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Oracle® Retail POS Suite Implementation Guide, Volume 1 – Implementation Solutions
Release 14.1
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5 Audit Logging

The audit log retains events that are logged to the file system. Audit Logs include access, search, view (generate), print and export for the following functional areas in Point-of-Service:

Each event has a specific set of components that must be present in the Audit Log. Each event is required to have an event name, event status, system date and system time in which the event was completed. The status of an event can either be Success or Failure. If an event was executed without interruption and the data of the event is saved to persistent storage, the events status is Success. If a database exception occurs after the operator or system has finished the event, the events status is Failure. If any exception occurs before the activity is saved or if the operator selects to leave the application, no event is logged.

The Audit Log is implemented using a log4j logging infrastructure.

Log4j is an Apache (www.apache.org) utility used to assist applications in meaningful logging. These log statements are printed in a format that can be used for further processing, such as reporting.

The log4j mechanism works on properties/XML configuration files where the minimum logging level for the application is mentioned. Throughout the application, where a statement must be logged, the Log4j API for a particular level is called. If the application LOG4J is setup for a level that is equal to or lower in priority to the API being invoked, then that statement is logged; if the application LOG4J is setup for a level that is not equal to or lower in priority to the API being invoked, then that statement is not logged. Therefore, if the configuration is for a WARN level, then INFO, DEBUG and TRACE statements are not logged.

The following are the various logging levels available, in increasing order of priority:

If the application logging level is set at WARN, and in the application the INFO API is being called to log, that statement is not logged as WARN is a higher priority than INFO. All log statements which are WARN level or higher only are logged.

The best practice is to have the application logging level set at INFO for production systems.

The Audit Log uses the LOG4J system to log the audit statements. The audit log code is written such that it invokes the INFO API to log the statements.

Therefore, if the log4j configuration for Audit Logging is set to INFO or DEBUG then the application logs the audit statements. If set to anything higher than INFO, no audit statements are logged.

Figure 5-1 is a Point-of-Service common configuration for the Audit Logging subsystem:

Figure 5-1 Audit Log in Point-of-Service

Audit Log in Point-of-Service

Configuring the Audit Log


The Oracle Retail POS Suite Security Guide describes specific security features and implementation guidelines for the POS Suite products.

You can configure the Audit Log using configuration files. To update the logging infrastructure, update the Spring ServiceContext.xml file to point the various infrastructure bean IDs to any alternate implementation classes you want to provide.

Bean ID: service_AuditLogger
Class: oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.AuditLoggerService

Because the Audit Log is using Log4J as the underlying logging mechanism, you can also control the logging layout, location, and content by updating the log4j.xml file.

  • All log events are logged at the INFO level, so to disable logging entirely, change the log level to WARN or above for the event package path.

  • Additionally, each logging event is represented in the log4j.xml file through the event's package path, so to filter a specific event, just update that event's level to WARN or above.

  • As with all Log4J deployments, updating the layout of the log events or their location is a matter of setting the layout in the configuration file and updating the appender to point to a different file name. Another option is to use an entirely different appender to write to a database or even a JMS queue.

Internationalize Static Text/Date/Time/Currency

Use AuditLoggerI18NHelper, which has the following methods:

  • getString(String key)

  • getFormattedDate(Date)

  • getFormattedTime(Date)

  • getFormattedCurrency(String)

All these methods return the data in the application's default locale.


Before setting Auditlog event objects to log database data, retrieve the database data in the client's default locale by calling get<FieldName>(Locale) method of domain classes.

