Oracle® Retail Fiscal Management

Release Notes

Release 14.1.1



May 2015

As part of the Oracle Retail Merchandising Operations Management (MOM) product suite, Oracle Retail Fiscal Management (ORFM) Release 14.1.1 is the Brazil localization solution for the market.

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This document contains the following topics:

n        Overview

n        Hardware and Software Requirements

n        Running Scripts

n        Functional Enhancements

n        Technical Enhancements

n        Related Documentation

n        Documentation Accessibility


Oracle Retail Fiscal Management (ORFM) enables retailers to operate in Brazil, receiving and shipping merchandise with a Nota Fiscal (NF). As part of the Oracle Retail portfolio, ORFM integrates with Oracle Retail Merchandising System (RMS), Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM), and Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System (RWMS). This solution covers localization of end to end merchandising and supply chain processes, as well as financial integration, for retailers in Brazil.

Business Process

ORFM supports the following fiscal business processes:

n        Receiving of Purchase Orders: To receive Nota Fiscal documents from suppliers, manual and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) entries are possible. ORFM matches Nota Fiscal to RMS purchase orders, enforcing fiscal receiving of Nota Fiscal before any physical receiving in SIM and RWMS. If any discrepancies are found for item quantities, cost and taxes, a resolution is available with applicable tolerances.

n        Receiving of Complementary Nota Fiscal: Besides regular Nota Fiscal documents received from suppliers for RMS purchase orders, ORFM also enables the receiving of additional fiscal documents, known as Complementary Nota Fiscal. ORFM supports Complementary Nota Fiscal for tax or cost correct, non-merchandise cost such as freight, insurance and expenses, as well as Triangulation Purchase Orders, in which an additional Nota Fiscal is received from the delivery supplier.

n        Transfers: In Brazil, it is required that a Nota Fiscal be issued for intra-company and inter-company transfers. ORFM is able to issue outbound Nota Fiscal at the origin location and receive it at the destination location. Both single-legged and two-legged (such as in repairing or finishing processes) transfers process are supported. Issuing process can be automated for transfers from allocation and replenishment. Upon configuration, ORFM can also automatically receive transfers Nota Fiscal.

n        Returns to Vendor: ORFM is able to issue an outbound Nota Fiscal for the return- to-vendor business process, issued by the retailer location, either warehouse or store, to the supplier. This Nota Fiscal cross-references the Nota Fiscal received from the supplier for a purchase order and includes some cost and taxes applied to the returned merchandise.

n        Inventory Adjustments: Some states in Brazil may require a Nota Fiscal for inventory adjustments. ORFM issues a Nota Fiscal for negative inventory adjustments processed by SIM or RWMS, upon configuration per location. Nota Fiscal can be also configured to be automatically generated for an Inventory Adjustment, leveraging a transparent process for the retailer.

n        Customer Orders: Leveraging Commerce Anywhere functionalities for Brazil, ORFM issues an outbound Nota Fiscal for store pick-up or shipments fulfilling a customer order from stores, warehouses, and suppliers.

n        Return Merchandise Authorization: Customers returning merchandising without visiting a store require a return merchandise authorization. ORFM is leveraged to issue a Nota Fiscal to return merchandise from customers and receive it at warehouse.

n        Purchase Orders for Rural Producers: In Brazil, because small farmers may not be required to issue fiscal documents, retailers purchasing from them must issue an inbound Nota Fiscal document to receive merchandise from these rural producers. To enable receiving of purchase orders from rural procures, ORFM enables issuance of an inbound Nota Fiscal document.

n        Standalone Nota Fiscal: In Brazil, a Nota Fiscal document is required for several events other than core transactions supported by Oracle Retail solutions. To enable retailers to have a single solution to generate all Nota Fiscal documents, ORFM is able to generate Standalone Nota Fiscal documents, irrespective of Oracle Retail Transactions. Standalone may be issued with generic items and fiscal entities (Free Form Nota Fiscal) or using RMS items, locations, and suppliers with integration to tax engines (Direct Nota Fiscal).

