AquaLogic Interaction Upgrade Guide for 6.0 to 6.5 MP1 on Unix and Linux

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Typographical Conventions

This document uses the following typographical conventions:

Convention Typeface Examples/Notes

  • File names
  • Folder names
  • Screen elements
  • Upload procedures.doc to the portal.
  • The log files are stored in the logs folder
  • To save your changes, click Apply Changes.

  • Text you enter
computer Type Marketing as the name of your community.

  • Variables you enter
italic computer Enter the base URL for the Remote Server.

For example, http://my_computer.

  • New terms
  • Emphasis
  • Object example names
  • Portlets are web tools embedded in your portal.
  • The URL must be a unique number.
  • The example Knowledge Directory displayed in Figure 5 shows the Human Resources folder.

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