The following is an example of settings that might be used in a log4j.xml file:

Example 5-1 Audit Log Configuration Changes in the log4j.xml File

  <!-- AUDIT Logging -->
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event">
        <!-- The following elements are commented to prevent duplicate logging
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="log4j.additivity.oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event=false">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.ENTER_BUSINESS_DATE">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.START_OF_DAY">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.END_OF_DAY">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.BANK_DEPOSIT">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.BANK_DEPOSIT_REPORT_EXPORTED">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.REGISTER_OPEN">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.REGISTER_CLOSE">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.TILL_RECONCILE">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.TILL_OPEN">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.TILL_CLOSE">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.TILL_SUSPEND">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.TILL_RETRIEVE">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.COUNT_FLOAT_AT_RECONCILE">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.ADD_EMPLOYEE">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.MODIFY_EMPLOYEE_INFORMATION">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.ADD_TEMPORARY_EMPLOYEE">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.MODIFY_TEMPORARY_EMPLOYEE_INFORMATION">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.RESET_EMPLOYEE_PASSWORD">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.RESET_TEMPORARY_EMPLOYEE_PASSWORD">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.CHANGE_PASSWORD">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.USER_LOGOUT">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.USER_LOGIN">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.USER_LOCK_OUT">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.ADD_ROLE">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.ADD_USER">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.EDIT_ROLE">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.REMOVE_ROLE">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.MODIFY_APPLICATION_PARAMETER">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.MODIFY_PARAMETER_IN_LIST">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.ADD_PARAMETER_LIST_FOR_DISTRIBUTION">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.REMOVE_PARAMETER_LIST">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.DISTRIBUTE_PARAMETER_LIST">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.TRANSACTION_TENDERED_WITH_CREDIT_CARD">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>
    <category name="oracle.retail.stores.commerceservices.audit.event.TRANSACTION_TENDERED_WITH_DEBIT_CARD">
            <priority value="INFO" />
            <appender-ref ref="AUDIT"/>

Daily Operations Audit Log Events

The following are daily operations audit log events.

Enter Business Date

This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Enter Business Date system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator enters a business date.

  • Event data collection ends when the operator selects Next.

  • There is no failure condition to this event.

Table 5-1 Enter Business Date Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Enter Business Date.

Event Status


Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

Business Date

Entered Business date.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register Number

For Point-of-Service, the register number at which the event transpired.

Till ID

Till ID at which the event transpired.

Start of Day

This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Start of Day system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator selects to execute Start of Day functionality.

  • Event data collection ends when the system displays that the store is opened.

  • The format of this event is dependent on the Count Operating Fund at Start of Day parameter setting.

  • Failure can happen only when there is some technical error.

Table 5-2 Start of Day Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Start of Day.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

Business Date

Business date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register Number

For Point-of-Service, the register number at which the event transpired.

Operating Fund Amount

  • Entered cash amount for Count Operating Fund at Start of Day equals Summary.

  • Total of entered cash amount for Count Operating Fund at Start of Day equals Detail.

  • Equal to the Operating Fund Expected Amount when Count Operating Fund at Start of Day equals No.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at Start of Day equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at Start of Day equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at Start of Day equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at Start of Day equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at Start of Day equals Detail.

$1 Coins

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at Start of Day equals Detail.

$2 Coins

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered, Count Operating Fund at Start of Day equals Detail and Canadian currency is the base currency.

$1 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at Start of Day equals Detail.

$2 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at Start of Day equals Detail.

$5 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at Start of Day equals Detail.

$10 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at Start of Day equals Detail.

$20 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at Start of Day equals Detail.

$50 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at Start of Day equals Detail.

$100 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at Start of Day equals Detail.

Store Status

  • Open.

  • Close.

End of Day

This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the End of Day system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator selects to begin end of day.

  • Event data collection ends when the system assigns a transaction number.

  • The format of this event is dependent on the Count Operating Fund at End of Day parameter setting.

  • Event failure can happen only due to technical reasons, for example, unable to get next sequence number for transaction, transaction creation exception, EJB call exception or if the financial totals are not found in the database.

Table 5-3 End of Day Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

End of Day.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

Business Date

Business date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register Number

For Point-of-Service, the register number at which the event transpired.

Operating Fund Amount

  • Entered cash amount for Count Operating Fund at End of Day equals Summary.

  • Total of entered cash amount for Count Operating Fund at End of Day equals Detail.

