AquaLogic Interaction Administrator Guide

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Registering Job Folders to Run Jobs

Jobs can run only if the folder in which they are stored is assigned to an Automation Service. All of the jobs in a folder are run by one or more Automation Services. If multiple Automation Services are associated with a single folder, the BEA ALI Automation Service assigns jobs according to the resources available on each Automation Service.

To access the Automation Service Utility you must be a member of the Administrators Group.
Note: You must register each folder separately. An Automation Service does not monitor child folders of registered folders.
  1. Click Administration.
  2. In the Select Utility drop-down list, click Automation Service.
  3. Click the name of the Automation Service that you want to run the jobs. The Register Folders Editor opens.
  4. Click Add Folder. The Add Job Folder dialog box opens.
The job folder appears in the list. Under each registered job folder, you can see the jobs stored in that folder and the next time each job is scheduled to run.
  • To edit a job, click its name.
  • To remove a job folder, select the folder and click .

    To select or clear all of the folder check boxes, select or clear the box to the left of Folders.

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