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Oracle® Retail Warehouse Management System Radio Frequency User Guide
Release 14.1
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A Acronyms

Acronym Term
ASN Advance Shipping Notice
BOL Bill of lading
CID Container Identification number
CSR 1) Customer Service Representative

2) Carrier, Service, Route

DC Distribution Center
LPN License Plate Number
FCP Forward Case Pick
FCPL Forward Case Pick Location
FPL Forward Pick Location
GUI Graphical User Interface
KPI Key Performance Indicator
LMS Labor Management System, also referred to as Oracle Retail Labor Management
LTC Less Than Case
MMS Merchandise Management System
NSC Non-Specified Casepack
PF&D Personal Fatigue and Delay
PO Purchase Order
PRO Progressive Rotating Order number
PTS Put to Store
QA Quality Assurance
RWMS Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System
RF Radio Frequency
RIB Oracle Retail Integration Bus
RLM Oracle Retail Labor Management, also referred to a Labor Management System
RMA Return Merchandise Authorization
ROP Reorder Point replenishment
SCP System Control Parameter
SKU Stock Keeping Unit
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
TM Truck-mounted
UCC Uniform Code Council
UPC Universal Product Code
UPS Unit Pick System
VAS Value-Added Service
WIP Work In Progress
WMS Warehouse Management System