  • Equal to the Operating Fund Expected Amount when Count Operating Fund at End of Day equals No.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at End of Day equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at End of Day equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at End of Day equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at End of Day equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at End of Day equals Detail.

$1 Coins

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at End of Day equals Detail.

$1 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at End of Day equals Detail.

$2 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at End of Day equals Detail.

$5 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at End of Day equals Detail.

$10 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at End of Day equals Detail.

$20 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at End of Day equals Detail.

$50 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at End of Day equals Detail.

$100 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Operating Fund at End of Day equals Detail.

Transaction Number

Transaction number assigned by the system to the store close event.

Register Open

This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Register Open system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator selects to open a register.

  • Event data collection ends when the system assigns a transaction number.

  • If more than one register is selected to open at one time, a separate independent event is written to the audit log. Each opened register is assigned an individual transaction number.

  • Event failure can happen only due to technical reasons, such as unable to get next sequence number for transaction, transaction creation exception, EJB call exception or if the financial totals are not found in the database.

Table 5-4 Register Open Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Register Open.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

Business Date

Business date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register Number

For Point-of-Service, the register number at which the event transpired.

Transaction Number

Transaction number assigned by the system to the opened register.

Register Close

This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Register Close system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator selects to close a register.

  • Event data collection ends when the system assigns a transaction number.

  • Event failure can happen only due to technical reasons, such as unable to get next sequence number for transaction, transaction creation exception, EJB call exception or if the financial totals are not found in the database.

Table 5-5 Register Close Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Register Close.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

Business Date

Business date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register Number

For Point-of-Service, the register number at which the event transpired.

Transaction Number

Transaction number assigned by the system to the closed register.

Point-of-Service Transaction Events

The following are Point-of-Service transaction events.

Transaction Tendered with Credit Card

This is a Point-of-Service event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Transaction Tendered with Credit Card system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator selects Credit/Debit from Tender Options menu and has entered the card number.

  • The operator has chosen Credit from the Tender Options menu and has entered the card number.

  • Event data collection ends when a credit card tender has been added to the transaction with the authorization status pending.

  • Failure Condition is logged only in case of technical failures such as Database is down.

Table 5-6 Transaction Tendered with Credit Card Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Transaction Tendered with Credit Card.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register Number

The register number at which the event transpired.

Till ID

The Till ID at which the event transpired.

Card type

The card type presented at time of tender.

Card number

  • The card number presented at the time of tender.

  • Only display last 4 digits of card number. For example:

    xxxx xxxx xxxx 1111


The amount the card is being charged at the time of tender.

Entry method (manual/auto)

The method used to enter the card. Operator input on keyboard is manual and a scan, or swipe on the device or keyboard is auto.

MAG stripe (if swiped)

An indicator if swiped on the MSR.

Authorization Status(Pending)

The status of authorization is pending until a response is returned.

Transaction Tendered with Debit Card

This is a Point-of-Service event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Transaction Tendered with Debit Card system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator selects Credit/Debit from the Tender Options menu.

  • The operator has chosen Debit from the Tender Options menu.

  • Event data collection ends when a debit card tender has been added to the transaction with the authorization status pending.

  • Failure Condition is logged only in case of technical failures such as Database is down.

Table 5-7 Transaction Tendered with Debit Card Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Sale Transaction Tendered with Debit Card.

Event Status



Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register Number

The register number at which the event transpired.

Till ID

The Till ID at which the event transpired.

Debit type

The card type presented at time of tender.

Card number

The card number presented at the time of tender.

Only display last 4 digits of card number. For example:

xxxx xxxx xxxx 1111


The amount the card is being charged at the time of tender.

Entry method (manual/auto)

The method used to enter the card. Operator input on keyboard is manual and a scan, or swipe on the device or keyboard is auto.

MAG stripe (if swiped)

An indicator if swiped on the MSR.

Authorization Status(Pending)

The status of authorization is pending until a response is returned.

