AquaLogic Analytics Query API Usage Guide

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Tracking Portlet Usage

This topic describes how to use the <groups> element to track portlet usage based on periods of time.

In this topic you learn how to:
  • View how many times each portlet was used on the portal
  • View how many times a specific portlet was used each week
  1. View how many times each portlet was used on the portal.
    1. Create a <views> element that counts events. A <views> element that uses the COUNT aggregate and <property>*</property> will return a count of events.

      You have the following SOAP message:

      <S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
        <Q:executeResultSetQuery xmlns:Q="">

      When this SOAP message is sent with our application, a count of every time a portlet has been used on the portal is output to the console.

      Note: You might be wondering how this query is any different from the first query you made in Viewing Portlet Usage, where there was simply the <eventName> element and no <views>. As is, both queries do return the same results. Where you will see the difference is in the next step, when you start adding other parameters to the query. This <views> element causes the Query API service to return a count of events that meet the criteria of the query.
    2. Create a <groups> element to list the portlets used on the portal. Each row returned by the <groups> query represents one or more events for each distinct value of the grouped property. Combining a <groups> element with the <views> element we just wrote will give us a count of events that match each distinct value of the grouped property. Our SOAP message:
      <S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
        <Q:executeResultSetQuery xmlns:Q="">

      When this SOAP message is sent with the example application, a list of portlet names, each with a corresponding number representing how many times the portlet was used, is output to the console. In a test environment, it looked like this:

      Analytics Query API Results:
      98              Community Metrics
      35              FCC News Portlet
      150             Other Metrics
      219             Portlet Metrics
      7               Publisher Administration
      18              Publisher Community Directory Portlet
      274             Report
      427             Summary Metrics
  2. View how many times a specific portlet was used each day.

    To group results by time, you create a <groups> element with the dimension set to time and a <timeGrouping> element set to the period of time you want grouped. The <timeGrouping> element takes an integer value.

    For details on the values used with <timeGrouping>, see The <groups> Element.

    For the example you are going to group results by day, or <timeGrouping>3</timeGrouping>, and then create a filter so you only see data for the Summary Metrics portlet.

    The SOAP message looks like this:

    <S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
      <Q:executeResultSetQuery xmlns:Q="">
            <values  xsi:type="xs:string" >Summary Metrics</values>

    When this SOAP message is sent with the example application, a list of portlet usage statistics by date is output to the console. In a test environment, it looked like this:

    Analytics Query API Results:
    173             Summary Metrics         3/21/08
    15              Summary Metrics         3/24/08
    35              Summary Metrics         3/27/08
    14              Summary Metrics         3/28/08
    8               Summary Metrics         3/31/08
    93              Summary Metrics         4/1/08
    89              Summary Metrics         4/2/08
    24              Summary Metrics         4/4/08

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