Oracle® Retail Fiscal Management

Release Notes

Release 14.1.3



February 2017

As part of the Oracle Retail Merchandising Operations Management (MOM) product suite, Oracle Retail Fiscal Management (ORFM) Release 14.1.3 is the Brazil localization solution for the market.

Oracle Customer Support investigates submitted issues assuming that all released updates have been applied. It is the customer's decision when to apply a new release; however, delays in applying updates can complicate the support process.

This document contains the following topics:

n        Overview

n        Hardware and Software Requirements

n        Running Scripts

n        Functional Enhancements

n        Defect Fixes and Documentation

n        Related Documentation

n        Documentation Accessibility


Oracle Retail Fiscal Management (ORFM) enables retailers to operate in Brazil, receiving and shipping merchandise with a Nota Fiscal (NF). As part of the Oracle Retail portfolio, ORFM integrates with Oracle Retail Merchandising System (RMS), Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM), and Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System (RWMS). This solution covers localization of end to end merchandising and supply chain processes, as well as financial integration, for retailers in Brazil.

To comply with Brazil´s frequent legislation changes, ORFM has been enhanced by adding new compliance related capabilities to expand coverage on the needs of the Brazil retail market.

Hardware and Software Requirements

See the Oracle Retail Merchandising System with Brazil Localization Installation Guide for additional information about the following:

n        Hardware and software requirements

n        Oracle Retail application software compatibility

Running Scripts

Back up data before running any script, because the scripts provided do not preserve data. See defect reports for details.

Check with your database administrator to determine whether your database should be analyzed after a script is run. In many cases, an analysis of the database is necessary to take advantage of new or modified indexes intended to improve performance of the application.

Functional Enhancements

The following functional enhancements are included in Oracle Retail Fiscal Management Release 14.1.3:

Physical Receiving Rejection

Physical receiving verification eventually results in the need to reject the entire operation. This functionality was initially restricted to be performed exclusively before the submission of the schedule to physical inventory solutions (RWMS/SIM). This functionality is now available to be performed directly by the inventory solutions.

New Rules for Fiscal Attributes Validation

Fiscal attributes that are subject to check digit validations have these rules applied. Attributes such as CNPJ and CPF have the digit validation rule considering being corporate and individual taxpayer types. Also, IE (Inscrição Estadual from Portuguese State Inscription) attribute now has validation rules depending on the state in which the entity is located. These validations are implemented in accordance with Brazilian regulations.

New Fiscal Attributes

CEST (Código Especificador da Substituição Tributária from Portuguese Tax Recovery Specification Code) is a new level of item fiscal classification. This new attribute is now available at item level and is associated with NCM (Nomenclatura Comum do Sul from Portuguese Mercosur Common Nomenclature) code.

Another attribute included in this release is a new setup option to determine the type of ST balance control at location level. This setup allows retailers to define at location level the type of ST balance calculation with valid values being LIFO and AVERAGE.

In addition to new attributes being supported in RMS localization, the third-party tax integration is also updated to have these fields

Tax Integration Enhancements

Support to ICMA (ICMS Antecipado from Portuguese Anticipated ICMS) and DIFAL (Diferencial de Alíquota from Portuguese Rate differentiation) are now available in the TaxWeb tax integration. Information related to these specific taxation methods come from tax integration and flows to fiscal bookkeeping.

Standalone NF Enhancements

The standalone NF functionality allows association with both negative and positive inventory adjustments performed in RWMS/SIM. Upon configuration, it allows retailers to have a standalone NF automatically generated based on the negative or positive inventory adjustment. The correspondent financial postings are also created.

Decimal Quantities in Receiving Process

In order to comply with scenarios where fiscal notes are issued with decimal units as well as with a different unit of measure than what is configured in the PO, ORFM permits the configuration of a fiscal unit of measure (FUOM) to be used in such scenarios.

New Electronic Invoice Receiving Layer (IRL)

E-Invoicing is becoming a trend in many countries in the world, being more and more implemented. Brazil was one of the first countries to invest in this model and it has evolved drastically in the past few years, reaching a good maturity level. Retailers have new possibilities to improve business processes and have operational gains with all information exchanged electronically through Nota Fiscal documents (NF), with the document being made available even before the actual physical receiving of the merchandise. In order to align with this new reality for retailers, ORFM now presents a new layer that permits automation of the receiving and processing of Brazilian e-invoices, electronic Nota Fiscal documents (NFe ). The new IRL is built using state of the art technology for enterprise services integrations OSB (Oracle Service Bus) as well as Retail SOA Enabler tool (RSE), bringing security, scalability, and performance to the solution. The new feature allows retailers to capture, parse, validate, and process/reject NFe xml files in the purchase order receiving process, leveraging new and existing ORFM capacities for NF processing.

