AquaLogic Interaction Installation Guide for Windows

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Creating an External Notification Database on Oracle

This topic describes how to create and configure a database for the Notification service on all supported versions of Oracle.

  • Log into the portal database host machine as the owner of the Oracle system files. Unless otherwise noted, scripts must be run as the system user.
  • Verify that ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_HOME, and ORACLE_SID are set appropriately.

    For details, see Oracle Environment Variables

The script files referred to in the following steps are found in install_dir\alui\cns\1.0\sql\oracle on Windows installs and install_dir/alui/cns/1.0/sql/oracle on Unix and Linux installs. In this directory there are two subdirectories:
  • If you are scripting an Oracle database on Windows, use the script files in the windows directory.
  • If you are scripting an Oracle database on Unix or Linux, use the script files in the unix directory.
  1. Edit references to the PLUM10 SID in cns-server-create-table-space.sql, if necessary. The cns-server-create-table-space.sql script assumes your SID to be PLUM10. If your SID is different, replace all occurrences of PLUM10 in the script file with your SID.
  2. Run cns-server-create-table-space.sql.
  3. Set user and password values in cns-server-create-user.sql. In the cns-server-create-user.sql script replace the tokens @CNSDB_LOGIN@ and @CNSDB_PASSWORD_UNENCRYPTED@ with the user name and password, respectively, for the user you are creating.
  4. Run cns-server-create-user.sql.
  5. As the user you just created, run cns-createTables.sql.
  6. As the user you just created, run cns-data.sql.

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