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4 Formatting Views

This chapter provides detailed information about the formatting options and data properties available for each of the views in Active Studio.

This chapter contains the following topics:

4.1 Formatting Views

Formatting changes the way parts of the view look. A report can contain several views of different types. You apply formatting to each view in a report.

Formatting includes tasks such as adding display titles, formatting text and colors, and adding value formats. Several formatting features apply to specific view types only. Because each of the view types has different characteristics and structures, formatting options change depending on the view type.

4.2 Applying Data Modifiers

This section explains how to apply filters, top N data, drilling, and calculations to views. It contains the following topics:

4.2.1 Filtering Data

You can add data filters to all views. 

A simple example filter is Sales is greater than 12000. When this filter is applied to data, only Sales larger than 12000 display in the view. Sales less than this amount are omitted.

You can also create more complex filters that include dependencies on other lines in the filter.

By adding a combination of entries and headers, you can create a hierarchy in the filter.

To filter data:

  1. Click the Data button in the View Editor. To open the View Editor, double-click the view you are editing, or click Edit view in the View Tasks/Options list.

  2. Click the Filter tab.

    Because no filters have been added, only the first filter header displays.

  3. Click Add new entry.

    A filter form displays.

  4. Choose a field from the Field list.

  5. Choose an expression from the Comparison list. Choices include:

    • is equal to returns exact value

    • is not equal to returns all values except specified value

    • is less than returns values less than specified value.

    • is less than or equal to returns values less than or equal to specified value.

    • is greater than returns values greater than specified value.

    • is greater than or equal to returns values greater than or equal to specified value.

    • is like returns values that match a string pattern. Include an underscore (_) as a wildcard for a single character in a string and a percent symbol (%) as a wildcard for one character or more. Wildcard characters can be combined, for example, %mm _00 would return all columns (35mm 200, 35mm 400, 35mm 800). Do not enter any spaces in the expression since spaces are treated as characters in the data match.

    • is not like returns values that do not match a string pattern.

    • is null returns values where the column is null.

    • is not null returns values where the column is not null.

    • is in list returns values included in a list. To build a list, click Edit. Type a value in the field and click Add to add it to the list. Add as many values as needed. Click Remove to remove a value. Click OK to close the dialog.

    • is not in list returns values not included in the list.

    • is within a time interval returns the values that occur within the specified time interval. When filtering on a datetime or timestamp field, select Active Now to keep the displayed time interval current as time passes. Configure the Active Now Interval to specify how often to refresh the display. See "Using Active Now" for more information.

    • is within the current time period returns the values that occur within the specified time unit. When filtering on a datetime or timestamp field, select Active Now to keep the displayed time period current as time passes. See "Using Active Now" for more information.

    • is within a time period returns the values that occur within the specified time period. When filtering on a datetime or timestamp field, select Active Now to keep the displayed time period current as time passes. See "Using Active Now" for more information.

  6. Choose Value, Field, or Formula from the next list.

    If you select Value, do one of the following:

    • For string fields, click Options and select Browse to see a list of values. Select a value from the list. Up to 50 values display in the list. The Value field can be left blank to create a filter on a blank string.


      If there are more than 50 values in the field, not all of the values are shown in the Browse list. Your Oracle Business Activity Monitoring administrator can configure the number of rows to display in the list. See the Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Installation Guide for more information.
    • For numeric fields, enter a number in the Value field.

    • For datetime fields, click the calendar button, and select a date in the calendar and a time on the clock. Then click OK. If you selected is within a time interval, is within the current time period, or is within a time period, configure the time period using the lists. Select Active Now to keep the displayed time interval current as time passes. See "Using Active Now" for more information.

    • For lists, click Edit and then create a list by entering the values and click Add. Click Remove to remove values from the list. Then click OK.

    • To set the value to the value of a prompt or parameter, click Options and select an existing prompt or parameter. Only prompts and parameters that have the same data type as the selected field in the filter display in the list. You can select *New Parameter/Prompt to create a new prompt or parameter to use in this filter. See Chapter 7 for more information about creating prompts and parameters.

    If you select Field, select a field in the Field list to compare with the first field.

    If you select Formula, enter an expression in the Formula field to compare with the first field.