Integration to Third-Party Solutions

Brazilian complex taxation, electronic Nota Fiscal (NF-e) and Brazil fiscal bookkeeping digital system (SPED) requirements are also leveraged with ORFM through integration with third-party solutions. To support the local needs required for Brazil taxes ORFM presents an integration to third-party tax engines to address Brazil tax calculation for various retail transactions supported by Oracle Retail solutions, determining taxes for inbound and outbound Nota Fiscal documents. To receive or issue NF-e, validate and make it available to the government, ORFM also supports integration to third-party solutions to handle communication with the government electronic systems. Finally because all Nota Fiscal documents must be reported to SPED fiscal reporting, ORFM makes available all Nota Fiscal documents received or issued by the retailer to be consumed by third-party fiscal reporting solutions.

Integration to Financial Solutions

RMS is integrated to the Oracle Enterprise Business Suite (EBS) through the Oracle Retail Financial Integration (ORFI). As an extension to RFI, ORFM has been enhanced to support Brazil localization for financial postings. For all Nota Fiscal, merchandise cost, non-merchandise cost, recoverable taxes, and non-recoverable taxes can be mapped to financials, with Nota Fiscal documents generating vendor payments posted to Accounts Payable and Nota Fiscal from Transfers and Inventory Adjustments posted to General Ledger.

Integration to Importation Solutions

The importation process in Brazil requires clearance and related paper work as well as an inbound Nota Fiscal to receive imports from ports and airports at the retailer warehouse or store. To better support importation processes, ORFM supports integration to receive Nota Fiscal issued by importation solutions, validating, and controlling specific taxation through integration to third-party tax engines. Also, ORFM presents multi-currency capabilities, supporting maintenance of master data, and item costing for foreign suppliers, as well as exchange rates and currency conversion for transactions held in foreign currency, enabling the taxation for purchase orders and the issuance of Nota Fiscal in Brazilian currency.

Hardware and Software Requirements

See the Oracle Retail Fiscal Management Installation Guide for additional information about the following:

n        Hardware and software requirements

n        Oracle Retail application software compatibility

Running Scripts

Back up data before running any script, because the scripts provided do not preserve data. See defect reports for details.

Check with your database administrator to determine whether your database should be analyzed after a script is run. In many cases, an analysis of the database is necessary to take advantage of new or modified indexes intended to improve performance of the application.

Functional Enhancements

The following functional enhancements are included in Oracle Retail Fiscal Management Release 14.1.1:

Customer Order Fulfillment - Customer Attributes

The customer order data was extended for Brazil localization and additional fiscal attributes were included as part of the Customer Order fulfillment process to support Commerce Anywhere for individual and corporate taxpayer customers. The additional set of fiscal attributes included as part of this release are meant to support fiscal classification, legal IDs such as Cadastro de Pes (CPF), Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ), and the necessary attributes required to properly support tax calculation such as contributor types and tax exception types.

Customer Order Fulfillment - Ship from Supplier

Orders that are fulfilled based on a shipment from the supplier direct to the customer are sometimes referred to as drop ship orders. In the base product, RMS communicates these purchase orders to the supplier, including customer delivery information. At same time a PO is created in RMS to be received from supplier. Upon shipment of these orders by the vendor a shipment notification (ASN) is communicated to both RMS and an order management system (OMS). For drop ship orders, RMS uses the ASN to auto-receive the PO into the designated virtual store and an OMS uses the information in the notification to trigger a communication to ReSA indicating the sale is complete.

In the case of Brazil localization, the ASN would continue to be sent to an OMS, however it will be the invoice sent by the vendor to ORFM that will trigger the auto-receive process in RMS. In order to do so, ORFM was enhanced in order to support a new requisition type called COSHIP that allows the receiving of a NF sent from the vendor without performing the physical receiving of the goods as it happens in a regular PO receiving. This new flow allows the discrepancy treatment and performs the updates in RMS similar to what happens in the base product with the ASN.

Customer Order Returns

The Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) process occurs when the customer wants to return the merchandise without visiting the store.

For returns to a warehouse that were based on a customer order, processes were built in version 14.0 in RWMS and RMS to support the proper processing of the return in the warehouse, which includes integration with an order management system (OMS). An OMS is the application that is responsible for managing customer orders throughout their lifecycle and communicates with RWMS and RMS and other applications the details of customer orders for fulfillment, sales, and return processing.

