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Oracle® Retail Merchandising Security Guide
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24 Allocation Security Considerations

The chapter provides guidance for administrators to understand, configure, and customize functional security for the Oracle Retail Allocation application.

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

Security Configuration

Access control of system resources is achieved by requiring users to authenticate at login and by restricting users to only those resources for which they are authorized. A default security configuration is available for immediate use after the Oracle Retail Fusion application is installed and is configured to use the Oracle Fusion Middleware security model. The default configuration includes three predefined security roles for application specific permission grants. Users can be added to predefined groups that are mapped to preconfigured application roles. Allocation is preconfigured to grant specific application permissions.

Table 24-1 Privileges

Name Description

Search Allocations Priv

A privilege for searching for allocations.

Maintain Allocation Priv

A privilege for creating, maintaining, and editing an allocation.

Delete Allocation Priv

A privilege for deleting an allocation.

View Allocation Priv

A privilege for viewing an allocation.

Submit Allocation Priv

A privilege for submitting an allocation for approval.

Review Allocation Priv

A privilege for approving or reserving an allocation.

Batch Allocation Priv

A privilege for running batch jobs.

Search Allocation Location Groups Priv

A privilege for searching for allocations.

Maintain Allocation Location Group Priv

A privilege for creating and editing and an allocation location group.

Delete Allocation Location Group Priv

A privilege for deleting an allocation location group.

View Allocation Location Group Priv

A privilege for viewing an allocation location group.

Search Allocation Policy Templates Priv

A privilege for searching for allocations.
Maintain Allocation Policy Template Priv

A privilege for creating and editing a Policy Template.

Delete Allocation Policy Template Priv

A privilege for deleting a Policy Template.

View Allocation Policy Template Priv

A privilege for viewing a Policy Template.

Search Size Profile Priv

A privilege for searching Size Profiles.

Maintain Size Profile Priv

A privilege for creating and editing and a Size Profile.

Delete Size Profile Priv

A privilege for deleting a Size Profile.

View Size Profile Priv

A privilege for viewing a Size Profile.

Maintain System Options System Properties Priv

A privilege for editing the System Properties for System Options.

Maintain System Options User Group Properties Priv

A privilege for editing the user group properties for System Options.

View System Options Priv

A privilege for viewing System Options.

Table 24-2 Duties

Duty Description List of Privileges

Allocation Management Duty

A duty for managing allocations. This duty is an extension of the Allocation Inquiry Duty.

All privileges found in the Allocation Inquiry Duty. Maintain Allocation Priv, Delete Allocation Priv,

Allocation Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing allocations.

View Allocation Priv, Search Allocations Priv,

Allocation Submit Duty

A duty for submitting allocation for approval.

Submit Allocation Priv,

Allocation Review Duty

A duty for approving or rejecting an allocation.

Review Allocation Priv,

Allocation Batch Duty

A duty for running batch process.

Batch Allocation Priv,

Allocation Location Groups Management Duty

A duty for managing allocation location groups. This duty is an extension of the Allocation Location Groups Inquiry Duty and Allocation Location Group Search Duty.

All privileges found in the Allocation Location Groups Inquiry Duty and the Allocation Location Groups Search Duty.

Maintain Allocation Location Groups Priv, Delete Allocation Location Groups Priv,

Allocation Location Groups Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing allocation location groups.

View Allocation Location Groups Priv, Search Allocation Location Groups Priv,

Allocation Policy Template Management Duty

A duty for managing allocation policy template. This duty is an extension of the Allocation Policy Template Inquiry Duty and Allocation Policy Template Search Duty.

All privileges found in the Allocation Policy Template Inquiry Duty and the Allocation Policy Template Search Priv,

Maintain Allocation Policy Template Priv, Delete Allocation Policy Template Priv,

Delete Allocation Location Group Priv

A duty for viewing allocation Policy Template.