    For example, if you create a list view using the sample Call Center data object and create a filter with the following attributes:

    • Field. Total

    • Comparison. is equal to

    • Formula

    • Formula. Quantity*2

    This filter will yield only those rows where the value in the Total column is equal to twice the value in the Quantity column.

  7. Click Add Entry to add the entry to the filter expression.

    A line is added under the top-level header.

Add combinations of entries and header to create complex filters. Select a different operator for headers to change the entry meanings. For the following options, data is returned when:

  • ALL. All of the included the entries are true.

  • NONE. None of the included entries are true.

  • AT LEAST ONE. At least one and maybe more of the included entries are true.

  • NOT ALL. Some or none of the included entries are true, but not all of the included entries are true.

For numeric data types, nulls are not returned for filters returning values equal to zero or values not equal to zero. Using Active Now

The Active Now feature in data filtering enables you to display in your views a segment of the data that is always within a defined time window. As time passes, the view is updated with the data within the defined time interval in the filter. Older data is removed from the view and newer data is added as time passes.

Active Now is available when you choose one of the following comparison expressions:

  • is within a time interval

  • is within the current time period

  • is within a time period

Active Now behaves differently depending on which comparison expression you choose.

When you choose is within a time interval, you can control how often the data is refreshed using the Active Now Interval setting.

For example, if you create a filter using is within a time interval, previous type, 1, Hours unit, and Active Now, set the Active Now Interval to 60 seconds, and the current time is 3:25 p.m., data from 2:25 p.m. - 3:25 p.m. is displayed in the view. When the current time changes to 3:26 p.m., data from 2:26 p.m. - 3:26 p.m. is displayed in the view. Every 60 seconds the oldest minute of data is removed from the view and the newest minute is added.

When you choose is within the current time period or is within a time period, the data is refreshed when the time period changes.

For example, when you create a filter using is within the current time period, the Hours unit, and Active Now, and the current time is 3:25 p.m., only data from 3:00 p.m. - 3:59 p.m. is displayed in the view until the current time is 4:00 p.m. At 4:00 p.m. all the data from 3:00 p.m. - 3:59 p.m. is removed from the view, and data that accumulates during the 4:00 p.m. - 4:59 p.m. time interval is displayed in the view.

4.2.2 Displaying Top N Data

You can choose to display only the top values of the first field series in Bar Chart (2D and 3D), Line Chart (2D and 3D), Area Chart (2D and 3D), Combo Chart (2D and 3D), Stacked Bar Chart (2D and 3D), Ordered Updating List, and Action List views.

In Updating Ordered List and Action List views, you must apply sorting to a field before applying top N. The top N selection applies to the first sorted field.

To display the top N of data:

  1. Click the Data button in the View Editor. To open the View Editor, double-click the view you are editing, or click Edit view in the View Tasks/Options list.

  2. Click the Top N tab.

  3. Select the checkbox next to the Quantity field.

  4. Select a number of values to display between 1 and 100. For example, select 5 to view only the top 5 values.

  5. In Ordered Updating List and Action List views, you can select the ranking checkbox and type a name for the field to show the ranking of the top N values.

  6. Click Apply or OK to update the view.

4.2.3 Using Drilling

This section contains the following topics:

Drilling enables you to select an item in a series and view data at a more detailed level or view the actual data rows. To drill down through multiple levels, the data object must include a dimensional hierarchy that is selected on the Drilling tab in the View Editor.

When designing a view where you want users to be able to drill down into multiple levels, group by the highest level in the hierarchy that you want to use. If you choose an intermediate level, users can only drill down from that level in the hierarchy. They cannot drill upwards above the level you select in the chart.

You can drill in reports that you are viewing, but you cannot drill in reports while you edit them. Active data stops and then restarts when drilling. Drilling Down

Drilling down means to display data one level down the drill path and display it in the same view type in the current report. Drilling down is an option when intermediate levels exist in the drill path and the next level down is not the last level in the drill path. If the next level down is the last level in the drill path, it is only possible to drill through. In some cases, drill through is also not an option since report designers can disable the drill through to detail option.

The drilling areas include bars or labels on horizontal axis in bar charts, and segments or legends in pie charts. Right-click to view the drill options.

To drill down:

  • Do one of the following:

    • Move the cursor over the bar or pie slice of the series to drill down in. A magnifying glass icon displays. Click the bar or pie slice to drill down.

    • Right-click the bar or pie slice of the series to drill down in and select Drill Down. Drilling Up

Drilling up means to display data one level up the drill path.

