Oracle® Retail Fiscal Management/RMS Brazil Localization Implementation Guide Release 14.1.1 E61236-01 |
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This chapter discusses the prerequisites required for implementing ORFM. It also provides a checklist for standard implementation and for legacy systems.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Ensure the following prerequisites are met before you use the ORFM application:
If Taxweb is the Tax Engine, then make sure RMS, ORFM, RTIL, and TaxWeb Tax Rules are installed successfully.
If Synchro is the Tax Engine, then make sure RMS, ORFM, and Synchro Tax Rules are installed successfully.
RIB Adapters (formerly e-ways) – In case ORFM is integrated with SIM and RWMS, verify that the RIB adapters are up and running. RIB adapters ensure interface of schedule and shipment details between ORFM and RWMS/SIM. For more information, see the Oracle Retail Integration Bus documentation set, including Integration Guide.
Localization Flex Attributes setup (LFAS) - Set up the localization flexible attributes for a set of books, transfer entity, country, store, warehouse, supplier, outside locations, external finishers, and for the item-country combination. Localization Flex Attributes facilitate linking of fiscal attributes to respective entities. For more information, see the Oracle Retail Fiscal Management and Brazil Localization Installation Guide.
Use the following checklist before you implement ORFM in a legacy environment:
Run the data conversion script to load the data from the legacy system. For more information, see the Oracle Retail Merchandising Data Conversion Operations Guide.
Ensure that the following are populated with correct values before making the TaxWeb Tax Rules calls. The script transform_br_future_cost.ksh
populates the FUTURE_COST table if there is no record in future cost table.
CURRENCY_RATES table are populated with the EFFECTIVE_DATE prior to the transaction date
Refresh the mv_currency_conversion_rates materialized view.
Run the scripts manually in the following order as shown in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1 Shell Scripts
Script | Function |
l10n_br_seed_extax_setup_cost.ksh |
This module reviews all the valid item/supplier/origin country/location combinations in RMS. It determines the unique fiscal attribute groups that cover all the item/supplier/origin country/location combinations and puts the groups on the stage tables, L10N_BR_T_EXTAX_STG_COST (for TaxWeb) and L10N_BR_S_EXTAX_STG_COST (for Synchro). |
l10n_br_seed_extax_process_cost.ksh |
This module picks up the staged groups placed on L10N_BR_T_EXTAX_STG_COST (for TaxWeb), and L10N_BR_S_EXTAX_STG_COST (for Synchro) by l10n_br_seed_extax_setup_cost.ksh and calls the external tax provider with them. The results of these calls are placed on the L10N_BR_T_EXTAX_RES_COST (for TaxWeb), L10N_BR_S_EXTAX_RES_COST (for Synchro), L10N_BR_T_EXTAX_RES_COST_DET (for TaxWeb), and L10N_BR_S_EXTAX_RES_COST_DET (for Synchro) tables. |
l10n_br_seed_extax_finish_cost.ksh |
This module picks up the group level tax call results that l10n_br_seed_extax_process_cost.ksh placed on L10N_BR_T_EXTAX_RES_COST (for TaxWeb), L10N_BR_S_EXTAX_RES_COST (for Synchro), L10N_BR_T_EXTAX_RES_COST_DET (for TaxWeb), and L10N_BR_S_EXTAX_RES_COST_DET (for Synchro) and explodes them back to the item/supplier/origin country/location level. It then uses the item/supplier/origin country/location level information to write tax information to ITEM_SUPP_COUNTRY, ITEM_SUPP_COUNTRY_LOC, FUTURE_COST, ITEM_COST_HEAD, and ITEM_COST_DETAIL. |
l10n_br_seed_extax_setup_retail.ksh |
This module reviews all the valid item/location combinations in RMS. It determines the unique fiscal attribute groups that cover all the item/locations combinations and puts the groups on a stage table (L10N_BR_T_EXTAX_STG_RETAIL). |
l10n_br_seed_extax_process_retail.ksh |
This module picks up the staged groups placed on L10N_BR_T_EXTAX_STG_RETAIL (for TaxWeb) and L10N_BR_S_EXTAX_STG_RETAIL (for Synchro) by l10n_br_seed_extax_setup_retail.ksh and calls the external tax provider with them. The results of these calls are placed on the L10N_BR_T_EXTAX_RES_RETAIL (for TaxWeb), L10N_BR_S_EXTAX_RES_RETAIL (for Synchro), L10N_BR_T_EXTAX_RES_RETAIL_DET (for TaxWeb), and L10N_BR_S_EXTAX_RES_RETAIL_DET (for Synchro) tables. |
