AquaLogic Interaction Administrator Guide

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How Do I Configure Reverse Proxy with My SSO Deployment Using Apache HTTP Server?

  1. Install the version of the Apache HTTP server recommended by the Oblix Installation Guide. For Netpoint 6.5, Oblix recommends the latest version of the Apache, v1.3 line. The configuration described in this example has been tested with version v1.3.29.
  2. Turn on the proxy module inside of the Apache configuration. To do so, edit apache_install_dir/conf/httpd.conf to uncomment the lines titled LoadModule proxy_module modules/ and AddModule mod_proxy.c. (To uncomment a line, remove the pound symbol (#) at the beginning of the line).
  3. Configure Apache to act as a reverse proxy for your portal. To do so, add lines similar to the following example at the end of httpd.conf:
    ProxyRequests Off
    ProxyPass /portal
    ProxyPassReverse /portal
    This example configuration redirects requests from the Apache Web server ( to the portal application server ( You must specify the fully qualified domain name here and for all other times you type in the server names. For more information on Apache reverse proxy, see
  4. Start or reboot the Apache HTTP server.

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