To drill up:

  • Right-click the bar or pie segment of the series to drill up in and select Drill Up. Drilling Through

Drilling through means to display data at the lowest level of the drill path and display it in an Updating Ordered List or Action List view. Drilling through displays data at the most detailed list level. Drill through is an option on most chart, KPI and crosstab views unless the report designer deselected the Enable drill through to detail checkbox in the Drilling tab. See "Enabling Drilling Through to Details" for more information.

You can also configure the drill through target to drill across to another report. See "Configuring Drill-Across Targets".

To drill through:

  • Right-click the line, bar, or pie slice of the series to drill down in and select Show Details.

  • Left-click the line, bar, or pie slice until you reach the final drill-through target. Drilling Across

Drilling across means replacing a view with another report (the target), replacing the entire report with another report, or opening a report in a new window.

To drill across:

  • Right-click the view and select the target report name.

  • Select Menu in the view title bar and select the target report name.

Depending on how it is configured, the report replaces the current view, replaces the entire report, or opens in a new window.

See "Configuring Drill-Across Targets" for more information. Adding Drilling Hierarchies to Views

You can select drilling hierarchies to enable Drill Through in the following views:

  • Collapsed List

  • Bar Chart (2D and 3D)

  • Line Chart (2D and 3D)

  • Area Chart (2D and 3D)

  • Combo Chart (2D and 3D)

  • Pie Chart (2D and 3D)

  • Stacked Bar Chart (2D and 3D)

You can select a data object that contains dimensions in hierarchies. You create hierarchies in data objects using Architect.

To select a drilling hierarchy:

  1. In a report that you are editing, select the Drilling tab.

  2. Select the hierarchy to use during drilling.

    If no items display in the list, the data object does not have any drilling hierarchies defined. For information about configuring hierarchies in data objects, see Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide.

  3. Deselect Enable drill through to detail if you want to prevent users from drilling to the underlying data, which are displayed in an Updating Ordered List or Action List view.

  4. Click OK or Apply. Enabling Drilling Through to Details

Whether or not the data object has a dimensional hierarchy defined, you can drill through to view detailed data (shown in an Updating Ordered List or Action List) in any of the following views:

  • Collapsed List

  • Bar Chart (2D and 3D)

  • Line Chart (2D and 3D)

  • Area Chart (2D and 3D)

  • Combo Chart (2D and 3D)

  • Pie Chart (2D and 3D)

  • Stacked Bar Chart (2D and 3D)

  • Funnel Chart

  • Arrow

  • Market Arrow

  • Range Gauge

  • Dial Gauge

  • Crosstab

  • Summary Crosstab

  • Matrix

Not all views that allow drilling through to details allow hierarchical drilling.

To enable drilling through to details:

  1. In a report that you are editing, click the Drilling tab.

  2. Select Enable drill through to detail.

  3. Select whether the details should appear in an Updating Ordered List or Action List view.

  4. Select the fields to display in the detail view. If none are selected all fields selected to create the view (on the Fields tab) and the drilling hierarchy are displayed.

  5. Click OK or Apply. Configuring Drill-Across Targets

You can configure any view to drill across to another target report. You can replace the current view with the target report, replace the entire report with the target report, or open the target report in a new window. You can create more than one drill-across target in a view. All views support drilling across.

To configure a drill-across target:

  1. In a report that you are editing, select the Drilling tab.

  2. In the Drill Across Menu box click New Target. The Drill Across Action Creation and Edit dialog opens.

  3. Select a Destination Type.

    • Replace the Current View replaces the space occupied by the current view with the target report.

    • Replace the Current Report replaces the entire report with the target report. If you select this option you will see breadcrumbs at the top of the report. To turn off the breadcrumbs, click Change Report Properties, select the Advanced tab, and uncheck the Show Breadcrumbs check box.

    • Launch a New Window opens a new browser in which to display the target report.

  4. Optionally select context options.

    • Show With Context includes the target in the right-click menu in any data row or chart element.

    • Show With No Context includes the target in the right-click menu outside of the data rows and chart elements, and it includes the target in the view title bar menu.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Click Browse to select a target report. If you want to drill across to a URL, see "Drilling Across to a URL" for more information.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Optionally, map fields to parameters and prompts in the target report.

