The top of this graphic shows a dashed box named Oracle Application Server. Inside this box is a dashed box named OC4J. Inside this is a box named Oracle BPEL Process Manager (Client). Inside this box is a box named WSIF layer. The box has four arrows at the bottom that point to a box outside labeled Server on which partner link web service is running. These arrows are labeled, from left to right, WS-Security Compliant Services (SOAP Binding), Axis Services, J2EE Basic Authentication (HTTP), and Java and EJB Binding. To the left of these four arrows is an arrow connected to the bottom of the box labeled OC4J. This arrow also points down to the box labeled Server on which partner link web service is running. All five of these arrows are labeled Outbound Oracle BPEL Server client request, and all pass through a fire wall. To the right of these five arrows are the following words: Invoking Secured Processes: Transport Security and Authentication Methods.