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Oracle® Retail POS Suite Implementation Guide, Volume 1 – Implementation Solutions
Release 14.1
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B Appendix: Reconfiguring a JAXWSConnector

This appendix describes how to reconfigure a JAXWSConnector to use a local copy of a web service's WSDL.

The Commerce Anywhere JAXWSConnector used to communicate with the Order Management System (OMS) is configured in ServiceContext.xml as the
service_CustomerOrder bean ID. The release configuration for this bean looks similar to the following example:

<bean id="service_CustomerOrder" class="oracle.retail.stores.common.jaxws.connector.JAXWSConnector">
  <property name="wsdlLocation">
<value>https://<HOST>:<PORT>/CustomerOrderBean/CustomerOrderService?WSDL</value>  </property>
  <property name="serviceNamespaceURI">
  <property name="serviceName">
  <property name="clientServiceClassname">
  <property name="sevicePortAccessorMethodName">
  <property name="jaxwsHandlers">
      <ref local="service_XC_CustomerOrder_WSSecurity_Handler"/>

To reconfigure the bean to access a local copy of the WSDL:

  1. Obtain a copy of the endpoint's WSDL file. One technique to do this:

    1. Point a browser at the WSDL URL to capture the WSDL, for example:

    2. Save the source to a file, for example, CustomerOrderService.wsdl.

  2. Add the WSDL to a jar file such as OracleRetailStore\Server\common\lib\ext\rtg-service-wsdl.jar.

  3. Add an endpointURL property element to the bean's XML configuration in ServiceContext.xml:

    <property name="endpointURL">
  4. Replace the wsdlLocation value in the bean's XML configuration with the name of the WSDL added to the jar file, prefaced with the Spring notation for a classpath entry:

    <property name="wsdlLocation">

    The service_CustomerOrder bean's new configuration should look similar to the following example:

    <bean id="service_CustomerOrder" class="oracle.retail.stores.common.jaxws.connector.JAXWSConnector">
      <property name="endpointURL">
      <property name="wsdlLocation">
      <property name="serviceNamespaceURI">
      <property name="serviceName">
      <property name="clientServiceClassname">
      <property name="sevicePortAccessorMethodName">
      <property name="jaxwsHandlers">
          <ref local="service_XC_CustomerOrder_WSSecurity_Handler"/>