H ascrsctl Online Help

The detailed usage of ascrsctl can be obtained by following the instructions generated from the command ascrsctl help. This appendix provides the full content of the help pages to serve as a complete offline reference.

H.1 create/as


create/as - create as ASCRS resource


ascrsctl create -name <string> -type as -componentHome <string>
            -vip <string> -disk <string> [<string> ...]


This ASCRS command is used to create (or register) a WebLogic Administration Server resource in CRS.

These are mandatory arguments:

-name, -n

This argument specifies the resource name to be created.

-type, -t

This argument specifies the resource type. Its value must be as.

-componentHome, -ch

This argument specifies the location of WebLogic domain that contains the targeted administration server.


This argument specifies the virtual IP resource the WebLogic Administration Server depends upon.


This argument specifies the shared disks hosting the WebLogic software, the administration server domain directory and other shared disks this resource directly depends upon. If a shared disk is used for multiple purposes, it needs to be specified only once. The value for this parameter is a space or comma-separated list of ASCRS disk resource names.

The other non-mandatory options:

-clusterNodes, -nodes, -cn

This argument specifies the valid nodes of the cluster across which the resource can failover. The value is a space or comma-separated subset of (or all) nodes of a cluster. If it is not specified, all the nodes are included.

-resourceParams, -params, -p

This argument specifies a string of comma separated name value pairs to set CRS configuration for a specific resource, for example, as=1, rt=400.

The resource values are listed in Table H-1. Except for as, st and ra, all the other numbers are in seconds.

Table H-1 Resource Values

Parameter Min Max Default Purpose





Auto Start





Check Interval





Failure Delay





Failure Interval





Failure Threshold





Restart Attempts





Script Timeouts





Start Timeout





Stop Timeout


This argument specifies what resource parameter values are used. These policies and values are available in the ascrs.properties file.

The valid values are normal or fast. If it not specified normal is assumed. However, the -resourceParams values always take precedence over the policy.


ascrsctl create -n idm.weblogic -t as 
          -ch /sharedisk/fmw/user_projects/domains/IDMDomain
          -vip idmvip -disk idmdisk 
ascrsctl create -n idm.weblogic -t as 
          -ch /sharedisk/fmw/user_projects/domains/IDMDomain
          -vip idmvip -disk idmdisk -p st=800,rt=800,pt=800
ascrsctl create -n idm.opmn -t as 
          -ch /sharedisk/fmw/asinst_1
          -vip idmvip -disk idmdisk -p st=800,rt=800,pt=800

H.2 create/db


create/db - create db ASCRS resource


ascrsctl create -name <string> -type db -oraHomestring>
            -oraSID <string> -disk <string> [<string> ...]
            -lsnr <string> [-pfile <string>] [options]


This ASCRS command is used to create (or register) an Oracle database resource in CRS.

These are mandatory arguments:

-name, -n

This argument specifies the resource name to be created.

-type, -t

This argument specifies the resource type. Its value must be db.

-oraHome, -oh

This argument specifies the database Oracle Home location.

-oraSID, -sid

This argument specifies the Oracle SID name.


This argument specifies the shared disks hosting the Oracle Home and data files. The value for this parameter is a space or comma-separated list of ASCRS disk resource names.


This argument specifies the listener resource used by this database.

The other non-mandatory options:

-clusterNodes, -nodes, -cn

This argument specifies the valid nodes of the cluster across which the resource can failover.

The value is a space or comma-separated subset of (or all) nodes of a cluster. If it is not specified, all the nodes are included.

-resourceParams, -params, -p

This argument specifies a string of comma separated name value pairs to set CRS configuration for a specific resource, for example, as=1,rt=400.

The resource values are listed in Table H-1. Except for as, st and ra, all the other numbers are in seconds.


This argument specifies what resource parameter values are used. These policies and values are available in the ascrs.properties file.

The valid values are normal or fast. If it not specified normal is assumed. However, the -resourceParams values always take precedence over the policy.

-pfile, -pf

This argument specifies the database pfile for starting the database.


ascrsctl create -n mydb -t db -oh /cfcdb1 -sid orcl
          -disk ohdisk datafiledisk -lsnr mydblsnr

H.3 create/dnlsnr


create/dnlsnr - create dblsnr ASCRS resource


ascrsctl create -name <string> -type dblsnr -listenerName <string>
          -listenerOracleHome <string> 
          -vip <string> -disk <string> 
          [-tnsAdmin <string>] [options]


This ASCRS command is used to create (or register) an Oracle database listener resource in CRS.

These are mandatory arguments:

-name, -n

This argument specifies the resource name to be created.

-type, -t

This argument specifies the resource type. Its value must be dblsnr.

-listnerOracleHome, -lsnroh, -loh

This argument specifies the Oracle Home of the database that owns this listener.


