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Oracle® Communication and Mobility Server Installation Guide
Release 10.1.3 for HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit)

Part Number E10396-03
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5 Performing OCMS Upgrades

This chapter describes procedures to upgrade OCMS Release to OCMS Release, including OCMS TimesTen and configuration data migration. It contains the following sections:

Upgrading OCMS Release to OCMS Release

Upgrading a Release deployment of OCMS to Release involves migrating all OCMS user and configuration data.

Prior to uninstalling the deployment of OCMS, all OCMS TimesTen data and configuration data should be backed up by following the steps in Backing Up OCMS Release Data.

Restore OCMS TimesTen data and configuration data by following the steps in Restoring OCMS Data.

Backing Up OCMS Release Data

This section describes the script to back up the OCMS Release TimesTen data and configuration data. Before running the script make sure that OCMS and the TimesTen daemon are running. Otherwise, necessary data will not be backed up.

Enter the following command to back up the OCMS Release TimesTen data and configuration data:

perl -backup ${BACKUP_DIRECTORY}
${ORACLE_HOME_10.1.3.2} [${TT_HOME}] 


The $TT_HOME argument is optional. If not specified, no TimesTen data will be backed up.

After backing up the OCMS data, the deployment of OCMS should be uninstalled using the standard OCMS uninstaller. Before running the uninstall script, (uninstaller.bin from $ORACLE_HOME/_uninst) OCMS and TimesTen must be shutdown. Once you have completed uninstalling OCMS, install OCMS Release through the standard InstallShield Wizard.

Restoring OCMS Data

Ensure that OCMS and TimesTen are running and enter the following command to restore the OCMS TimesTen and configuration data backed up from the prior OCMS deployment to the OCMS deployment:

perl -restore ${BACKUP_DIRECTORY}
${ORACLE_HOME_10.1.3.3} [${TT_HOME}]

Once run, the script controls the starting and stopping of OCMS during the restore process.


The $TT_HOME argument is optional. If not specified, no TimesTen data will be restored. To be able to restore TimesTen data, the OCMS deployment must first have been backed up to include TimesTen data as explained in the subsection "Backing Up OCMS Release Data".

OCMS Upgrade Tool Usage Notes

The OCMS upgrade tool can back up and restores all common OCMS configurations persisted in the ${ORACLE_HOME}/sdp/conf folder and exposed via JMX. Examples of such configuration data include SIP ports, SIP realms/domains, route loader configurations, etc. It can also backup and restore the edge proxy configuration (if applicable), persisted in ${ORACLE_HOME}/sdp/edgeproxy/conf.


The tool does not support backup or restoration of OCMS application-specific configurations. In particular, it does not support custom modifications to deployment descriptions (for example, orion-application.xml, web.xml, or sip.xml). If required, application-specific configuration changes can be made manually on a case-by-case basis once the restoration process has been completed.

The upgrade tool is also not intended to backup or restore configuration specific to an OC4J or Oracle Application Server deployment, including HTTP ports or administrator passwords. In addition, the upgrade tool does not support upgrades of OCMS where the IP address of the SIP container differs between the and deployments. If required, such configuration changes can be made manually once the restoration process has been completed.

Finally, the upgrade tool does not support the explicit backup and restoration of presence XCAP data. Typically, such data is persisted by the XCAP service to a folder residing outside of ORACLE_HOME. In such scenarios, uninstalling does not remove any such data. The XCAPConfigManager configuration (containing the location of the XCAP persistence root) is also backed up. This data is restored after upgrading to As a result, it is not necessary to explicitly back up presence XCAP data in the typical case.

If the persistence root is set to a location contained within ORACLE_HOME it will be removed by the OCMS installer. In that case, the upgrade tool will not allow the backup operation to proceed, but instead will ask that the XCAP data be moved elsewhere and the XCAP root set to a location not contained within ORACLE_HOME.

Backup Mode Script Operation

When used in backup mode, the upgrade script performs the following tasks:

  • Backs up all configuration files stored under ORACLE_HOME/sdp/conf, or ORACLE_HOME/sdp/edgeproxy/conf/edgeproxy.xml if the edge proxy component was deployed

  • If TimesTen home is provided, backs up the OCMSDB data store by invoking TimesTen's ttBackup command.

Restore Mode Script Operation

When used in restore mode, the upgrade script performs the following tasks, as applicable to the OCMS deployment:

  • SIP container-based deployments:

    • Stops OCMS OPMN process

    • Restores backed up Release configuration files to ORACLE_HOME/sdp/conf folder to ORACLE_HOME/sdp/conf

    • Patches SipServletContainer.xml with Release SIP application names/aliases

    • Patches PresenceConfig.xml with Release transformer factory implementation class (oracle.xml.jaxp.JXSAXTransformerFactory)

    • Patches XCAPConfigManager.xml with Release OC4J/AS HTTP ports

    • Renames ORACLE_HOME/sdp/conf/registrar folder to ORACLE_HOME/sdp/conf/proxyregistrar

    • If TimesTen home is provided:

      • Restarts TimesTen daemon process

      • Destroys OCMSDB data store

      • Restores backed up OCMSDB data store

      • Updates the schema_version in the properties table to

    • Starts OCMS process

  • Edge proxy-based deployments:

    • Stops edge proxy OPMN process

    • Restores backed up edge proxy configuration to ORACLE_HOME/sdp/edgeproxy/conf/edgeproxy.xml

    • Starts edge proxy OPMN process