Employee Audit Log Events

The following are employee audit log events.

Modify Employee Information

This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Modify Employee Information system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator edits an employees information.

  • Event data collection ends when the operator selects Save.

  • If the operator selects Save but has not modified any employee information the event name is Modify Employee Information

  • Employee getting modified is not found in the Database is the only failure condition possible.

Table 5-8 Modify Employee Information Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Modify Employee Information.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register Number

For Point-of-Service, the register number at which the event transpired.

Employee ID

Employee ID of the modified employee.

Modify Temporary Employee Information

This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Modify Temporary Employee Information system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator edits a temporary employees information.

  • Event data collection ends when the operator selects Save.

  • If the operator selects Save but has not modified any temporary employee information the event name is Modify Employee Information

  • Employee getting modified is not found in the Database is the only failure condition possible.

Table 5-9 Modify Temporary Employee Information Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Modify Temporary Employee Information.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register Number

For Point-of-Service, the register number at which the event transpired.

Employee ID

Employee ID of the modified temporary employee.

Add Employee

This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Add Employee system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator selects to add an employee.

  • Event data collection ends when the operator selects Save.

  • Failure Event is when the login ID provided is already in use.

Table 5-10 Add Employee Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Add Employee.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register Number

For Point-of-Service, the register number at which the event transpired.

Employee ID

Employee ID.

First Name

Entered first name.

Middle Name

Entered middle name.

Last Name

Entered last name.

Employee Login ID

Entered login ID.

Role Name

Selected role.

Employee Status

Selected employee status.

Add Temporary Employee

This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Add Temporary Employee system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator selects to add a temporary employee.

  • Event data collection ends when the operator selects Save.

  • Failure Event is when the login ID provided is already in use.

Table 5-11 Add Temporary Employee Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Add Temporary Employee.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register Number

For Point-of-Service, the register number at which the event transpired.

Employee ID

Employee ID.

First Name

Entered first name.

Middle Name

Entered middle name.

Last Name

Entered last name.

Employee Login ID

Entered login ID.

Role Name

Selected role.


Entered store number.

Days Valid

Selected remaining days valid.

Employee Status

Selected employee status.

Login, Logout, Lockout Audit Log Events

The following are login, logout and lockout audit log events.

User Login

This is a Back Office, Point-of-Service and Central Office event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the User Login system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator enters their login information.

  • Event data collection ends when the operator selects to log in.

  • Even failure can happen only when there is a technical exception.

Table 5-12 User Login Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

User Login.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number the event transpired at. Only applicable for Back Office.

User ID

User ID is recorded.

Register Number

For Point-of-Service, the register number at which the event transpired.

User Lock Out

This is a Back Office, Point-of-Service and Central Office event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the User Lock Out system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts and ends when the user attempts to log in and is locked out due to unsuccessful login attempts or an expired password.

  • No failure condition.

Table 5-13 User Lock Out Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

User Lock Out.

Event Status


Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number the event transpired at. Only applicable for Back Office.

User ID

User ID is recorded.

Register Number

For Point-of-Service, the register number at which the event transpired.

Lockout Reason

  • <ARG> consecutive unsuccessful login attempts. (<ARG> equals Number of login attempts).

  • Expired Password.

User Logout

This is a Back Office, Point-of-Service and Central Office event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the User Logout system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts and ends when the user selects to log out.

  • No Failure Condition.

Table 5-14 User Logout Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

User Logout.

Event Status


Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number the event transpired at. Applicable only for Back Office.

User ID

User ID is recorded.

Register Number

For Point-of-Service, the register number at which the event transpired.

Password Audit Log Events

The following are password audit log events.

Change Password

This is a Back Office, Point-of-Service and Central Office event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Change Password system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator selects or is prompted to change their password.

  • Event data collection ends when the operator selects to save their new password.

  • Failure Condition occurs when the employee or user for whom the password is being changed does not exist in the database. If the new password does not meet the password criteria, a failure is also logged.