l10n_br_seed_extax_finish_retail.ksh |
This module picks up the group level tax call results that l10n_br_seed_extax_process_retail.ksh placed on L10N_BR_T_EXTAX_RES_RETAIL (for TaxWeb), L10N_BR_S_EXTAX_RES_RETAIL (for Synchro), L10N_BR_T_EXTAX_RES_RETAIL_DET (for TaxWeb), and L10N_BR_S_EXTAX_RES_RETAIL_DET (for Synchro) and explodes them back to the item/location level. It then uses the item/location level information to write tax information to GTAX_ITEM_ROLLUP and POS_MODS_TAX_INFO. |
l10n_br_seed_extax_future_cost.ksh |
This module obtains a list of fiscal attributes that have tax law changes scheduled against them. It then uses this information to determine what item/supplier/origin country/locations will be affected by those scheduled tax law changes. These item/supplier/origin country/location combinations are then used to create new cost changes on the date of their tax law changes. The normal cost change processes will then take care of updating RMS with the new tax law information when necessary. |
l10n_br_seed_extax_future_setup_retail.ksh |
This module obtains a list of fiscal attributes that have tax law changes scheduled against them. It then uses this information to determine what item/locations will be affected by those scheduled tax law changes. It determines the unique fiscal attribute groups that cover those item/locations combinations and puts the groups on the stage tables, L10N_BR_T_EXTAX_STG_RETAIL (for TaxWeb) and L10N_BR_S_EXTAX_STG_RETAIL (for Synchro). |
l10n_br_seed_extax_future_process_retail.ksh |
This module picks up the staged groups placed on L10N_BR_T_EXTAX_STG_RETAIL (for TaxWeb) and L10N_BR_S_EXTAX_STG_RETAIL(for Synchro) by l10n_br_extax_stg_retail.ksh and calls the external tax provider with them. The results of these calls are placed on the L10N_BR_T_EXTAX_RES_RETAIL (for TaxWeb), L10N_BR_S_EXTAX_RES_RETAIL (for Synchro), L10N_BR_T_EXTAX_RES_RETAIL_DET (for TaxWeb), and L10N_BR_S_EXTAX_RES_RETAIL_DET (for Synchro) tables. |
l10n_br_seed_extax_future_finish_retail.ksh |
This module picks up the group level tax call results that l10n_br_seed_extax_future_process_retail.ksh placed on L10N_BR_T_EXTAX_RES_RETAIL (for TaxWeb), L10N_BR_S_EXTAX_RES_RETAIL (for Synchro), L10N_BR_T_EXTAX_RES_RETAIL_DET (for TaxWeb), L10N_BR_S_EXTAX_RES_RETAIL_DET (for Synchro) and explodes them back to the item/location level. It then uses the item/location level information to write tax information to GTAX_ITEM_ROLLUP and POS_MODS_TAX_INFO. |
transform_br_country_attrib_final.ksh |
This script updates the columns default_po_cost, default_deal_cost, and default_cost_comp_cost to NIC and updates the column item_cost_tax_incl_ind to Y for the country BR in the country_attrib table. |
transform_br_upd_nic_cost_type.ksh |
This script updates the unit cost to negotiated item cost (NIC) for the tables ITEM_SUPP_COUNTRY_LOC and ITEM_SUPP_COUNTRY. This script also updates the default_costing_type column of the future cost table to NIC. |
Use the following checklist to implement ORFM in a standard environment:
RMS Security setup for ORFM - Finalize ORFM user roles. In ORFM, you can control access only at the menu level. ORFM uses the RMS security infrastructure to restrict access. For instance, one role could be set up with access rights to edit or view NF while another role can be set up to resolve any discrepancy on NF. For more information on setting up RMS security, see the Oracle Retail Merchandising System Operations Guide.
RMS System setup - Verify the following in RMS before using the ORFM application:
RMS system options Base Country is set as BR for Brazil.
RMS system option Currency Code is set as BRL.
RMS system options VAT indicator is set as Y and the default_tax_type is set as GTAX to enable tax functionality.
External Invoice Matching indicator is set to Y.
CREDIT_MEMO_LEVEL – Ensure that the CREDIT_MEMO_LEVEL in the system options table is set at location level 'L'. This system option indicates at what level the invoicing will happen for deals.
RMS system options Allow Auto Shipping/Receiving at Store is not selected.