This argument specifies the vip resource this listener runs on.


This argument specifies the disk resource the Oracle Home resides on.


This argument specifies the listener resource used by this database.

The other non-mandatory options:

-clusterNodes, -nodes, -cn

This argument specifies the valid nodes of the cluster across which the resource can failover.

The value is a space or comma-separated subset of (or all) nodes of a cluster. If it is not specified, all the nodes are included.

-resourceParams, -params, -p

This argument specifies a string of comma separated name value pairs to set CRS configuration for a specific resource, for example, as=1,rt=400.

The resource values are listed in Table H-1. Except for as, st and ra, all the other numbers are in seconds.


This argument specifies what resource parameter values are used. These policies and values are available in the ascrs.properties file.

The valid values are normal or fast. If it not specified normal is assumed. However, the -resourceParams values always take precedence over the policy.

-tnsAdmin, -ta

This argument specifies the location of the listener configuration if it is not in the default location within the Oracle Home.


ascrsctl create -name mydblsnr -type dblsnr -listenerName orcl
           -listenerOracleHome /cfcdb1
           -vip -disk ohdisk 

H.4 create/disk


create/disk - create disk ASCRS resource


ascrsctl create -name <string> -type disk -path <string>
          -mountCommand <string> -umountCommand <string>


This ASCRS command is used to create (or register) a shared disk resource in CRS. To successfully create a disk resource, a signature file needs to be created on the root of the shared disk.

These are mandatory arguments:

-name, -n

This argument specifies the resource name to be created.

-type, -t

This argument specifies the resource type. Its value must be disk.


This argument specifies the mount point of the shared disk.

-mountCommand, -mc

This argument specifies a platform specific command to be invoked when mounting the shared disk. Command "nop" takes no action.

-umountCommand, -umc

This argument specifies a platform specific command to be invoked when unmounting the shared disk. Command "nop" takes no action.

The other non-mandatory options:

-clusterNodes, -nodes, -cn

This argument specifies the valid nodes of the cluster across which the resource can failover.

The value is a space or comma-separated subset of (or all) nodes of a cluster. If it is not specified, all the nodes are included.

-resourceParams, -params, -p

This argument specifies a string of comma separated name value pairs to set CRS configuration for a specific resource, for example, as=1,rt=400.


This argument specifies what resource parameter values are used. These policies and values are available in the ascrs.properties file.

The valid values are normal or fast. If it not specified normal is assumed. However, the -resourceParams values always take precedence over the policy.


ascrsctl create -n dbhome -t disk -path /cfcdb1
           -mc "/bin/mount /dev/sda1 /cfcdb1" -p fd=30
ascrsctl create -n dbhome -t disk -path /cfcdb1
           -mc "/bin/mount /dev/sda1 /cfcdb1"
           -umc "/bin/umount /dev/sda1"

H.5 create/vip


create/vip - create vip ASCRS resource


ascrsctl create -name <string> -type vip -ipAddr <ip> -netmask
                  <string> -interface <string> [options]


This ASCRS command is used to create (or register) a virtual IP resource in CRS

These are mandatory arguments:

-name, -n

This argument specifies the resource name to be created.

-type, -t

This argument specifies the resource type. Its value must be vip.

-ipAddr, -ip

This argument specifies the IP address of the virtual IP or its hostname.

-netmask, -nm

This argument specifies the network mask with the above virtual IP.

-interface, -if

This argument specifies the network interface(s) on which the IP should be enabled.

Value can be one or more interface names such as eth0 or "eth0|eth1".

The other non-mandatory options:

-clusterNodes, -nodes, -cn

This argument specifies the valid nodes of the cluster across which the resource can failover.

The value is a space or comma-separated subset of (or all) nodes of a cluster. If it is not specified, all the nodes are included.

-resourceParams, -params, -p

This argument specifies a string of comma separated name value pairs to set CRS configuration for a specific resource, for example, as=1,rt=400.

The resource values are listed in Table H-1. Except for as, st and ra, all the other numbers are in seconds.


This argument specifies what resource parameter values are used. These policies and values are available in the ascrs.properties file.

The valid values are normal or fast. If it not specified normal is assumed. However, the -resourceParams values always take precedence over the policy.


ascrsctl create -n myvip -t vip -ip -nm
           -if eth1 -p ci=5

H.6 delete


delete - delete an ASCRS resource


ascrsctl delete -name <string> [-type <string>] [-noprompt]


This ASCRS command is used to delete a resource created with ASCRS. Once a resource is successfully deleted, the resource is no longer managed by the CRS.

An ASCRS resource can't be deleted if there are still other resource(s) depending it or it is not in offline state.

These are mandatory arguments:

-name, -n

This argument specifies the resource name.

