AquaLogic Interaction Administrator Guide

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Branding Experience Definitions with Headers and Footers

The Choose Header, Footer & Style page of the Experience Definition Editor enables you to add special branding portlets to an experience definition (as well as change the color scheme) to control what certain groups of users see at the top and bottom of portal pages.

You must create the header and footer portlets you want to use before branding the experience definition.
  1. If the Experience Definition Editor is not already open, open it now.
  2. Click the Choose Header, Footer & Style page.
  3. In the Default Style drop-down list, select a color scheme.
    Note: If you are using adaptive page layouts, the layout will override the style selected here.
  4. Under Add Header, select the header portlet you want to apply to the experience definition:
    • To add or change the header, click Add Header.
    • To remove the header, select it, then click .
  5. Under Add Footer, select the footer portlet you want to apply to the experience definition:
    • To add or change the header, click Add Footer.
    • To remove the footer, select it, then click .
Note: The community template header and footer can be set to override the experience definition header and footer.

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