreted as Xstore Attached Items. RMS Substitution Items are interpreted as Xstore substitution items.

The DataLoader uses dtv.dataloader.mom.RelatedItemHeadTransformer to process RMS Related Item Header records. There is one configuration option for the relitemHeadTransformer bean. For the case where itm_attached_items records are created, which occurs when a related item header update event results in the change of relationship type from SUBS to CRSL/UPSL, the value assigned the promptToAddMessageKey column will be the configured value.

<bean id="relitemHeadTransformer" class="dtv.dataloader.mom.RelatedItemHeadTransformer" >
   <property name="promptToAddMessageKey" value="_commonAttachedItemsPrompt" />

Related Item Detail

Related Item Detail information provided by RMS is consumed by Xstore using the DataLoader. Related Item Detail data is the primary source of itm_attached_items and itm_substitute_items records representing a detail related Item record. RMS supports three types of related item relationships, Cross-Sell, Up-Sell, and Substitution. RMS Cross-Sell/Up-Sell records are interpreted as Xstore Attached Items. RMS Substitution Items are interpreted as Xstore substitution items.

The DataLoader uses dtv.dataloader.mom.RelatedItemDetailTransformer to process RMS Related Item Detail records. There is one configuration options for the relitemDetailTransformer bean. The value configured for the promptToAddMessageKey property is used to populate the prompt_to_add_msg_key column of the itm_attached_items table for Cross-Sell and Up-Sell records.

<bean id="relitemDetailTransformer" class="dtv.dataloader.mom.RelatedItemDetailTransformer" >
  <property name="promptToAddMessageKey" value="_commonAttachedItemsPrompt" />


Store information provided by RMS is consumed by Xstore using the DataLoader.

The Dataloader uses dtv.dataloader.mom.StoreTransformer to process RMS store records. The following configuration options are available:

  • Configure the use_till_accountability_flag value assigned to all records created in loc_rtl_loc.

  • Configure the location_type value assigned to all record created in loc_rtl_loc. This property is optional. If not set, location_type will be null.

<bean id="storeTransformer" class="dtv.dataloader.mom.StoreTransformer">
  <property name="useTillAccountability" value="false" />
  <property name="locationType" value="STORE" />

Store Address

Store Address information provided by RMS is consumed by Xstore using the DataLoader. RMS Store Address records are interpreted as an instructions to update the Address information of existing Store records. Each location in RMS can have many types of addresses. There is a configuration to specify which RMS AddrType is to be recognized as a store address. In addition, RMS supports multiple addresses for the same addrType. However, only the primary address is used to populate the address fields of an Xstore store record.

The DataLoader uses dtv.dataloader.mom.StoreAddressTransformer to process RMS store records. One configuration option is available.

Configure the addrType value. Only records having this Address Type value, and where the record's PrimaryAddrInd is true, are used as the source for a Store's Address information.

<bean id="storeAddressTransformer" class="dtv.dataloader.mom.StoreAddressTransformer">
   <property name="addrType" value="01" />


VAT information provided by RMS is consumed by Xstore and Xcenter using the DataLoader. RMS VAT information is used to populate the Xstore tax tables for when using VAT. RMS provides a VAT Item file containing the information used to populate an item's TaxGroupId.

The Dataloader uses dtv.dataloader.mom.VATTransformer to process RMS store records. The VATTransformer bean has three configuration options:

  • A Boolean flag indicating if tax is calculated at the transaction level.

  • A rounding code, such as HALF_UP, HALF_DOWN, and so on, set into TaxAuthorityDAO.

  • The number of rounding digits set into TaxAuthorityDAO.

<bean id="VATTransformer" class="dtv.dataloader.mom.VATTransformer">
      <constructor-arg type="boolean" value="true" />
      <constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="HALF_UP" />
      <constructor-arg type="int" value="2" /> 

VAT Item

VAT Item information provided by RMS is consumed by Xstore and Xcenter using the DataLoader. RMS VAT item information is used to populate an item's TaxGroupId with a VAT Code.

The Dataloader uses dtv.dataloader.mom.VATItemTransformer to process RMS store records. The VATItemTransformer bean does not have any configuration options.

<bean id="VATItemTransformer" class="dtv.dataloader.mom.VATItemTransformer" />