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Oracle® Retail Predictive Application Server User Guide for the Fusion Client
Release 14.1
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9 Dynamic Position Maintenance

Dynamic Position Maintenance (DPM) enables users to dynamically add, edit, or remove positions to a non-calendar position while working in a workbook. These user-defined or informal positions are updated in both the domain and workbook dimensions. Positions added by the user are referred to as informal positions. Positions added during the load process are referred to as formal positions.

When an informal position is to be made formal, the position's name (a label is not necessary for the update to occur) must first be updated to reflect the correct position name that will be loaded during the load process. Prior to the load, an administrative utility is run against the environment to change the status of a position from informal to formal (see the Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server Administration Guide for the Fusion Client for more information on the updateDpmPositionStatus utility). This process enables the loading and purging of that position through the hierarchy load process and disables further DPM activities on the position.


Access to the DPM menus and dimensions that DPM functionality can be applied is determined in the solution and workbook configuration (see the Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server Configuration Tools User Guide for more information on enabling DPM functionality).

DPM Restrictions

The following limitations for DPM exist:

  • You cannot add a dynamic position to the calendar dimension. Due to the rolling nature of calculations for measures, were you to add a position to the calendar dimension, data for those measures and other measures that depend on them would be inconsistent.

  • In a global domain environment, the DPM process cannot be used for maintaining positions at or above the partition level. For example, if a global domain is partitioned by department that rolls up to division, you cannot use DPM functionality to add informal departments or divisions.

  • In a global domain environment, the DPM process cannot be initiated from workbooks in the master domain.

    When you creating a workbook for this purpose, pay attention to the ”master domain” warning in the Select Domain dialog. When opening, look at the ”Domain Type” column in the open dialog. This can steer you clear of master domains.

  • Positions from alternate dimensions that are not already in the workbook cannot be imported into the workbook to be used as parents for new DPM positions.

  • DPM cannot be performed in a master domain.

Add New Positions to a Dimension

To add new positions to a dimension, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Edit menu, select Position Maintenance and then the dimension to which you want to add a dynamic position.

    Figure 9-1 Position Maintenance Option in Edit Menu

    Surrounding text describes Figure 9-1 .

    Or, right-click the position level to which you want to add a new position. The right-click context menu appears. Select Position Maintenance and then select Add Position.

    Figure 9-2 Adding a Dynamic Position

    Surrounding text describes Figure 9-2 .
  2. The Add Dynamic Position window appears. The dimension levels outlined in a thick blue line are informal positions. Click the Edit Position link in the dimension level to which you want to add a position.

    Figure 9-3 Add Dynamic Position Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 9-3 .


    The aggregate information (district, region, company, and so on) is populated only if the Add Dynamic Position window is accessed from the right-click menu. If you accessed this window from the Edit menu, these positions are empty.

    If DPM is enabled in the configuration and domain, you can create informal positions for workbooks that are based above the domain's base intersection. For these positions, RPAS populates the position's children with dummy positions. For example, you can create informal subclasses in a workbook that only goes to the subclass level while the domain goes to the style-color level. All lower level positions between subclass and style-color will be dummy positions. If there are alternate branches off those child positions that are not in the workbook, and if they are DPM-enabled, RPAS generates dummy positions for those as well. If they are not DPM-enabled, the first existing formal position is selected. The position that is selected is non-deterministic.

  3. The Add [Position] dialog box appears.

    • If you selected the lowest dimension level, the Add Position dialog box looks like Figure 9-4.

      Figure 9-4 Add Position Dialog Box, Lowest Level

      Surrounding text describes Figure 9-4 .

      Enter information in the following fields:

      • Positions to add: Enter the number of positions that you want to add at this level. All of the positions will have the same attributes.

      • Label: Enter the name that you want to appear in the pivot table. If you are adding more than one position, this label is suffixed with a number.

        For instance, if you enter 3 in the Positions to add field and new Leather Loafer in the Label field, three labels appear in the pivot table:

        New Leather Loafer0000001

        New Leather Loafer0000002

        New Leather Loafer0000003

      • Name: Enter the name of the position or use the system-generated one provided. When multiple positions are created, the name is concatenated with a sequence number. This name is used in the RPAS server.

      Click OK.

    • If you selected a dimension level other than the lowest dimension level, the Add Position dialog box looks like Figure 9-5.

      Figure 9-5 Add Position Dialog Box, Higher Levels

      Surrounding text describes Figure 9-5 .

      Enter information in the following fields:

      • Positions to add: Enter the number of positions that you want to add at this level. All of the positions will have the same attributes.

      • Label Prefix: Enter the name that you want to appear in the pivot table. If you are adding more than one position, this label is suffixed with a number.

        For instance, if you enter 3 in the Positions to add field and Leather Loafer Grandparent in the Label field, three labels appear in the pivot table:

        Leather Loafer Grandparent0000001

        Leather Loafer Grandparent0000002

        Leather Loafer Grandparent0000003

      • Name Prefix: Enter the name of the position or use the system-generated one provided. When multiple positions are created, the name is concatenated with a sequence number. This name is used in the RPAS server.