All tax codes in the RMS VAT_CODES table are exactly the same as the tax codes set up in TaxWeb Tax Rules. This enables better tax integration with merchandising system.
For more information, refer to the Oracle Retail RMS-ReSA User Guide for Brazil Localization.
Verify the following setup in RMS:
The localization_ind indicator in the COUNTRY_ATTRIB table is set to Y for Brazil.
The default location is set up for Brazil using the COUNTRY_ATTRIB table. The default location is set up after you create the first location and is most likely to be set as the location for which most of the purchases occur.
In the COUNTRY_ATTRIB table, ensure the ITEM_COST_TAX_INCL_IND parameter is set to Y with the DEFAULT_DEAL_COST and the DEFAULT_COST_COMP_COST DEFAULT_PO_COST parameter to (NIC).
The Flex field values are set to country BR. For the country BR, the fiscal attribute value should be 105.
The Flex field values for all entities (Store, Warehouse, Supplier/Site, Partner, Outside Location, Transfer Entity, Set of Books) are set up appropriately.
RTIL URL and Server Configure – Capture valid RTIL URL details based on where it is deployed. Update the RMS RETAIL_SERVICE_REPORT_URL table with the URL for RS_CODE of RTIL. Supply a timeout value (the unit is in milliseconds) in the TIMEOUT column. You can arrive at this value in conjunction with the RIB timeouts configured at the customer premise. This value should be less than the configured RIB timeout.
RIB Adapters setup – Verify that the Schedule Submission adapter (ORFM Specific) and SO Status adapter (for transfers from RWMS or SIM) are up and running. This ensures that ORFM is successfully integrated with the external warehouse and store management systems.
Fiscal Information from TaxWeb Tax Rules – Execute the fiscal download batch to obtain the various fiscal codes from TaxWeb Tax Rules. The fiscal attributes provided by TaxWeb Tax Rules are associated with master entities such as locations and suppliers in RMS. It is also used during transaction processing in ORFM. One of the fiscal codes is Nomenclatura Comum do Mercosul (NCM). Verify that following fiscal attributes are available in the system:
NOP Codes
Note: The fiscal download (fisdnld) batch accepts any one of the parameters for instance, NCM, NCMCHAR and so on. You can also choose the parameter as 'ALL'. |
Document Type setup – Set up the Document Type information in ORFM. The document types represent the fiscal codes defined by fiscal authorities in Brazil for various documents. You have to manually set up predefined document types and associate them to one or more utilizations. ORFM requires mandatory association of a document type with an NF. For certain features, ORFM uses predefined document types. For example, NF-e can only be associated with document type 55.
Utilization Codes setup – Set up the utilization codes for different transaction types in ORFM. Utilization codes control the NF processing logic. The utilization codes have to be captured for every inventory transaction. The utilization code parameters control the application behavior. You need the NOP codes for setting up utilization codes.
Table 2-2 Utilization Code Parameters
Utilization Parameter | Description |
Complementary NF |
Indicates the utilization is of type Complementary NF. When you select the Complementary NF check box, the Complementary NF Type list is enabled. |
Complimentary NF Type |
Choose the Complementary NF type from the ComplementaryNF Type list:
ICMS-ST Recovery |
Controls whether the particular transaction is marked for Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e prestação de Serviços (ICMS)-ST tax recovery or not. |
Item Utilization |
The Item Utilization is sent to Tax Rules when populating the Freight Object. Choose the valid values from the following Utilizations LOV:
Automatic NF Approval |
Controls whether or not the outbound fiscal documents are validated, matched and approved automatically. This is relevant only for outbound NFs. |
Allow Receiving |
Select this check box to enable the schedule submission message flow to RWMS and SIM. In case of complementary NFs, where no receiving happens, this check box is disabled. This indicator is relevant for inbound NFs only. |
Choose NF |
Select this check box to choose a reference fiscal document. This is relevant for returns to vendor (RTV) related utilizations only. |
Import Order NF |
Select this check box if the utilization ID is for a PO NF of type Import. |
Import Order Type |
Choose one of the following Import Order Type from the Import Order Type list:
ORFM System Configuration – Set the ORFM system parameters in FM_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table. These system parameters ensure alignment of ORFM features with the customer's business requirements.
The following are a few important system parameters (categorized under respective functionality) required to be set up appropriately:
Tolerance – Certain parameters have to be set around usage of tolerances in ORFM.