View Allocation Policy Template Priv, Search Allocation Policy Template Priv,

Size Profile Management Duty A duty for managing size profile. This duty is an extension of the Size Profile Inquiry Duty.

All privileges found in the Size Profile Inquiry Duty.

Maintain Size Profile Priv, Delete Size Profile Priv,

Size Profile Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing allocation Policy Template.

View Size Profile Priv, Search Size Profiles Priv,

System Options System Properties Management Duty

A duty for managing the system properties in system options. This duty is an extension of the System Options Inquiry Duty.

All privileges found in the System Options Inquiry Duty.

Maintain System Options System Properties Priv,

System Options User Group Properties Management Duty

A duty for managing user group properties system options. This duty is an extension of the System Options Inquiry Duty.

All privileges found in the System Options Inquiry Duty.

Maintain System Options User Group Properties Priv,

System Options Inquiry Duty A duty for inquiring on profile. This duty is an extension of the Size Profile Inquiry Duty.

All privileges found in the System Options Inquiry Duty.

Maintain System Options Priv,

Table 24-3 Function Security Mapping

Role Duty Privileges


Allocation Management Duty, Allocation Submit Duty, Allocation Review Duty, Allocation Location Groups Management Duty, Allocation Policy Template Management Duty, Size Profile Management Duty, System Options System Properties Management Duty, System Options User Group Properties Management Duty, Allocation Batch Duty.

Search Allocations Priv, Maintain Allocation Priv, Delete Allocation Priv, Submit Allocation Priv, Review Allocation Priv, View Allocation Priv, Search Allocation Priv, View Allocation Location Groups Priv, Search Allocation Location Groups Priv, View Allocation Policy Template Priv, Search Allocation Policy Templates Priv, View Size Profile Priv, Search Size Profile Priv, View System Options Priv, Maintain System Options User Group Properties Priv, Batch Allocation Priv,

Allocation Manager

Allocation Management Duty, Allocation Submit Duty, Allocation Review Duty, Allocation Location Groups Management Duty, Allocation Policy Template Management Duty, Size Profile Management Duty, System Options User Group Properties Management Duty.

Search Allocations Priv, Maintain Allocation Priv, Delete Allocation Priv, Submit Allocation Priv, Review Allocation Priv, View Allocation Priv, Search Allocation Priv, View Allocation Location Groups Priv, Search Allocation Location Groups Priv, View Allocation Policy Template Priv, Search Allocation Policy Templates Priv, View Size Profile Priv, Search Size Profile Priv, View System Options Priv, Maintain System Options User Group Properties Priv,


Allocation Management Duty, Allocation Submit Duty, Allocation Review Duty, Allocation Location Groups Inquiry Duty, Allocation Policy Template Inquiry Duty, Size Profile Management Duty, System Options Inquiry Duty.

Search Allocations Priv, Maintain Allocation Priv, Delete Allocation Priv, Submit Allocation Priv, Review Allocation Priv View Allocation Priv, Search Allocation Priv, View Allocation Location Groups Priv, Search Allocation Location Groups Priv, View Allocation Policy Template Priv, Search Allocation Policy Templates Priv, View Size Profile Priv, Search Size Profile Priv, View System Options Priv,


Allocation Inquiry Duty, Allocation Policy Template Inquiry Duty, Allocation Location Groups Inquiry Duty, Allocation Size Profile Inquiry Duty.

View Allocation Priv, Search Allocation Priv, View Allocation Location Groups Priv, View Allocation Policy Template Priv, Search Size Profile Priv, View Size Profile Priv,

For more information about the Oracle Fusion Middleware security model and the authenticated role, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide.

JMS Security

Allocation utilizes a JMS Queue for long running processes. This queue can and should be secured. To do this, see Chapter 1, Asynchronous Task JMS Queue Security section.


When step 9 is reached in Securing the Asynchronous Task JMS Queue, you need to name the JMS Queue Role as AllocJMSQueueAccessRole for security to work.