AquaLogic Analytics Query API Usage Guide

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The <views> Element

This topic provides the syntax for the <views> element of a Query API SOAP request.

The <views> element defines a view on a property or dimension property of an event, or on an aggregate of either. For each <views> element there is a column added to the result set. There may be multiple <views> elements.

There are three elements contained by the <views> element:

Table 1. Elements contained by <views>
Element Description
<dimension> The name of a dimension associated with the event. Each <views> element may have at most one <dimension> element.
<property> The name of a property associated with the dimension. Each <views> element must have one and only one <property> element.

There is a special case usage of the <property> element:


This special case results in a count of events that meet the criteria of the rest of the query.

<aggregate> The method of aggregation for this view. This is an optional element and takes an integer value. For details on the values used by the <aggregate> element, see the following table.
Table 2. Aggregation types
Value Description
0 No aggregation. This is the same as omitting the <aggregate> element.
1 Count. A count of all distinct properties in the view.
2 Min. The property with the minimum value in the view. For string values, this is the alphabetically earliest property.
3 Max. The property with the maximum value in the view. For string values, this is the alphabetically latest property.
4 Average. An arithmetic average of the properties in the view. This only applies to numeric properties.
5 Sum. The sum total of the properties in the view. This only applies to numeric properties.

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