    When the target report contains prompts and parameters, you can send values to them by mapping fields in this step. The value will be chosen from the data row or chart element you clicked when choosing the target. For example if you right-click a bar in a Bar Chart view, the field value represented in that bar that are mapped to a prompt or parameter will be sent to the target report.

  9. Click OK to close the dialog.

  10. To configure this drill-across target to be a drill-through target, click Drill Through in the Drill Across Menu box, and deselect Enable drill through to details in the Drill Level Properties box.

  11. Click OK or Apply in the View Editor. Drilling Across to a URL

When launching a target in a new window you can choose any URL, rather than a report, as the target.

To configure a URL drill-across target:

  1. In a report that you are editing, select the Drilling tab.

  2. In the Drill Across Menu box click New Target. The Drill Across Action Creation and Edit dialog opens.

  3. Select Launch a New Window.

  4. Optionally select a context option.

    • Show With Context includes the target in the right-click menu when the mouse is in any data row or chart element.

    • Show With No Context includes the target in the right-click menu outside of the data rows and chart elements, and it includes the target in the view title bar menu.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Enter a URL in the Destination URL field.

  7. Enter a Destination Name that will appear in the drilling menu.

  8. Edit window features as desired.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Map fields to external parameters to build a query string.

  11. Click OK to dismiss the dialog.

  12. Click OK or Apply in the View Editor.

4.2.4 Adding Calculations

This section contains the following topics:

You can add calculated fields to views in reports. You can create a calculation based on other fields in the view, for example, fields such as Sales and Costs. The calculator includes aggregate functions, string functions, and date/time functions that you combine with existing data fields to create new calculated fields. Then, you can add these calculated fields to the view or create more calculated fields based on other calculated fields.

If you create an aggregated calculated field for a list view, you are not able to add it as a field in the list.

To add a calculated field:

  1. Click the Data button in the View Editor. To open the View Editor, double-click the view you are editing, or click Edit view in the View Tasks/Options list.

  2. Select the Calculation tab.

  3. Start a calculated field expression by doing one of the following:

    • Select a number, operator, or parenthesis button on the calculator.

    • Select a field from the Field list and click Insert Field.

    • Select a function from Expression list and click Insert Expr. See "Using Expressions in Calculated Fields" for more information.

    • Type directly in the calculated field area.

    • Click Group By and select one or more fields to group by. You cannot group on a calculation that does not perform any aggregation.


    You can insert HTML strings in an expression to add formatting to a calculated field. See "Using HTML in Calculations" for more information.
  4. When you have created the calculated field expression, click Enter.

    A basic syntax check is performed and displays either a green check mark if the syntax passes or a red exclamation mark if the syntax does not pass.

    If the calculation passes the syntax check, the new field displays in the calculated fields list on the right.

  5. To add the field to the view, click the Fields tab in the View Editor and click the checkbox next to the new field name.

  6. Click Apply or OK to update the view.

To rename a calculated field:

  1. Select the field in the calculated fields list, and click Rename.

    The Rename dialog displays.

  2. Enter a new name for the calculated field, and click OK. The field name must start with a letter or underscore and contain no more than 30 characters (letters, numbers, and underscores). Spaces are not valid.

If you include a calculated field in a view either as a field or in a filter or other applications, and then you rename it, the calculated field might not perform correctly in the view. Rename a calculated field before adding it to a view or a filter.

To delete a calculated field:

  • Select the field and click Delete.

    The calculated field is deleted. Using Expressions in Calculated Fields

This section provides the syntax and examples for expressions you can use in a calculated field. Avg

returns the average of all values for the given field. Avg can accept one field parameter of type Integer, Float, or Decimal.




Avg(Revenue) Ceiling

returns the largest integer greater than or equal to the value of the specified value. Ceiling(2.9) returns 3 and Ceiling(-2.3) returns -2. Ceiling can accept one field parameter of type Integer, Float, or Decimal or a numeric value may be entered.




Cieling(3.7) Concat

concatenates two strings into one. Concat can accept two field parameters of type String, or string values may be entered.




Concat(Description," overstock") Count

returns a count of all non-null values. Count can accept one field parameter of any type.




Count(SaleComplete) CountDistinct

returns a count of distinct values in a field. CountDistinct can accept one field parameter of any type.