Table 2-3 System Options for Tolerance
System Option | Description |
Indicates if tolerances are applied. |
Indicates if the tolerances priority is applied - All, Supplier, Location, Company. |
Indicates the calculation tolerance type (P/V). |
Indicates the calculation tolerance value. |
Table 2-4 System Options for Discrepancy Resolution
Variable | Variable_Type | Description | Valid Values |
Default resolution action for cost descrepancies |
Default resolution action for quantity descrepancies |
Default resolution action for tax descrepancies |
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) – It is a mechanism through which data is exchanged between two systems or parties. In retail, it is used to exchange data between a retailer and a vendor or third party. Certain system options need to be set up around EDI and supporting partners.
Table 2-5 System Options for EDI
System Option | Description |
Indicates the default partner ID when importing EDI documents. |
Indicates the default partner type when importing EDI documents. |
Indicates the default freight type the process uses to create an EDI document based on external systems. |
History and Purge Days – Set the system options for the number of days of data to be held or purged in the system.
Table 2-6 System Options for Purging Operations
System Option | Description |
Indicates the number of days for completed documents other than POs. |
Indicates the number of days for the completed POs. |
Indicates the number of days for the deleted NF documents. |
Indicates the number of days the history table can hold the records. |
Indicates the number of days the NF can be in worksheet status. |
Indicates the days before records are purged from the tables. |
Default Utilization Codes – Default utilization codes cannot be seeded as they are user defined. Set up these codes manually for certain transactions. This enables association of a mandatory or most probable utilization code to a transaction.
Table 2-7 System Options for Utilization Codes
System Option | Description |
Default Utilization ID for inbound Inter Company (IC) transfers |
Default Utilization ID for inbound repairing transfers |
Default Utilization ID for inbound transfers |
Default Utilization ID for outbound IC transfers |
Default Utilization ID for outbound repairing transfers |
Default Utilization ID for outbound transfers |
Default PO Type when null in RMS (fiscal utilization code in ORFM) |
Default Utilization ID for Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) |
Default Utilization ID for Return NF |
Default Utilization ID for RTVs |
Default Utilization Id for Rural Producer NF |
Default Utilization ID for Deals |
Default Document Type for Complex Deals |
Default Document Type for Merchandise Fixed Deals |
Default Document Type for Non-merchandise Fixed Deals |
Default Utilization ID for outbound Customer Order Transfers |
Default Document Type for outbound Customer Order Transfers |
This NF number %s1 is referenced to the original NF %s2 issued on %s3 respectively |
Tran Codes which have to be posted as look up code CREDIT in AP header staging |
HISTORY_DAYS_PROCESSED_EDI | Indicates the number of days the EDI NFs can exits in the EDI tables before getting purged |
DEFT_MULTISITE_CO_OUT_TSF_UTIL | Indicates the default Utilization ID for Multi-site Customer Order Outbound transfers |
DEFT_MULTISITE_CO_OUT_IC_UTIL | Indicates the default Utilization ID for Multi-site Customer Order Outbound IC transfers |
DEFT_MULTISITE_CO_IN_TSF_UTIL | Indicates the default Utilization ID for Multi-site Customer Order Inbound transfers |
DEFT_MULTISITE_CO_IN_IC_UTIL | Indicates the default Utilization ID for Multi-site Customer Order Inbound IC transfers |
DEFAULT_DRSP_CO_PO_TYPE | Indicates the default PO type for Drop Ship Customer Order when null in ORMS (fiscal utilization code in ORFM) |
Note: You need to create the Utilization IDs before setting up the system options. |
Default Document Types – Default document type has to be associated with each transaction, this enables association of a mandatory or most probable document type to a transaction.
Table 2-8 System Options for Document Types
System Option | Description |
Default document type used by the process to create an EDI document based on external systems |
Default Document Type for Inbound IC Transfers |
Default Document Type for Inbound Repairing Transfers |
Default Document Type for Inbound Transfers |
Default Document Type for NF-e |
Default Document Type for Outbound IC Transfers |
Default Document Type for Outbound Repairing Transfers |
Default Document Type for Outbound Transfers |
Default Document Type for RMA |
Default Document Type for RTVs |
Default Document Type for Rural Producer |
Default Document Type for Inventory Adjustments |
Default fiscal doc type code (example, 1 - Nota Fiscal - Modelo 1, 1A) |
Default fiscal doc type for Multi-site Customer Order Outbound transfers |
Default fiscal doc type for Multi-site Customer Order Outbound IC transfers |
Default fiscal doc type for Multi-site Customer Order Inbound transfers |
Default fiscal doc type for Multi-site Customer Order Inbound IC transfers |
Note: You need to create the Document Type before setting up the system options. |
ORFMi/Days – Define the system options to indicate the minimum and maximum number of days of acceptable variance from system date. This has to be the time frame within which the fiscal document related dates can be defined for an inbound or outbound shipment.