RTV Balance Control

Return to vendor NF documents must be associated to the original NF received in order to comply with fiscal legislation. In this process, the balance of quantities returned and referred to a specific purchase NF must be observed. The control of the balance quantities returned is now available in ORFM through parameterization setup.

RTV in Triangulation Scenarios

Triangulation in a purchase scenario is the possibility of having sales performed by a vendor and the physical delivery performed by a logistic service provider. In this case two NF documents are received for the same PO. In a return to vendor scenario, two RTV NF documents must also be generated. This functionality is now available in ORFM. Additionally, ORFM also enables this NF association to be performed directly from NF maintenance form.

Future Delivery Support

ORFM now supports the generation of two NF documents in a customer order transaction, in order to support the invoicing process as well as the delivery process when these actions happen in different moments in time.

Support to the Fiscal Transparency Law

In 2014, it became mandatory to display the total tax burden applied in all sales transactions to end consumers, in accordance with the Lei da Transparência Fiscal from Portuguese Fiscal Transparency Law. ORFM is now able to get the list of tax burden rates from 3rd party organizations such as IBPT (Instituto Brasileiro de Planejamento e Tributaçã) and apply these rates as additional information in sales NF documents. The functionality to have these rates downloaded to POS solution through RMS POS download features was also developed.

Complementary NF

ORFM can now generate complementary NF documents referring to previously issued outbound NF documents, adding any additional amount for costs or taxes that by any reason may have been incorrectly calculated. This functionality is available for transactions such as transfers and intercompany transfers.

Return Transfers - NF Impacts

Return to Warehouse (RTW) or any transfer that is intended to revert an incorrect transfer received in any location has impacts in the NF issued. Taxes from the inbound transfer must be replicated in the return transaction in order to avoid double taxation. ORFM now enables to associate return transfers to the original inbound transfer. This association enables the utilization of the same taxes from original NF document in order to comply with the tax regulations.

Fiscal Reporting

Improvements in support for fiscal bookkeeping reporting (SPED) assures compliance to retailers. The new block K is now supported through the SPED integration.

Support to Law 46643/46697 of MG State

Tax basis for internal transfers within state of Minas Gerais are determined based on the Weighted Average Retail Price in domestic sales to final consumers, as defined in Laws 46643 and 46697 in that state. ORFM is now able to calculate the average retail information through a new batch to be scheduled or manually executed. This information is sent to tax integration for tax calculation purposes.

Tax integration Updates

Third party tax integration has a concept of flexible fields that are called Name/Value Pairs (NVP). Use these fields to accelerate compliance implementation without dependency on Oracle to release a new version of the integration. All NVPs existing in previous ORFM versions where converted as definitive attributes in the integration.

Schedule Form Changes

ORFM fiscal receiving schedule form was enhanced to increase usability and consistency between the statuses of fiscal documents associated with each schedule. Mass NF validation was moved from the schedule form to the NF list form. The schedule form now has a simpler view and action button logic. Action buttons were also renamed and reorganized in NF list and NF header forms.

New Purge Process

A new purge process is now available to handle the POS_MODS_TAX_INFO and GTAX_ITEM_ROLLUP tables.

RMA updates

RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) NF support was originally created to account for NF generation for sales returns. It now supports financial postings for taxes (FM postings) as well as ST balance updates.

New Item Fiscal Reclassification

Item Fiscal Classification has a new window that brings flexibility and configurational capability to the process. You can configure any fiscal attribute associated to items at all possible levels (item/country, item/supplier, and item/location) and make them available for the reclassification process. The new window also allows you to perform online foundation data changes in fiscal attributes and schedule tax recalculation for different moments in time.

Defect Fixes and Documentation

A file named DEFECT MODULE XREF ORFM 14.1.3.XLS lists every defect number and the modules and scripts that are included in the patch. Note that scripts do not preserve data. Make sure that all data is backed up before you run any script.

Related Documentation

For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Retail Fiscal Management release 14.1.3 documentation set:

n        Oracle Retail Merchandising System with Brazil Localization Installation Guide

n        Oracle Retail Tax Integration Layer (RTIL) Installation Guide

n        Oracle Retail Fiscal Management User Guide and Online Help

n        Oracle Retail RMS-ReSA User Guide for Brazil Localization and Online Help

n        Oracle Retail Fiscal Management/RMS Brazil Localization Implementation Guide

n        Oracle Retail Fiscal Management Data Model

n        Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

n        Oracle Retail Licensing Guide

n        Oracle Retail Merchandising System Documentation

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Retail Fiscal Management, Release 14.1.3


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Value-Added Reseller (VAR) Language

Oracle Retail VAR Applications

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