AquaLogic Interaction Administrator Guide

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Specifying What to Do with Users and Groups Deleted from the Source User Repository

The Fully Synchronized Groups page of the Authentication Source Editor enables you to specify what to do with users and groups deleted from the source user repository. By default the portal users are disabled and groups are moved to a folder for future deletion, but you can change this behavior.

  1. If the Authentication Source Editor is not already open, open it now.
  2. Click the Fully Synchronized Groups page.
  3. To delete users rather than disabling them, clear the box next to Disable users instead of deleting them.
  4. To delete groups rather than moving them to a folder for future deletion, clear the box next to Defer deletion of groups instead of deleting.
  5. To change the folder in which groups deferred for deletion are stored, click Browse and, in the Change Folder dialog box, select the folder and click OK. By default, groups deferred for deletion are moved to a Groups to Delete folder in the same folder that stores the authentication source.

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