AquaLogic Analytics Query API Usage Guide

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The <orders> Element

This topic provides the syntax for the <orders> element of a Query API SOAP request.

The <orders> element defines how the results are ordered based on a property or dimension property of an event. There may be multiple <orders> elements.

When using multiple <orders> elements, the primary order of the result set is determined by the first <orders> element. Subsequent <orders> elements further refine the order within the rules of all previous <orders> elements.

There are three elements contained by the <views> element:

Table 1. Elements contained by <orders>
Element Description
<dimension> The name of a dimension associated with the event. Each <orders> element may have at most one <dimension> element.
<property> The name of a property associated with the dimension. Each <orders> element must have one and only one <property> element.
<isAscending> How to order the rows. This is an optional element and takes an integer value: A value of 1 orders the rows in ascending order, a value of 0 orders the rows in descending order. The default is descending order.

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