RWMS supports two types of returns - electronic and paper-based. Electronic returns are those where a customer alerts the retailer regarding the items being returned before they arrive in the warehouse, such as by logging onto their website to request a return label/document. Paper-based returns are those where the returns paperwork is sent to the customer along with the original order and, if they choose to return all or part of the items on the order, they would include this paperwork with the items. For the latter, users of RWMS and OMS would not aware of what is being returned until they open the box and start detailed receiving. Electronic is the most common in Brazil, but both methods need to be supported.

For the two types of returns electronic and paper-based - ORFM is modified to support the generation of an RMA NF based on information from an OMS. Depending on how the RMA process is implemented in retailers, RFM will expect a message from an OMS in order to issue the RMA entry NF. This process will be independent of the physical receiving of the goods and must be commanded by an OMS.

New Nota Fiscal Request Flow

Prior to version 14, customer order transfers created in RMS and sent to RWMS/SIM for shipment resulted in the generation of ASN Out messages from RWMS/SIM after shipment. These messages were used as the input in ORFM to create the necessary NFs. With the enhancements introduced for customer ordering in version14, it became necessary that the NF be generated during the packaging phase and before the final shipment of the order so it can be added as part of the package. This necessity resulted in the creation of a new message, called the Shipment Information message, which will be sent from RWMS and from SIM to ORFM in order to request the NF before the physical shipment is completed. Once the NF is generated and approved, the shipment can be finished and the final ASN Out message is sent to ORFM to complete the flow. However, if the NF-e is not approved by the government, RWMS and SIM can still revert the shipment through business processes because it has not systematically or physically shipped.

This new message created originally for customer orders will also be used for other transactions that are based on shipments out of a location, such as regular transfers. In all cases, both NF Request and shipment messages will be expected in ORFM.

Additionally as part of the enhancements in this area, Printer ID was included as part of the new message sent to ORFM and from it to the NF-e solutions so they can send the printed version of the NF to the informed printer. Also, ORFM will publish the NF processing status via new notification tables. In this way, every time a NF has its status updated during the approval process, a new record will be written to the new notification table and will be made available to any system like RWMS, SIM, or an OMS.

Technical Enhancements

This section addresses the technical enhancements included in Oracle Retail Fiscal Management, Release 14.1.1.


The list below announces the addition of Oracle Retail support for the technology described. See the Installation Guide requirements section for critical information, such as whether the enhancement below replaces previous versions or is supported in addition to already existing versions.


Database Server Support

Oracle Retail Fiscal Management 14.1.1 is supported for use with the following database server:

n        Oracle Database Enterprise Edition

Browser Support

Oracle Retail Fiscal Management 14.1.1 is certified for use with the following browser:

n                                Mozilla Firefox 31

Java Support

The client of Oracle Retail Fiscal Management 14.1.1 is supported for use with the following Oracle Java version:

n                                Oracle Java update 75

Related Documentation

For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Retail Fiscal Management release 14.1.1 documentation set:

n        Oracle® Retail Fiscal Management Installation Guide

n        Oracle® Retail Fiscal Management User Guide and Online Help

n        Oracle® Retail RMS-ReSA User Guide for Brazil Localization and Online Help

n        Oracle® Retail Fiscal Management/RMS Brazil Localization Implementation Guide

n        Oracle® Retail Fiscal Management Data Model

n        Oracle Retail Merchandising System Documentation

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Retail Fiscal Management, Release 14.1.1


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Value-Added Reseller (VAR) Language

Oracle Retail VAR Applications

The following restrictions and provisions only apply to the programs referred to in this section and licensed to you. You acknowledge that the programs may contain third party software (VAR applications) licensed to Oracle. Depending upon your product and its version number, the VAR applications may include:

(i) the MicroStrategy Components developed and licensed by MicroStrategy Services Corporation (MicroStrategy) of McLean, Virginia to Oracle and imbedded in the MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Data Warehouse and MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Planning & Optimization applications.

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(iii) the software component known as Access Via™ licensed by Access Via of Seattle, Washington, and imbedded in Oracle Retail Signs and Oracle Retail Labels and Tags.

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