AquaLogic Interaction User Guide

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Search String Operators

Operator Description Example Search Text Example Search Results

Alternative: AND, & (ampersand)

Connects two terms that must both be included in each item returned. holiday <AND> schedule Holiday Schedule

Alternative: OR, ACCRUE, ANY, | (vertical bar), , (comma)

Connects two terms where at least one must be included in each item returned. holiday <OR> vacation Holiday Schedule, Christmas Holiday Party, Scheduling Vacation

Alternative: NOT, AND NOT

Term must not appear in items returned. holiday <NOT> vacation Holiday Schedule, Christmas Holiday Party

Alternative: NEAR

Terms must appear within N words of each other, regardless of order, in items returned. early <NEAR/10> retirement Plan early for your retirement
<ORDER> Both terms must appear in items returned, and the first term must precede the second term. song <ORDER> bird song bird (not bird song)
<WORD> Turns off stemming, alternate case, and spell correction.    

Alternative: Surround terms in “ (double quotes)

Both terms must appear sequentially, in a phrase in items returned.    
<SENTENCE> Same as <NEAR/10>.    
<PARAGRAPH> Same as <NEAR/50>.    
+ (plus) Term must appear in the items returned.    
- (minus) Term must not appear in the items returned.    
* (asterisk) The wildcard specifies that the result must match 0 or more characters at the beginning or end of a word. sub* subdirectory, subject, subjective
> (right angle bracket) The top best bet operator brings the user directly to the top best bet for a term, such as a community, document, or portlet. >HR You are navigated to the HR Community.

There are certain circumstances in which a user can unintentionally invoke a more advanced search mode by inadvertently using operators. Examples include the following queries:

Query Equivalent to...
The young and the restless “the young” <AND> “the restless”
File not found file <AND> <NOT> found
Error -217439239 Error <AND> <NOT> 217439239

In each of these examples, enclosing the query in double quotes yields the desired effect.

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