Table 5-15 Change Password Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

User Change Password.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

For Back Office, the store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID is recorded.

Register Number

For Point-of-Service, the register number at which the event transpired.

Reset Employee Password

This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Reset Employee Password system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator selects to reset an employee's password.

  • Event data collection ends when the operator selects Yes.

  • Failure Condition is logged only in case of technical failures such as the database is down.

Table 5-16 Reset Employee Password Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Reset Employee Password.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register Number

For Point-of-Service, the register number at which the event transpired.

Employee ID

Employee ID whose password was reset.

Reset Temporary Employee Password

This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Reset Temporary Employee Password system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator selects to reset an employees password.

  • Event data collection ends when the operator selects Yes.

  • Failure Condition is logged only in the case of technical failures such as the database is down.

Table 5-17 Reset Temporary Employee Password Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Reset Temporary Employee Password.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register Number

For Point-of-Service, the register number at which the event transpired.

Employee ID

Employee ID whose password was reset.

Role Audit Log Events

The following are role audit log events.

Edit Role

This is a Back Office, Point-of-Service and Central Office event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Edit Role system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator edits the role.

  • Event data collection ends when the operator selects Save.

  • Failure Condition only due to Technical exceptions.

Table 5-18 Edit Role Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Edit Role.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register Number

For Point-of-Service, the register number at which the event transpired.

Role Name

Selected role name.

Add Role

This is a Back Office, Point-of-Service, and Central Office event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Add Role system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator selects Add.

  • Event data collection ends when the operator selects to save the role settings for the role.

  • Failure Condition only due to technical exceptions.

Table 5-19 Add Role Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Add Role.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register Number

For Point-of-Service, the register number at which the event transpired.

Role Name

Entered role name.

Role Setting

Selected role setting, includes application full name and feature.

Till Audit Log Events

The following are till audit log events.

Till Open

This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Till Open system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator selects to open a till.

  • Event data collection ends when the system assigns a transaction number.

  • The format of this event is dependent on the Count Float at Open parameter setting.

  • Event failure can happen only due to technical reasons, such as unable to get next sequence number for transaction, transaction creation exception, EJB call exception or if the financial totals are not found in the database.

Table 5-20 Till Open Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Till Open.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

Business Date

Business date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register ID

Complete Register ID value is recorded.

Till ID

Complete Till ID value is recorded.

Operator ID

Operator ID is the user assigned to the till, not the logged-in user ID.

Float Amount

  • Entered amount when Count Float at Open equals Summary.

  • Total amount all denominations entered when Count Float at Open equals Detail.

  • Equal to the Float Amount when Count Float at Open equals No.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Open equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Open equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Open equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Open equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Open equals Detail.

$1 Coins

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Open equals Detail.

$1 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Open equals Detail.

$2 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Open equals Detail.

$5 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Open equals Detail.

$10 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Open equals Detail.

$20 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Open equals Detail.

$50 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Open equals Detail.

$100 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Open equals Detail.

Transaction Number

Transaction number assigned to closed register.

Till Suspend

This is a Point-of-Service event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Till Suspend system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator selects to suspend a till.

  • Event data collection ends when the system assigns a transaction number.

  • Event failure can happen only due to technical reasons, such as unable to get next sequence number for transaction, transaction creation exception, EJB call exception or if the financial totals are not found in the database.

Table 5-21 Till Suspend Event Component

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Till Suspend.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

Business Date

Business date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register Number

The register number at which the event transpired.

Till ID

The Till ID at which the event transpired.

Operator ID

Operator ID is user assigned to the till not the logged in user ID.

Till Resume

This is a Point-of-Service event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Till Resume system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator selects to retrieve a suspended till.

  • Event data collection ends when the system assigns a transaction number.

  • Event failure can happen only due to technical reasons, such as unable to get next sequence number for transaction, transaction creation exception, EJB call exception or if the financial totals are not found in the database.

