AquaLogic Interaction Administrator Guide

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Configuring Dynamic Group Membership

You might want to have users automatically added to or removed from groups based on properties in their user profiles or other group membership. This is called dynamic group membership. For example, you might want to give users access to a community based on their location, title, department, or any other property in their profile. If you have a community for all the branches in Texas, you could set up a rule that states that all employees in Texas are part of the group. If an employee moves to Arizona, and the "State" property in her profile changes, the employee no longer satisfies this rule.

Dynamic membership rules are made up of statements that define what must or must not be true to include a user in the group. The statements are collected together in groupings. The grouping defines whether the statements are evaluated with an AND operator (all statements are true) or an OR operator (any statement is true). If some statements should be evaluated with an AND operator and some should be evaluated with an OR operator, you can create separate groupings for the statements. You can also create subgroupings or nested groupings, where one grouping is contained within another grouping. The statements in the lowest-level grouping are evaluated first to define a set of users. Then the statements in the next highest grouping are applied to that set of users to further filter the set of users. The filtering continues up the levels of groupings until all the groupings of statements are evaluated.
  1. Open the Group Editor by creating a new group or editing an existing one.
  2. Click the Dynamic Membership Rules page.
  3. Select the operator for the grouping of statements you are about to create:
    • If a user should be added to the group only when all statements in the grouping are true, select AND.
    • If a user should be added to the group when any statement in grouping is true, select OR.
    Note: The operator you select for a grouping applies to all its statements and subgroupings directly under it.
  4. Define each statement in the grouping:
    1. Click Add Statement.
    2. In the first drop-down list, select a property. This list includes the properties included in the user profile and Member Of, which enables you to select a group whose members you want to include or exclude.
    3. In the second drop-down list, select an operator:
      • If you selected a user profile property, you can select Contains or Contains No Value.
      • If you selected Member Of, you can select includes or excludes.
    4. If you selected Contains as the operator, in the text box, enter a value for the property. You can use wildcards.
    5. If you selected Member Of, select the groups whose members you want to include or exclude. Click , in the Group Chooser dialog box, select a group, and click OK.
      Note: The Group Chooser dialog box displays only statically defined groups.

      • To add more statements, repeat these steps.
      • To remove the last statement in a grouping, select the grouping and click Remove Statement.
  5. If necessary, add more groupings:
    • To add another grouping, select the grouping to which you want to add a subgrouping and click Add Grouping. Then define the statements for that grouping.
      Note: You cannot add a grouping at the same level as Grouping 1.
    • To remove a grouping, select the grouping, and click Remove Grouping.

      • Any groupings and statements in that grouping will also be removed.
      • You cannot remove the top level Grouping 1.
  6. Click Preview Members to see the dynamic members resulting from the rules you defined. Only 1000 members will be displayed.
The dynamic members are updated for this group when you click Finish.

The next time you open this group editor, dynamic members are displayed on the Group Memberships page.

Dynamic memberships are updated for all groups as part of the Dynamic Membership Update Agent job (located in the Intrinsic Operations folder). When user profile data changes, the resulting dynamic group membership changes are updated as part of this job.
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