      In addition to the fields for the selected level, there are additional fields for the levels below the level being added. In Figure 9-5, the selected level is Grandparent and the lower levels are Parent and Item. If needed, enter information for those fields as well.

      Click OK.


      If there are alternate hierarchies, the value can either be selected or added as new if the alternate hierarchy supports dynamic positions.

      After multiple positions are added for a level in the position tree, the levels above that level can only support single position add or edit.

  4. The Add Dynamic Position window refreshes with the new positions shown in the selected dimension level.

    Figure 9-6 Added Dynamic Position

    Surrounding text describes Figure 9-6 .
  5. Modify the parent levels of the new positions. You can select an existing parent level or create a new (dynamic) one. To do either, click the link in a level above the new position.

    Figure 9-7 Modifying the Parent Level

    Surrounding text describes Figure 9-7 .
  6. Perform one of the two options:

    • To select an existing position as the parent of the dynamic position, select one from the drop-down list or search for one using the search link. For more information about the search feature, see Using the DPM Search Feature.

      Figure 9-8 Selecting an Existing Parent Level

      Surrounding text describes Figure 9-8 .
    • To create a new (dynamic position) parent level, type the name of the new parent in the Label field and select the Create New Position option.

      The Name field is enabled. Enter the name of the new parent. When finished, click OK.

      Figure 9-9 Creating a New Dynamic Parent

      Surrounding text describes Figure 9-9 .
  7. Repeat step 6 for other parent levels.

  8. When finished, click Save and Close. Or, if you want to add another position, click Save and Next.

The Add Dynamic Position window closes. The view refreshes and the new position is shown in blue text.

Figure 9-10 New Dynamic Position in View

Surrounding text describes Figure 9-10 .


If the active view has a PQD and the Automatically Evaluate Position Queries option is enabled, the newly created position may not appear in the view if its default value is set to false.

Modify an Informal Position

After dynamic positions are added to the hierarchy, the DPM process allows you to:

  • Change the parent of a dynamic position to a different formal or dynamic parent.

  • Update the position name and position label.


Only dynamic positions can be modified using the DPM feature. The Modify menu is not visible if there are no dynamic positions in the workbook.

  1. Right-click the dynamic position you want to modify.

  2. From the right-click menu, select Position Maintenance, then Modify Position.

    Figure 9-11 Modifying a Dynamic Position

    Surrounding text describes Figure 9-11 .
  3. The Modify Dynamic Position window appears. Select the existing dynamic position and modify the position label or position name. Or, select any parent of the dynamic position to change the parent assignment.

    Figure 9-12 Modify Dynamic Position Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 9-12 .
  4. When finished, click Save and Close.

Delete an Informal Position

After a dynamic position is added, you can delete it and all child positions to which it is a parent.


Only dynamic positions can be deleted using the DPM feature. The delete option is not be visible if there are no dynamic positions in the workbook.

When a workbook contains only one dynamic position (no other regular position or dynamic position), that position cannot be deleted. In such cases, the "Delete Position" menu is disabled. When a workbook contains more than one position (either regular and dynamic or more than one dynamic position), the "Delete Position" menu is enabled.

  1. Right-click the dynamic position you want to delete.

  2. From the right-click menu, select Position Maintenance and then Delete Position.

    Figure 9-13 Deleting a Dynamic Position

    Surrounding text describes Figure 9-13 .
  3. The Delete Dynamic Position dialog box appears to indicate the dynamic position that will be deleted and any child positions associated with it that will be deleted as well. Click OK.

    Figure 9-14 Delete Dynamic Position Dialog Box

    Surrounding text describes Figure 9-14 .

    The dialog box closes, and the dynamic position is removed from the view.

Using the DPM Search Feature

When selecting the parent level that a new dynamic position belongs to, you can use the search feature to find the desired level.

  1. Click a level above the dynamic position you are creating, as shown in Figure 9-15.

    Figure 9-15 Using the DPM Search Feature

    Surrounding text describes Figure 9-15 .
  2. The Add/Select [Level] dialog box appears. Click the Label field to access the Search link.

  3. Click the Search link.

    Figure 9-16 Search Link for DPM Search

    Surrounding text describes Figure 9-16 .
  4. The Search and Result dialog box appears (Figure 9-17). Use the search features to search for a position. You can search with the following options:

    • Starts With

    • Does Not Contain

    • Not Equals

    • Equals

    • Contains

    • Ends With

    Enter a value in the search field and click Search.

    Figure 9-17 Search and Result Dialog Box

    Surrounding text describes Figure 9-17 .
  5. The dialog box refreshes with the positions that match the search. Select the position you want and click OK.

    Figure 9-18 DPM Search Results

    Surrounding text describes Figure 9-18 .

    The Search and Result dialog box closes, and the selected position is filled in the Add/Select [Level] dialog box.

Master Detail

Master Detail provides a named, pre-configured way to transition to another view, filtered using your initial selection. Both the Transition and the Worksheet are configured to support your specific application's needs. This appears as a View Detail menu when one or more transitions are applicable.