CountDistinct(Salesperson) DateAdd

adds an offset to the field value. The first parameter for DateAdd must be a field of type DateTime, and the last seven parameters maybe a field of type Integer or an integer value. Zeros may be used where no offset is needed.


DateAdd(DateTime, Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds)


DateAdd({Last Modified}, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0)
//adds 7 days to the Last Modified value

DateAdd({Last Modified}, 0, 0, DaysToFollowup, 0, 0, 0, 0)
//adds DaysToFolowup number of days to the Last Modified value DayName

returns the day name for a date. DayName accepts one field parameter of type DateTime.




DayName({Last Modified}) DayOfMonth

returns the day of the month for a date, in the range 1 to 31. DayOfMonth accepts one field parameter of type DateTime.




DayOfMonth({Last Modified}) DayOfWeek

returns the day of the week for a date, in the range 1 to 7. DayOfWeek accepts one field parameter of type DateTime.




DayOfWeek({Last Modified}) DayOfYear

returns the day of the year for a date, in the range 1 to 366. DayOfYear accepts one field parameter of type DateTime.




DayOfWeek({Last Modified}) Floor

returns the largest integer less than or equal to the value of the specified field. Floor(2.9) returns 2 and Floor(-2.3) returns -3. Floor can accept one field parameter of type Integer, Float, or Decimal or a numeric value may be entered.




Floor(46.75) Hour

returns the hour value in the range 0-23. Hour accepts one field parameter of type DateTime.




Hour({Last Modified}) If

creates an If-Then-Else statement. If can accept fields, expressions, and values of any type as parameters.




If(Sum(Quantity) > Max(Total))
  Else(2) IfNull

returns a specified value, y, if the test value, x, is null. IfNull accepts two parameters that can be fields of any type or values of any type.




IfNull(Quantity, 0) Length

returns the length of the string. Length accepts one parameter that can be a field of type String, a string value in quotes, or an expression containing strings or fields of type String.




Length(Concat(Description,"Description")) Lower

converts the string to lowercase letters. Lower accepts one parameter that can be a field of type String, a string value in quotes, or an expression containing strings or fields of type String.




Lower(Concat(Description,"Description")) Max

returns the maximum value of the specified field or expression. Max accepts one field parameter of any type, or another valid expression.




Max(Concat(Description," overstock")) Min

returns the minimum value of the specified field or expression. Min accepts one field parameter of any type, or another valid expression.




Min(Concat(Description," overstock")) Minute

returns the minute value in the range 0-59. Minute accepts one field parameter of type DateTime.




Minute({Last Modified}) Month

returns the month value for a date in the range 1-12. Month accepts one field parameter of type DateTime.




Month({Last Modified}) MonthName

returns the month name for a date. MonthName accepts one field parameter of type DateTime.




MonthName({Last Modified}) Now

returns the current date and time. Now does not accept any parameters.




DateAdd(Now(), 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0) PercentOfTotal

returns the percent the value represents of the total values for the specified field. PercentOfTotal accepts one field parameter of type Integer, Float, or Decimal.




PercentOfTotal(Quantity) Power

.returns one value, x, raised to the power of the second value, y. Power accepts two parameters that can be fields of type Integer, Float, or Decimal, or they can be numeric values.




Power(Quantity, 2) Quarter

returns the quarter value in the range 1-4. Quarter accepts one field parameter of type DateTime.




Quarter({Last Modified}) Repeat

repeats a string for the specified number of times. Repeat accepts two parameter, the first of which may be a string value or a field of type String, the second of which may be an integer value or a field of type Integer. Either parameter can use an expression that returns a string for the first parameter and an integer for the second value.




Repeat("string", 5)
Repeat(Description, 2)
Repeat(Description, Quantity)
Repeat(Concat(Description," overstock"),Quantity+2) Replace

returns a string, x, with all occurrences of the string, y, replaced by the string z. Replace accepts three field parameters of type String, or string values.




Replace(Description, "ing", "tion") Round

rounds the specified value in the first paraemter to the number of decimal places specified in the second parameter, rounding up if the number in the N+1 decimal place is 5 or greater, and rounding down otherwise. Round accepts two parameters that can be fields of type Integer, Float, or Decimal, or numeric values.





In this example, if Sales value is 12.345, it will be rounded to 12.35. Second

returns the second value in the range 0-59. Second accepts one field parameter of type DateTime.




