AquaLogic Interaction Administrator Guide

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Portal Installer Components

The following table describes the components available in the portal installer. These portal components provide the functionality described in the Administrator Guide for AquaLogic Interaction. For information on installing these components, refer to the Installation Guide for AquaLogic Interaction.

Component Description
Administrative Portal The administrative portal handles portal setup, configuration, and content. It enables administrative functions, such as creating and managing portlets and other web services.
Portal The portal serves end user portal pages and content. It enables end users to access portal content via My Pages, community pages, the Knowledge Directory, and search. The portal also enables some administrative actions, such as setting preferences on portlets or managing communities.

For information on advanced portal configuration, see AquaLogic Interaction Configuration Manager.

Portal Database (scripts) The scripts used to configure the database are included in the portal installer. The portal database stores portal objects, such as user and group configurations, document records, and administrative objects. The portal database does not store the documents available through your portal. Source documents are left in their original locations.
Automation Service The Automation Service runs jobs and other automated portal tasks. You run jobs to perform tasks such as crawling documents into the Knowledge Directory, synchronizing groups and users with external authentication sources, and maintaining the search collection.

For information on configuring Automation Service jobs, see Automating Administrative Tasks.

API Service The API Service provides access to the SOAP API.
Image Service The Image Service serves static content used or created by portal components. It serves images and other static content for use by the AquaLogic User Interaction system.

Whenever you extend the base portal deployment to include additional components, such as portal servers or integration products, you may have to install additional Image Service files. For information on installing the Image Service files for those components, refer to the documentation included with the component software.

Search Service The Search Service returns content that is indexed in the AquaLogic User Interaction system from the portal, Collaboration, and Publisher. The indexed content includes documents, portlets, communities, and users as well as many other AquaLogic User Interaction objects.

For information on advanced Search Service configuration, see AquaLogic Interaction Configuration Manager.

Document Repository Service The Document Repository Service stores content uploaded into the portal, Collaboration, or Publisher.
Content Upload Service The Content Upload Service lets you add files to the portal’s Knowledge Directory by uploading them to the Document Repository Service, rather than leaving them in their original locations. This is useful if users need to access documents located in an internal network from outside your network.
ALUI Directory Service The ALUI Directory Service enables AquaLogic Interaction to act as an LDAP server, exposing the user, group, and profile data in the portal database through an LDAP interface. This enables other ALUI products (and other third-party applications) to authenticate users against the portal database.
Remote Portlet Service The Remote Portlet Service includes the following components:
  • RSS Reader Portlet

    The RSS Reader Portlet enables users to specify an RSS or ATOM feed to display on a My Page or community page.

  • Activity Service

    The Activity Service includes the User Status portlet, which lets users post their current status; the User Activities portlet, which displays a user’s status history and any other recent activities that are submitted by other applications; and a REST-based API for submitting activities into a user’s activity stream.

Note: If you use the REST-based API to submit other activities into the activity stream, those activities will also be displayed in the User Activities portlet.
Notification Service The Notification Service enables the portal to send e-mail notifications to users upon specified events. There are no portal events that trigger notifications, but other AquaLogic User Interaction events do trigger notifications. For example, AquaLogic Interaction Collaboration can be configured to send notifications to users when documents are uploaded.

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