Non-mandatory arguments:

-type, -t

This argument specifies the resource type if the resource name is in short form. It is not needed if the name is in canonical form.

-noprompt, -np

When specified, the user is not prompted for confirmation.


ascrsctl delete -n mydisk -np
ascrsctl delete -n ora.myvip.cfcvip

H.7 start


start - start an ASCRS resource


ascrsctl start -name <string> [-type <string>] [-node <string>]


This ASCRS command is used to start a resource already created with ASCRS.

These are mandatory arguments:

-name, -n

This argument specifies the resource name.

Optional arguments:

-type, -t

This argument specifies the resource type if the resource name is in short form. It is not needed if the name is in canonical form.


This argument specifies the cluster node for starting the resource. If it is not specified, the node will be chosen by CRS based on the placement policy of this resource


ascrsctl start -n mydisk -t disk
ascrsctl start -n ora.myvip.cfcvip -node hostA.mycompany.com

H.8 status


status - check the status of ASCRS resources


ascrsctl status [-name <string>] [-type <string>] [-long]


This ASCRS command is used to check the status of one or all resources created with ASCRS. The status of a resource includes its current running state, its basic CRS profile information and its relationship to the other ASCRS resources.

-name, -n

This argument specifies the resource name. If not specified, check all resources.

-type, -t

This argument specifies the resource type if the resource name is in short form. It is not needed if the name is in canonical form.

-long, -l

if specified, the status information is displayed in a detailed format.


ascrsctl status
ascrsctl status -name ora.mydisk.cfcdisk 
ascrsctl status -l

H.9 stop


stop - stop an ASCRS resource


ascrsctl stop -name <string> [-type <string>] [-force] [-noprompt]


This ASCRS command is used to stop a resource created with ASCRS.

Mandatory arguments:

-name, -n

This argument specifies the resource name.

Non-mandatory arguments:

-type, -t

This argument specifies the resource type if the resource name is in short form. It is not needed if the name is in canonical form.

-force, -f

Shutdown the named resource and take it offline from CRS management. This option guarantees to take offline the CRS monitoring of the resource, but won't guarantee to shutdown the resource if it is already in an unmanageable state.

-noprompt, -np

When specified, the user won't be prompted for confirmation.


ascrsctl stop -n mydisk -t disk
ascrsctl stop -n ora.myvip.cfcvip -f -np

H.10 switch


switch - switchover an ASCRS resource to another cluster node


ascrsctl switch -name <string> [-type <string>]
         [-node <string>]  [-force] [-noprompt]


This ASCRS command is used to switchover an online ASCRS resource to an alternative node of the cluster.

Mandatory arguments:

-name, -n

This argument specifies the resource name.

Non-mandatory arguments:

-type, -t

This argument specifies the resource type if the resource name is in short form. It is not needed if the name is in canonical form.


This argument specifies the target cluster node of this resource will switched to. If it is not specified, the target node will be chosen by CRS based on the placement policy of this resource.

-force, -f

force the switchover to happen so that all the dependents and depended resources are also switched over to a new node.

-noprompt, -np

When specified, the user won't be prompted for confirmation.


ascrsctl switch -n mydisk -t disk hostB.mycompany.com
ascrsctl switch -n ora.myvip.cfcvip -np


H.11 update/as


update/as - update as ASCRS resource


ascrsctl update -name <string> [-type as] [-componentHome <string>]
           [-vip <string>] [-disk <string> [<string> ...]]


This ASCRS command is used to update an as resource created with ASCRS.

Mandatory arguments:

-name, -n

This argument specifies the resource name to be updated.

Non-mandatory arguments:

-type, -t

This argument specifies the resource type and its value must be as. If the resource name is in canonical form, -type option can be omitted.

-componentHome, -ch

This argument specifies the location of the WebLogic domain that contains the targeted administration server.


This argument specifies the virtual IP resource this component depends upon.


This argument specifies the shared disk resources this as resource directly depends upon. The value is a space or comma-separated list of disk resource names.

-clusterNodes, -nodes, -cn

This argument specifies the valid nodes of the cluster across which the resource can failover.

The value is a comma or space-separated subset of at least two nodes of the cluster. The special value default will include all the nodes.

-resourceParams, -params, -p

This argument specifies a string of comma separated name value pairs to set CRS configuration for a specific resource, for example, as=1, rt=400.

The resource values are listed in Table H-1. Except for as, st and ra, all the other numbers are in seconds.


This argument specifies what resource parameter values are used. These policies and values are available in the ascrs.properties file.

The valid values are normal or fast. If it not specified, no policy will be referenced. The -resourceParams values always take precedence over those from the policy.


ascrsctl update -n myas -t as -vip newvip -disk instdisk wldisk
ascrsctl update -n ora.myas.cfcas -p st=800,rt=800,pt=800

H.12 update/db


update/as - update as ASCRS resource


ascrsctl update -name <string> -type db [-oraHome <string>]
          [-oraSID <string>] [-disk <string> [<string> ...]]
          [-lsnr <string>] [-pfile <string>] [options]


This ASCRS command is used to update an ASCRS db resource registered in CRS.

