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Oracle® Access Manager Developer Guide
10g (

Part Number E10355-01
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D Installing the Access Manager SDK

The Access Manager Software Developer's Kit (SDK) enables you to enhance the access management capabilities of the Access System. This SDK enables you to create a specialized AccessGate. Its use is optional. For that reason, the installation instructions are provided here, rather than in the Oracle Access Manager Installation Guide.

This appendix includes:

D.1 About the Access Manager SDK Environment

The Access Manager SDK creates an environment for you to build a dynamic link library or a shared object to perform as an AccessGate. You need the documentation, supporting files, and runtime library provided with the SDK package. You also need the configureAccessGate.exe tool to verify that your client works correctly.

Once an AccessGate is built, you can move it to any machine that can reach the system where an Access Server is installed. Once moved, the AccessGate needs to be able to find its runtime library. You need to have the configureAccessGate.exe tool to configure the AccessGate to be able to connect to the Access server. The simplest way to have both the runtime library and the tool in the correct location is to install the SDK on the machine where the AccessGate is going to run.


You can create an AccessGate using a hard-coded installation directory. If you move this AccessGate to a new machine, be sure there is a matching directory structure on the new machine. If the directory structure does not match, the AccessGate will not find its configuration file or the runtime library, and it will generate an error and stop.

D.2 Software Developer Kit Installation Prerequisites

Before installing the SDK, you must have installed at least one instance of the Identity Server, WebPass, Policy Manager, and Access Server. However, the SDK can be installed anywhere you wish; there is no fixed relationship to the Access System or Identity System files. For details, see the Oracle Access Manager Installation Guide.

For details about upgrading an older SDK to 10g (, see the Oracle Access Manager Upgrade Guide.

To see the supported versions and platforms for this integration, refer to Metalink, as follows.

To view information on Metalink

  1. Go to the following URL:

  2. Click the Certify tab.

  3. Click View Certifications by Product.

  4. Select the Application Server option and click Submit.

  5. Choose Oracle Application Server and click Submit.

D.3 Installing the Access Manager SDK on Windows

The Access Manager SDK installation includes the .NET API.

To install the Access Manager SDK on Windows

  1. Locate and launch the Access Manager SDK installer from the temporary directory you created (or the Oracle Access Manager installation media).

    Installation files are extracted, and the Welcome Screen appears. Confirm at the top of the screen that you have in fact selected Access Manager SDK installation.

  2. Click Next to dismiss the Welcome screen.

    The Customer Information screen appears

  3. Enter a user name and company name of your choice, then click Next.

    The Customer Information screen appears.

  4. Accept the default installation directory or select an alternate location, then click Next.

    Make a note of the installation location. This information is important to the operation of the API that will be built using the SDK.

    You are reminded to note the installation location.

  5. Click OK on the reminder.

    The Start Copying Files screen appears, giving you a chance to review the Installation directory and User Information (Customer Information) settings you have selected.

  6. Click Next to continue.

    The program files are copied to the directory you selected.

  7. Click Finish to exit the installation process (and optionally view the README file.)

D.4 Installing the Access Manager SDK on Unix

You cannot install components in any directory that contains special characters in its path. Special characters are: blank spaces, new lines, *, [], {}, and so on. For more information, see the Oracle Access Manager Installation Guide.

To install the Access Manager SDK on a Unix system

  1. Locate and launch the Access Manager SDK installer from the temporary directory you created (or the Oracle Access Manager installation media).

    Another screen appears, advising you that the Access Manager SDK is about to be installed for the owner and group running the installation script, and telling you to exit the script if this ownership is not correct. If the suggested ownership is not correct, type no to exit the installation process.

  2. Type yes, or press Return to continue.

    A screen appears stating that the installer will install the Access Manager SDK in the directory you specify. You are prompted to enter a directory path.

  3. Specify the path to the directory where you want to install the SDK, or accept the default by pressing Return.

    You are prompted to confirm the installation directory.

  4. Confirm by pressing Return or typing Yes.

    If the directory does not exist, the installer creates it.

    Another screen appears, stating that the Access Manager SDK is being installed in the directory you specified., and monitoring the progress of the installation.

  5. Wait for the installation to finish.

    When the installation is done, a final screen appears stating that the installation was successful.

D.5 Installing the Access Manager SDK on Linux

Installing the SDK on Linux is similar to installing on Unix and steps are not repeated here.

However, the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19 environment variable must be set for Linux at runtime because the older Linux threading model is supported (not the native posix thread library (NPTL)).