Table 5-22 Till Resume Event Component

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Till Resume.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

Business Date

Business date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register Number

The register number at which the event transpired.

Till ID

The Till ID at which the event transpired.

Operator ID

Operator ID is user assigned to the till not the logged in user ID.

Till Close

This is a Point-of-Service event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Till Close system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator selects to close a till.

  • Event data collection ends when the system assigns a transaction number.

  • Event failure can happen only due to technical reasons, for example, unable to get next sequence number for transaction, transaction creation exception, EJB call exception or if the financial totals are not found in the database.

Table 5-23 Till Close Event Component

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Till Close.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

Business Date

Business date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register Number

The register number at which the event transpired.

Till ID

The Till ID at which the event transpired.

Operator ID

Operator ID is the user assigned to the till, not the logged-in user ID.

Count Float at Reconcile

This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Count Float at Reconcile system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the system checks the Count Float at Reconcile parameter.

  • Event data collection ends when the count float amount has been entered or accepted.

  • The format of this event is dependent on the Count Float at Reconcile parameter setting.

  • Event failure can happen only due to technical reasons, such as unable to get next sequence number for transaction, transaction creation exception, EJB call exception or if the financial totals are not found in the database.

Table 5-24 Count Float at Reconcile Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Count Float at Reconcile.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

Business Date

Business date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register ID

Complete Register ID value is recorded.

Till ID

Complete Till ID value is recorded.

Operator ID

Operator ID is user assigned to the till not the logged in user ID.

Float Amount

  • Entered amount when Count Float at Reconcile equals Summary.

  • Total amount all denominations entered when Count Float at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • Equal to the Float Amount when Count Float at Reconcile equals No.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Reconcile equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Reconcile equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Reconcile equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Reconcile equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Reconcile equals Detail.

$1 Coins

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Reconcile equals Detail.

$1 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Reconcile equals Detail.

$2 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Reconcile equals Detail.

$5 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Reconcile equals Detail.

$10 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Reconcile equals Detail.

$20 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Reconcile equals Detail.

$50 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Reconcile equals Detail.

$100 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Float at Reconcile equals Detail.

Till Reconcile

This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Till Reconcile system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the system checks the Count Till at Reconcile parameter.

  • If the Count Till at Reconcile equals No, event data collection ends when the system assigns a transaction number.

  • If the Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail or Summary, event data ends when the system displays the Reconcile Till Count Report.

  • The format of this event is dependent on the Count Till at Reconcile parameter setting and Blind Close parameter setting.

  • Event failure can happen only due to technical reasons, such as unable to get next sequence number for transaction, transaction creation exception, EJB call exception or if the financial totals are not found in the database.

Table 5-25 Till Reconcile Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Till Reconcile.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Business Date

Business date of the event.

Store ID

Store number at which the event transpired.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Register ID

Complete Register ID value is recorded.

Till ID

Complete Till ID value is recorded.

Operator ID

Operator ID is user assigned to the till not the logged in user ID.

Cash Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered currencies Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the currency was received.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.


Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

$1 Coins

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

$1 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

$2 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

$5 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

$10 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

$20 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

$50 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

$100 Bills

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

Check Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total amount all deposited checks entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

<ARG> Check

  • Check amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each check entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the Check.

Credit Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered Credit when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> Credit

  • Credit amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each credit entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the Credit.

Debit Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered Debit when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> Debit

  • Debit amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each Debit entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the Debit.

Gift Card Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered Gift Card when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> Gift Card

  • Gift Card amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each Gift Card entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the Gift Card.

Gift Certificate Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered Gift Certificate when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> Gift Certificate

Gift Certificate amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail. There is an audit log entry for each Gift Certificate entered.

Travelers Check Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered Travelers Check when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> Travelers Check

  • Travelers Check amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each Travelers Check entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the Travelers Check.

Coupon Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered Coupon when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> Coupon

  • Coupon amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each Coupon entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the Coupon.

Store Credit Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered Store Credit when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> Store Credit

  • Store Credit amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each Store Credit entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the Store Credit.

