AquaLogic Interaction Installation Guide for Unix and Linux

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Scripting the Portal Database on SQL Server

This topic describes how to create and populate SQL Server tables necessary for the AquaLogic Interaction portal.

We recommend that you run the scripts as the sa user so that the tables are owned by dbo.
Note: See Knowledge Base article DA_319052 for a discussion of the benefits of dbo object ownership.
  1. Delete previous tables (if they exist) and create the tables required for the new portal components by running the following script:install_dir\ptportal\6.5\sql\mssql\create_tables_mssql.sql.
  2. Create the portal objects required by the portal by running the following script: install_dir\ ptportal\6.5\sql\mssql\load_seed_info_mssql.sql
  3. Create the stored procedures required by the portal by running the following script install_dir\ptportal\6.5\sql\mssql\stored_procs_mssql.sql
  4. Set configuration information required by the porta by running the following script install_dir\ptportal\6.5\sql\mssql\postinst_mssql.sql.
  5. Run the SQL scripts for AquaLogic Directory.

    The scripts are located in install_dir\aluidirectory\1.0\sql\mssql. Run the scripts in the following order:

    1. create_tables.sql
    2. create_functions.sql
    3. map_alidb_65.sql
    Note: The create_functions.sql script creates functions under the DBO schema and assumes that all portal tables are also under DBO. If you portal tables are under a different schema, you must manually edit create_functions.sql and replace the following:

    • DBO.PTAUTHSOURCES must be changed to your_schema.PTAUTHSOURCES
    • DBO.LDAP_ORG_UNITS must be changed to your_schema.LDAP_ORG_UNITS

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