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Oracle® Retail Fiscal Management User Guide
Release 14.1.3
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8 NF-e

The NF-e issuer generates an electronic file with all NF information in a more detailed level than the regular NF. This file must be digitally signed to guarantee the integrity of the data and the authorship of the issuer. This electronic file is transmitted by the internet to the Secretaria da Fazenda - Brazilian Tax Authority (SEFAZ) in the origin state of the issuer. The SEFAZ provides a pre-validation of the file and returns a receiving protocol (Authorization for Use), necessary for the movement of merchandise.

The ORFM application allows the generation of NF-e by location and utilization code. A new system option is used to identify the location that issues the NF-e. NF-e is applicable only for transactions such as transfers, intercompany transfers, and RTVs.

This chapter covers the following sections:

NF-e Processing

To enable NF-e processing, the utilization and document type setup must be done with the proper NF Model Type. If a configured utilization is used in the creation of a NF, it will trigger NF-e integration.

NF-e is applicable for all transactions where the NF is issued from ORFM. This includes Direct Import NF, Return NF, RTV, Transfers, Stock, Customer NF, Direct NF, and Free Form NF where ORFM generates the NF.

The flow is the same as the one defined for the transfers, intercompany transfers, and RTVs.

The change in process is as follows:

  • Create an outbound NF.

  • The document type will be filled with the type associated to the utilization ID for the transaction. If the doc type has a model type set as NF-e (55 or 65) NF-e integration will be called for this transaction.

  • Once the NF-e is validated, the status of the NF-e changes to NF-e Pending. With the fiscal document in that status, the related information is sent to the fiscal partner solution. The fiscal partner solution captures the data, generates the NF-e file, and submits it for approval in the Government systems.

Cancelling NF Invoice

An internal sequence is used during NF creation in the ORFM database. The internal sequence associated with the NF is stored in the database even when you submit the NF. NFs not associated to the official sequence is called pre-NF.

You will be able to see the pre-NF number in the Fiscal Documents form in the same field of the NF Fiscal Number. The label of this field will be dynamically updated while the Pre-NF Number is displayed. Once the NF is sent for approval, this field will be renamed to Fiscal Number and will hold the official NF-e number consumed from the sequence. Serial and sub-serial fields will also be updated only when the official sequence is consumed.

You can cancel the NF invoice during the process of NF creation, approval, and after the NF is approved from the Fiscal Docs Find form.

Following are the scenarios to cancel the NF:

  • Scenario 1: When the NF is in progress and it was not submitted for approval at SEFAZ

  • Scenario 2: When the NF is submitted for approval at SEFAZ but it gets rejected or denied

  • Scenario 3: When the NF is approved at SEFAZ and a cancelation is required post-approval


Only NFs issued by ORFM can be canceled through the NF Cancelation form.

To cancel the NF, do the following:

From the RMS Start Menu, select Fiscal Management, then Fiscal Documents.

  1. In Contents Of Fiscal Documents, select Fiscal Documents. The Fiscal Docs Find window appears.

  2. Select either View or Edit from the Action list.

  3. From the Options menu, select NF Cancelation as shown in Figure 8-1.

    Figure 8-1 Cancelling NF-e through Options Menu

    Surrounding text describes Figure 8-1 .

    The NF Cancelation window appears.

    Figure 8-2 NF Cancelation Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 8-2 .

    Table 8-1 NF Cancelation Fields and Description

    Fields Description


    This field displays the schedule number if available.

    Location ID

    This field displays the location ID.


    This field displays the description of the location that issued the NF-e or created the schedule.


    This field displays the User ID logged in the form.

    Pre NF No

    This field displays the pre-NF sequence number.

    Fiscal No

    This field displays the fiscal document number.


    This field displays the fiscal document status.

    Requisition Type

    This field displays the requisition type.

    Issue Date

    This field displays the fiscal document issue date.


    This field displays the status of the cancelation action.


    This field displays the cancelation protocol number returned by the NFe integration.


    This field displays the date for when the NF-e cancelation request was submitted to NF-e solution.


    This field displays the error log message returned by NFe integration.

    Inventory Reversal Steps

    This field will be dynamically populated with the pre-defined inventory reversal step for each type of transaction.


    This field will be updated with the status of the step execution (success or failed).


    This field displays the error log for each step.

  4. Click NF Cancelation. The list displays the NFs that are scheduled to be cancelled.

  5. Click OK. The NFs and schedule displays the Cancelation in Progress status and the form will be closed.

  6. Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.