Second({Last Modified}) Substring

returns a substring z characters long from string x, starting at position y. Substring requires three parameters, the first of which must be a string value, or a field of type String, and the second and third of which must be an integer or field of type Integer.




Substring(Description, 3, 5) Sum

returns a summation of all values for the specified field. Sum accepts one field parameter of type Integer, Float, or Decimal.




Sum(Total) Switch

creates a Switch statement. Switch can accept fields, expressions, and values of any type as parameters.



Example: TrimEnd

trims the whitespace characters (space, tab, carriage return, line feed, page feed, form feed, and so on) from the end of the string. TrimEnd accepts one field parameter of type String. You can also enter an expression that returns a string value.




TrimEnd(Concat(Description,Subcategory)) TrimStart

trims the whitespace characters (space, tab, carriage return, line feed, page feed, form feed, and so on) from the beginning of the string. TrimStart accepts one field parameter of type String. You can also enter an expression that returns a string value.




TrimStart(Concat(Description,Subcategory)) Upper

converts a string to uppercase letters. Upper accepts one parameter of type String. You can also enter an expression that returns a string value.




Upper({License Plate Number}) Week

returns the week for a DateTime value, in the range 0 to 53, since there might be the beginning of a week 53, where Sunday is the first day of the week. Week 1 is the first week with a Sunday in this year.

For example, in the year 2006, January 1st is a Sunday, so there is no week 0. The year starts with week 1 and continues to week 53. Week 53 of 2006 includes only one day, which is December 31st (also a Sunday). The Monday through Saturday following this (January 1-6 of 2007) are in week 0 of 2007.




Week({Last Modified}) Year

returns the year value in the range 1000-9999. Year accepts one parameter of type DateTime.




Year({Last Modified}) Using Special Characters in Calculated Fields

The reserved or special characters in the calculator are + / * - ( ) " { } % ,

Field names containing any special characters must be surrounded with curly braces {}. If field names contain only numbers, letters and underscores and begin with a letter or underscore they do not need curly braces. For example, if the field name is Sales+Costs, the correct way to enter this in a calculation is {Sales+Costs}.

Double quotes must be escaped if used inside double quotes. For example, Length("""Hello World, "" I said"). Using HTML in Calculations

You can add HTML tags to calculated fields in order to add special formatting to the field.

The following example guides you through the steps for using HTML in calculated fields.

  1. Create a new report using the Streaming List view.

  2. When the View Editor opens, select the Call Center data object in the Samples folder and click Next.

  3. Select all of the fields and click Next.

  4. Click Create a calculated field.

  5. Enter the following in the expression box:

    If(Total > 50)

    Then(Concat(Concat("<div style='color:red'>",Total),"</div>"))

    Else(Concat(Concat("<div style='color:green'>",Total),"</div>"))

  6. Click Enter. The field name appears in the calculated fields list.

  7. Click Apply.

  8. Select the Fields tab.

  9. Select the calculated field and click Apply.

  10. Select the Properties icon and select the Value Format tab.

  11. Select the calculated field from the Apply To list.

  12. Select HTML from the Category list.

  13. Click OK. The calculated field shows the Total values in green or red.

4.2.5 Adding Surface Prompts

You can add surface prompts to List, Chart, KPI, Crosstab, Spreadsheet, Excel, and Surface Prompts views.

  1. Create a Prompt in the report. See "Creating Prompts" for more information.

  2. Click the Data button in the View Editor. To open the View Editor, double-click the view you are editing, or click Edit view in the View Tasks/Options list.

  3. Select the Surface Prompts tab.

    The prompts available in the report are listed in the View Prompts box.

  4. Use the Display in list to determine where a prompt should be displayed.

  5. Use the Go Button Location list to determine where the Go button should be displayed.

  6. Enter new text for the Go button if desired in the Go Button Text box.

  7. Click OK or Apply.

4.3 Formatting View Properties

This section describes how to change the default formatting in views. It contains the following topics:

When you create or edit a view, select the Properties button to display the formatting options.

4.3.1 Formatting General Properties

To specify general properties:

  1. Click the Properties button in the View Editor. To open the View Editor, double-click the view you are editing, or click Edit view in the View Tasks/Options list.

  2. Select the General tab.

    The following general properties are available in all views:

    • View Title displays a title and title bar for this view in the report. Every view in a report can have its own title. The view title bar is also used to display surface prompts, menus, and the additional information button.