Table 2-9 System Options for Days
System Option | Description |
Number of days minus the ORFMi date (Inbound) |
Number of days minus the ORFMi date (Inbound) |
Number of days minus the ORFMo date (Outbound) |
Number of days minus the ORFMo date (Outbound) |
Field Format Validation – Define the system options data field formats as per your requirements.
Table 2-10 System Options for Field Format
System Option | Description |
Indicates the format to represent fields of hour. Use 'HH24:MI' or 'HH:MI AM'. |
Indicates the Value Field format. |
Indicates the Percentage Field format. |
Indicates the Quantity Field format. |
Table 2-11 System Options for Transfer Price
System Option | Description |
TSF_PURCHASE_PRICE | Indicates whether the cost on the transfer NF generated is WAC 'N' or last purchase price 'Y' |
It is used to specify inclusion (TRUE) or exclusion (FALSE) of expenses and discounts in the last purchase price |
Other Options – A few other important system options affecting system's behavior are provided in Table 2-12.
Table 2-12 Other System Options
System Option | Description |
Indicates a variable value to check whether it is mandatory to approve all fiscal documents before approving the schedule. |
Indicates the default supplier country. |
Indicates the default currency code. |
Indicates the default Origin Code and CST Type for ICMS tax situation. |
Indicates the value related to the selected CST. |
Indicates the default Nature of Operation. |
Indicates the level at which invoicing happens for deals. |
Tolerance setup – Set up tolerances at cost, quantity (percentage or value set for system/supplier) and calculation level (for rounding or truncation) in FM_TOLERANCES table. During fiscal processing, the entry NF values are compared with the PO details for variances; tolerances facilitate identification of only those discrepancies which fall over and above applicable tolerance levels.
NF-e configuration – Set up locations that need to issue NF-e in FM_NFE_CONFIG_LOC table to ensure that the NF proceeds to SEFAZ for getting authorization key. ORFM enables generation of NF-e by location and utilization code. Location has to be identified for NF-e issuance for a particular transaction, and for that location NF-e parameters have to be configured. The transactions for which NF-e can be issued such as transfers, are initiated in RWMS. The utilization associated with each location must be the same utilization set in system variables as the default utilization for outbound transactions such as transfers, RTVs, intercompany transfers. The default utilization code is further used by the warehouse management system to generate the NF. This behavior is not controlled in the system and has to be defined by you.
ORFM Tax setup – Enter the tax codes as in TaxWeb Tax Rules in the VAT Codes Maintenance form of RMS. Tax details have to be inserted manually in the ORFM FM_TAX_CODES table, because there is no user interface in the ORFM application for inserting the tax details. The value added tax (VAT) codes in ORFM must be similar to the data set up in VAT codes in RMS. Also, ensure that the tax code/VAT codes set up in RMS and ORFM are as available in TaxWeb Tax Rules.
Fiscal Document Numbering Sequence setup – Set up the fiscal document number sequencing details through the Location Fiscal Number form in ORFM. Fiscal document number sequence set up enables you to capture details on sequence series for each supported requisition type. During NF generation, ORFM generates and associates a unique sequence number to the NF based on its requisition type and related sequence series.
Brazil Localization setup – Verify that the L10N_PKG_CONFIG table for decoupling contains entries for Brazil before any transactions happen within ORFM. These entries enable Brazil localization related features.
SPED Configuration setup – For SPED, you have to interface with third-party system. You have to share the database, and the ports have to be opened in order to establish network connectivity. You can decide to either host the SPED interfacing application (Interdados) within their environment or host it in fiscal partner's environment. For security considerations, a separate schema has to be created that contains only synonyms to as many objects required by the fiscal partner to generate the SPED information. Only the 'select' privileges has to be granted on these synonyms. No insert/update/delete should be allowed. This integrated environment is accessed through DB Link by third party systems.
Ensure access to the following forms (accessed through RMS forms) are denied through Security settings for Brazil localized users when Brazil localization is ON:
Receiver Cost Adjustment (RECCTADJ)
Receiver Unit Adjustment (RECUTADJ)
Average Cost Adjustment (AVCSTADJ)
Inventory Adjustment by Item (INVADJSK)
Inventory Adjustment by Location (INVADJST)
Note: Only RMS supports the multi-currency functionality. |