This appendix describes several options to create a seasonal profile for Curve.
This option is the most desirable because the numbers are not replicated to item/store.
Note: A source level is still necessary, even if it is at the same intersection as the final level. |
Create a final level at an intersection, for example: class/region/woy.
Create a source level at an intersection, for example: class/region/woy.
Specify training start and end dates.
There is no need for phase start and end dates
Run the Curve batch.
This option is less desirable because the class/region numbers are replicated to item/store making the profile an (unnecessarily) dense measure.
Create a final level at an intersection, for example: item/store/woy.
Create a source level at an intersection, for example: class/region/woy.
Specify training start and end dates.
There is no need for phase start and end dates
Run the Curve batch.
This option is the least desirable because the class/region numbers are replicated to item/store making the profile an (unnecessarily) dense measure and it requires the most setup.
Create a final level at an intersection, for example: item/store/week.
Create a source level at an intersection, for example: class/region/woy.
Specify training start and end dates.
Specify phase start and end dates.
Run the Curve batch.