    • Display additional info button creates an icon in the view title with additional information that you enter in the field.

    • Allow view to be detached from report creates an icon in the view title that when clicked opens the view in a new browser window. You can edit the browser window settings by clicking the link.

    Depending on the view you select there might be more options. See the related sections in this chapter for information about general options for each view.

  3. Click Apply or OK.

4.3.2 Formatting Axis Properties

For chart views (except Pie Chart), you can format the axes or accept the automatic axis formatting. Auto formatting adjusts the axes for active data. Other view types do not contain axes.

To specify axis properties:

  1. Click the Properties button in the View Editor. To open the View Editor, double-click the view you are editing, or click Edit view in the View Tasks/Options list.

  2. Select the Axis tab.

  3. To use the automatic axis formatting, select the Auto Axis checkbox. If you turn off Auto Axis, you must specify numbers for the following settings:

    • Data Axis Min

    • Data Axis Max

    • Major Increment Marks

    • Minor Increment Marks

  4. If your view type is a Combo Chart, you can choose to display a secondary axis by selecting the Display Secondary Axis checkbox and specifying the secondary axis settings.

  5. Click Apply or OK.

4.3.3 Formatting Borders and Shading

You can format the background color and borders of the view, the view title bar, column headers and any column in a list view, the report prompt input dialog, the report prompt selected option, and the Go button.

To format shading:

  1. Click the Properties button in the View Editor. To open the View Editor, double-click the view you are editing, or click Edit view in the View Tasks/Options list.

  2. Select the Shading tab.

  3. Select a target from the Apply To list.

  4. Click the color swatch next to the Color field to change the background color.

    A color palette displays.

  5. Click the new color from the palette.

    The color and the color hex number display. You can also specify the color by typing or pasting a hex number in the Color field.

  6. Click Apply or OK.

To format borders:

  1. Click the Properties button in the View Editor.

  2. Select the Shading tab.

  3. Select a target from the Apply To list.

  4. Next to a border type, select a line style from the list, such as solid or double.

  5. Click the color swatch next the list you selected.

    A color palette displays.

  6. Click the new color from the palette.

    The color displays in the swatch.

  7. Enter a number next to the color swatch to indicate the line thickness.

  8. In the Margin group (View target only) you can adjust the amount of white space between the view borders and the data displayed in the view.

  9. Click Apply or OK.

4.3.4 Formatting Text Alignment

The Text & Align tab in the View Editor lets you adjust the alignment of labels in the view including the view title, column headers, and column text. You can configure text wrapping properties and edit column headers.

To format text alignment:

  1. Click the Properties button in the View Editor. To open the View Editor, double-click the view you are editing, or click Edit view in the View Tasks/Options list.

  2. Select the Text & Align tab.

  3. Select a target from the Apply To list.

  4. Edit the column heading name by entering a new name in the Column Heading text field. This name displays in the view but does not change the column name in the data object.

  5. Select a radio button for horizontal text alignment, and where applicable, for vertical text alignment.

  6. Select one of the following properties:

    • None applies no formatting. Text longer than the column is wide is truncated.

    • Wrap text causes data to start on a new line if the column is not wide enough to display all information.

    • Wrap text (break words) breaks long words to wrap them. No hyphen is used.

    • Ellipses truncates data after a set width and displays ellipses as an indicator in list view types only.

    • Width is the set width for the column measured in pixels, inches, or percentage.

    • Height is the set height for the row measured in pixels.

  7. Click Apply or OK.

4.3.5 Displaying Data Labels

In chart view types, you can choose to display data labels that show values, percentages, or data series names.

To display data labels:

  1. Click the Properties button in the View Editor. To open the View Editor, double-click the view you are editing, or click Edit view in the View Tasks/Options list.

  2. Select the Data Labels tab.

  3. Select the checkboxes to display data labels.

    You can select any combination of label types to display.

  4. Click Apply or OK.

4.3.6 Formatting Fonts

The Fonts tab in the View Editor lets you select and format the fonts used in the view.

To format fonts:

  1. Click the Properties button in the View Editor. To open the View Editor, double-click the view you are editing, or click Edit view in the View Tasks/Options list.

