AquaLogic Interaction Administrator Guide

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Job History Information

The Job History page of the Automation Service Utility provides information about in-process and completed jobs.

Column Description
Job Name Displays the name of the job. Click the job name to view the detailed job log.
Server Displays the name of the Automation Service that ran the job.
Next Run Displays the next date and time the job is scheduled to run.
Start Displays the starting date and time for the last time the job ran.
Finish Displays the ending date and time for the last time the job ran.
Status Displays what happened when the job ran last:
  • Succeeded indicates that the job was able to complete.
  • Failed (in red text) indicates that the job experienced errors and was not able to complete.
  • In Process indicates that the job is running now.
  • Interrupted indicates that the job was terminated unexpectedly.
  • Suspended indicates that the job stopped before completing its work and will resume its work at the next scheduled runtime.
Download Click the button to download a text file version of the detailed job log.

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