Mall Certificate Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered Mall Certificate when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> Mall Certificate

  • Mall Certificate amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each Mall Certificate entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the Mall Certificate.

Purchase Order Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered Purchase Order when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> Purchase Order

  • Purchase Order amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each Purchase Order entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the Purchase Order.

E-Check Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered E-Check when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> E-Check

  • E-Check amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each E-Check entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the E-check.

Canadian Cash Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered currencies when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the currency was received.

$2 Coins

Entered currency denomination amount. Only recorded if a value is entered and Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

Canadian Check Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered Canadian Check when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> Canadian Check

  • Canadian Check amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each Canadian Check entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the Canadian Check.

Canadian Travelers Check Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered Canadian Travelers Check when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> Canadian Travelers Check

  • Canadian Travelers Check amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each Canadian Travelers Check entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the Canadian Travelers Check.

Canadian Gift Certificate Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered Canadian Gift Certificate when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> Canadian Gift Certificate

  • Canadian Gift Certificate amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each Canadian Gift Certificate entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the Canadian Gift Certificate.

Canadian Store Credit Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered Canadian Store Credit when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> Canadian Store Credit

  • Canadian Store Credit amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each Canadian Store Credit entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the Canadian Store Credit.

Mexican Gift Certificate Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered Mexican Gift Certificate when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> Mexican Gift Certificate

  • Mexican Gift Certificate amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each Mexican Gift Certificate entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the Mexican Gift Certificate.

Mexican Store Credit Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered Mexican Store Credit when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> Mexican Store Credit

  • Mexican Store Credit amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each Mexican Store Credit entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the Mexican Store Credit.

UK Gift Certificate Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered UK Gift Certificate when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> UK Gift Certificate

  • UK Gift Certificate amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each UK Gift Certificate entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the UK Gift Certificate.

UK Store Credit Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered UK Store Credit when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> UK Store Credit

  • UK Store Credit amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each UK Store Credit entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the UK Store Credit.

European Gift Certificate Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered European Gift Certificate when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> European Gift Certificate

  • European Gift Certificate amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each European Gift Certificate entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the European Gift Certificate.

European Store Credit Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered European Gift Certificate when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> European Store Credit

  • European Store Credit amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each European Store Credit entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the European Store Credit.

Japanese Gift Certificate Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered Japanese Gift Certificate when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> Japanese Gift Certificate

  • Japanese Gift Certificate amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each Japanese Gift Certificate entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the Japanese Gift Certificate.

Japanese Store Credit Total

  • Entered tender amount if Count Till at Reconcile equals Summary. Only recorded if this tender was received and this tender is included in the Tenders To Count at Till Reconcile and if Blind Close equals No.

  • Total of all entered Japanese Store Credit when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail and the tender was received.

<ARG> Japanese Store Credit

  • Japanese Store Credit amount entered when Count Till at Reconcile equals Detail.

  • There is an audit log entry for each Japanese Store Credit entered.

  • <ARG> equals the number of the Japanese Store Credit.

Blind Close

  • True.

  • False.

Transaction Number

Transaction number assigned to till reconcile.

Parameter Log Events

The following are parameter log events.

Modify Application Parameter

This is a Back Office, Point-of-Service, and Central Office event.

This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting equals INFO and the Modify Application Parameter system setting equals INFO.

  • Event data collection starts when the operator selects a parameter to modify.

  • Event data collection ends when the operator selects to save.

Table 5-26 Modify Application Parameter Event Components

Event Components Notes

Event Name

Modify Application Parameter.

Event Status

  • Success.

  • Failure.

Event Originator

Class Name and Method Name (ClassName.methodName).

System Date

System date of the event.

System Time

Time of the event.

Store ID

Store number the event transpired at. Only applicable for Back Office.

User ID

User ID performing the event.

Parameter Group

Parameter Group.

Parameter Name

Name of the Parameter.