  2. Select the Font tab.

  3. Select a target from the Apply To list.

  4. Select a font name from the Font list.

  5. Select a font style from the Style list.

  6. Select a font size from the Size list.

  7. Click the color swatch to change the font color.

    A color palette displays.

  8. Select a new color from the palette.

    The color swatch changes color and the color hex number displays in the Color field. You can also specify the color by typing or pasting a hex number in this field.

  9. Choose effects to apply to the text by selecting the checkboxes and radio buttons.

  10. Click Apply or OK.

4.3.7 Formatting Themes

You can select themes for chart views and the Crosstab view.

To choose a theme:

  1. Click the Properties button in the View Editor. To open the View Editor, double-click the view you are editing, or click Edit view in the View Tasks/Options list.

  2. Select the Themes tab.

  3. Select a radio button to choose a color scheme.

    If your chart only includes two colors, the colors are applied in the order listed in the color scheme. If your chart requires more than seven colors, the colors are repeated with patterns applied to represent more values.

  4. Click Apply or OK. Adding and Changing Themes

You can change the theme colors and add more themes using the Architect web application.

To add a theme:

  1. Open the Architect web application and select Data Objects from the list.

  2. Select the Chart Themes or Matrix Themes data object located in the Data Objects/System/Views folder.

  3. Click Contents.

  4. Click Edit Contents.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Enter an Name and unique Number.

  7. Enter a hexadecimal number corresponding to each color choice in each of the color fields. Chart Themes can have up to 16 colors. Matrix Themes let you specify a Border Color, Heading Border Color, and Cell Border Color. In addition you can add up to 10 colors and 10 font colors.

  8. Click Save.

4.3.8 Formatting Values

Use value formatting to apply currency or decimal formatting to a field containing numeric values, or to apply date formatting to datetime fields. You can specify value formatting when you create or edit a report from the View Editor.

To specify value format:

  1. Click the Properties button in the View Editor. To open the View Editor, double-click the view you are editing, or click Edit view in the View Tasks/Options list.

  2. Select the Value Format tab.

  3. Select a field from the Apply To list.

  4. Select the category describing the value format, and do one of the following:

    • If you select General, no other formatting selections must be made.

    • If you select Number, specify a negative number format, the number of decimal places to include, and click the Digits Grouping Symbol checkbox to apply the comma as a thousands separator. Select the Round to the nearest checkbox to display numbers in shorter form such a 20K for 20,000.

    • If you select Percent, specify the number of decimal places to include.

    • If you select Currency, specify a negative number format, the number of decimal places to include, and a currency symbol. Select the Round to the nearest checkbox to display numbers in shorter form such a 20K for 20,000.

    • If you select Timestamp, specify a timestamp format. You can select Adjust time zone from GMT to checkbox to make time zone adjustments.

    • If you select Time or Date, choose a type of time or date format in the Type list. You can select Adjust time zone from GMT to checkbox to make time zone adjustments.

    • If you select TimeUnit, choose the unit of time to represent from the Type list.

    • If you select HTML, no other formatting selections must be made.

  5. Select the Zero checkbox and enter a value to substitute for zero values. This option is only enabled for Number, Currency, and Percent formats.

  6. Select the NULL checkbox and enter a value to substitute for null values.

  7. Click Apply or OK.

4.3.9 Formatting the Display of Active Data

You can format the look of the active data as it is added to the view. You can specify a color and a time interval to indicate how recently the information arrived.

To format the display of active data:

  1. Click the Properties button in the View Editor. To open the View Editor, double-click the view you are editing, or click Edit view in the View Tasks/Options list.

  2. Select the Active Data tab.

  3. Click the New Transaction Color color swatch.

    A color palette displays.

  4. Select the new color.

    The color and the color hex number display for the new transaction color. You can also specify the color by typing or pasting a hex number in this field.

  5. Enter a number in the New Transaction Highlight Interval field to indicate the length of time to highlight new data.

  6. Click Apply or OK.

For the Updating Ordered List view you can select Show Rank Colors.

In the Action List view you can select Show Rank Colors and Does not support active data.

For Chart views you can select Disable chart movement on transition to improve performance, and you can uncheck Show New Transaction Color to disable the color change that highlights active data.

For Columnar Reports only, you can also click the Use the fade transition effect for Active Data checkbox. If you have large amounts of active data, this setting is not recommended. The New Transaction Highlight Area property lets you select Entire Row or Cell Only to indicate where active data is.