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Oracle® Communication and Mobility Server Installation Guide
Release 10.1.3 for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit)

Part Number E10395-03
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1 Product and Installation Overview

This chapter describes Oracle Communication and Mobility Server (OCMS), and recommended topologies in the following sections:

Product Overview

OCMS is a carrier grade SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) and J2EE execution platform for applications needing to send or receive messages over a SIP enabled broadband network or cellular network. This platform is referred to as a SIP Application Server.

Examples of such applications are as follows:

New in this Release

This release of Oracle Communication and Mobility Server includes enhancements and new features. To read about new and improved features, see

Installation Prerequisites

This section describes prerequisites for installing OCMS and for using specific OCMS functionality.

System Requirements

To install OCMS your system must meet the following requirements:

  • AIX 5L Version 5.2 and AIX 5L Version 5.3

  • Recommended for development purposes only: Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3 or above, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (32-bit) with Service Pack 1 or above, or Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2

  • Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition Software Development Kit (JDK) 5.0, (JDK version 1.5). Oracle Application Server installation mode uses the JDK 1.5 (Update 6) from the installation of Oracle Application Server. Standalone developer mode bundles JDK 1.5 (Update 6) with the OCMS installation.

  • Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database 6.0 is required when installing Subscriber Data Services and using applications that require the authentication and authorization features provided by OCMS. Oracle TimesTen is provided with the OCMS distribution.

    Refer to What Components are Installed for more information on Subscriber Data Services.

  • A LAN connection and an IP address and hostname


The listed operating systems are certified and supported for Oracle Communication and Mobility Server. Other operating systems have not been certified.

Shared Memory Requirement

Before installing OCMS, make sure that you have set shmmax to a reasonably large value, approximately 1 GB or higher. As root, you can query for the current value by entering the following command:

more /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax

To set the value to approximately 1 GB, enter the following commands as root:

  • /sbin/sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=1073741824

  • Edit file /etc/sysctl.conf. At the end of the file add the line: kernel.shmmax=1073741824

Editing the /etc/sysctl.conf file makes the shmmax change done by the /sbin/sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=1073741824 command consistent across a reboot.

In general, we recommend this value to be set to be half the size of your physical RAM. If you have less than 2 GB of physical RAM, set it to approximately 1 GB as described above.

Port Requirements

OCMS requires the use of ports for TCP and UDP communications for the SIP Container, Presence server, and, if installed, the Edge Proxy. You can have the InstallShield Wizard for OCMS assign default port numbers for the SIP Container and Edge Proxy ports, or use port numbers that you specify. The Presence port is not configurable during installation, but can be configured in the MBean browser. Refer to the Oracle Communication and Mobility Server Administrator's Guide for information on how to reconfigure port numbers following installation.

During installation, the InstallShield Wizard for OCMS validates that the selected ports are available. If a port is in use by another application, the installation will not succeed, and a port conflict error message is displayed and logged in an ocmsinstall.log file.

Table 1-1 lists the default ports used by OCMS when you install the Edge Proxy application.

Table 1-1 Default Ports: Edge Proxy Installed

SIP Port Edge Proxy Port Presence Port




Table 1-2 lists the default ports used by OCMS when you do not install the Edge Proxy application:

Table 1-2 Default Ports: Edge Proxy Not Installed

SIP Port Edge Proxy Port Presence Port




Checking if a Port is in Use

To check if a port is being used, you can run the netstat command as follows:

netstat -a | grep <portnum>

Installation Modes

Oracle Communication and Mobility Server can be installed in the following installation modes:

Table 1-3 lists requirements for each installation mode.

Table 1-3 Requirements for Installation Modes

Requirement Oracle Application Server mode Standalone Developer mode

Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J)

Required before installation

Not required. Included with the installation.

Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.5

Provided by Oracle Application Server.


Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database

Required if installing Subscriber Data Services.

Required if installing Subscriber Data Services.

Oracle Application Server Mode (Release or Higher)

The recommended installation mode installs OCMS into an Oracle Application Server Release or higher environment. This installation mode allows OCMS to use OC4J features such as Oracle High Availability (HA), clustering, and replication.

Oracle Communication and Mobility Server is deployed with an OC4J container that you manage using the Oracle 10g Enterprise Manager Application Server Control console. The Application Server Control functions enable starting, stopping, restarting, deploying, undeploying, and redeploying applications

Additionally, the Application Server Control MBean browser enables you to configure and manage the OCMS components. Configuring the attributes of the OCMS MBeans (Managed Beans) enables you to execute such administrative tasks as configuring the DNS (Domain Name System), configuring and managing Presence, and the basic configuration (port, IP, and host address) of the OCMS SIP Server itself.

For more information on managing and configuring OCMS in an Oracle Application Server environment, refer to "Managing the SIP Server" in the Oracle Communication and Mobility Server Administrator's Guide.

For more information on features provided by Oracle Application Server, refer to Oracle Communication and Mobility Server Administrator's Guide

Standalone Developer Mode

The standalone developer mode allows developers to develop and test SIP applications in a minimal installation environment, without an application server. This installation mode installs Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J).

Standalone developer mode is not typically recommended for production deployment because of limited management capabilities.

What Components are Installed

The following applications are included in a typical installation:

The following applications must selected for installation in the custom installation flow:

For more description and configuration information on these features, refer to Oracle Communication and Mobility Server Administrator's Guide.

Typical and Custom Installations

You can install OCMS as a typical installation that includes a set of certain installation components (SIP Container, Subscriber Data Services, Application Router, Proxy Registrar, and Presence) or you can perform a custom installation of specific features. Certain components can only be installed through a custom installation.

OCMS provides a SIP Container, a Presence server, a Proxy Registrar, Presence Webservices, a STUN Server, an Application Router, an Edge Proxy, an Aggregation Proxy, and a tool for developing third party applications, OCMS Service Creation Environment. Refer to What Components are Installed for more information on these features. OCMS also provides a framework for applications requiring user authentication and authorization called Subscriber Data Services. In a typical installation, the SIP Container is installed with an Application Router, Subscriber Data Services, Proxy Registrar, and Presence.

Custom Installation Requirements

When you only plan to use certain OCMS functionality and do not require all the provided functionality, you can perform a custom installation. Table 1-4 lists requirements for installing OCMS applications in a custom installation.

Table 1-4 Application Requirements for Custom Installations

OCMS Application Requirements Dependencies Availability

SIP Container



All modes and supported platforms

Subscriber Data Services

Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database

SIP Container

All modes and supported platforms

Proxy Registrar

(Subscriber Data Services Requirements)

SIP Container, Subscriber Data Services

All modes and supported platforms

Application Router

(Subscriber Data Services Requirements)

SIP Container, Subscriber Data Services

All modes and supported platforms



SIP Container

All modes and supported platforms

Presence Webservices


SIP Container

Standalone Developer and Oracle Application Server modes only, all Platforms

Aggregation Proxy

(Subscriber Data Services Requirements)

SIP Container, Subscriber Data Services

All modes and supported platforms

STUN Server


SIP Container

All modes and supported platforms

Edge Proxy



Oracle Application Server mode only, all supported platforms

Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database

Subscriber Data Services (and applications that depend on Subscriber Data Services including Proxy Registrar, Application Router, and Aggregation Proxy) require Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database, with data access control enabled. The OCMS installer automatically creates a data source for Oracle Times Ten during installation and sets permsize to 256MB.