Mandatory arguments:

-name, -n

This argument specifies the resource name to be updated.

Non-mandatory arguments:

-type, -t

This argument specifies the resource type and its value must be db. If the resource name is in canonical form, -type option can be omitted.

-oraHome, -oh

This argument specifies the database Oracle Home location.

-oraSID, -sid

This argument specifies the Oracle SID name


This argument specifies the shared disk resources this as resource directly depends upon. The value is a space or comma-separated list of disk resource names.


This argument specifies the listener resource.

The other non-mandatory options:

-clusterNodes, -nodes, -cn

This argument specifies the valid nodes of the cluster across which the resource can failover.

The value is a comma or space-separated subset of at least two nodes of the cluster. The special value default will include all the nodes.

-resourceParams, -params, -p

This argument specifies a string of comma separated name value pairs to set CRS configuration for a specific resource, for example, as=1, rt=400.

The resource values are listed in Table H-1. Except for as, st and ra, all the other numbers are in seconds.


This argument specifies what resource parameter values are used. These policies and values are available in the ascrs.properties file.

The valid values are normal or fast. If it not specified, no policy will be referenced. The -resourceParams values always take precedence over those from the policy.

-pfile, -pf

This argument specifies the database pfile for starting the database. The special value default will unset the its current value.


ascrsctl update -n ora.mydb.cfcdb -disk ohdisk -lsnr newlsnr
            -p st=60,rt=60,pt=60

H.13 update/dblsnr


update/dblsnr - update dblsnr ASCRS resource


ascrsctl update -name <string> [-type dblsnr]
           [-listenerName <string>]
           [-listenerOracleHome <string>] 
           [-vip <string>] [-disk <string>] 
           [-tnsAdmin <string>] [options]


This ASCRS command is used to update a dblsnr resource created with ASCRS.

Mandatory arguments:

-name, -n

This argument specifies the resource name to be updated. If it is fully qualified name, -type option can be omitted.

Non-mandatory arguments:

-type, -t

If specified, must be dblsnr.

-lisnerName, -ln

This argument specifies the database listener name.

-listnerOracleHome, -lsnroh, -loh

This argument specifies the Oracle Home of the database that owns this listener.


This argument specifies the vip resource this listener runs on.


This argument specifies the listener resource.

-clusterNodes, -nodes, -cn

This argument specifies the valid nodes of the cluster across which the resource can failover.

The value is a comma or space-separated subset of at least two nodes of the cluster. The special value default will include all the nodes.

-resourceParams, -params, -p

This argument specifies a string of comma separated name value pairs to set CRS configuration for a specific resource, for example, as=1, rt=400.

The resource values are listed in Table H-1. Except for as, st and ra, all the other numbers are in seconds.


This argument specifies what resource parameter values are used. These policies and values are available in the ascrs.properties file.

The valid values are normal or fast. If it not specified, no policy will be referenced. The -resourceParams values always take precedence over those from the policy.

-tnsAdmin, -ta

This argument specifies the new location of the listener configuration file. The special value default will unset its current value.


This argument specifies the disk resource the Oracle Home resides on.


ascrsctl update -n mydblsnr -t dblsnr -vip newvip
ascrsctl update -n mydblsnr -t dblsnr -disk newdisk -p st=30,pt=40,rt=40

H.14 update/disk


update/disk - update disk ASCRS resource


ascrsctl update -name <string> [-type disk] [-path <string>]
          [-mountCommand <string>] [-umountCommand <string>]


This ASCRS command is used to update a disk resource created with ASCRS.

Mandatory arguments:

-name, -n

This argument specifies the resource name to be updated. If it is fully qualified name, -type option can be omitted.

Non-mandatory arguments:

-type, -t

If specified, must be disk.


This argument specifies the mount point of the shared disk.

-mountCommand, -mc

This argument specifies a platform specific fully qualified command or script name be executed for mounting the shared disk.

-umountCommand, -umc

This argument specifies a platform specific fully qualified command or script name be executed for unmounting the shared disk.

-clusterNodes, -nodes, -cn

This argument specifies the valid nodes of the cluster across which the resource can failover.

The value is a comma or space-separated subset of at least two nodes of the cluster. The special value default will include all the nodes.

-resourceParams, -params, -p

This argument specifies a string of comma separated name value pairs to set CRS configuration for a specific resource, for example, as=1, rt=400.

The resource values are listed in Table H-1. Except for as, st and ra, all the other numbers are in seconds.


This argument specifies what resource parameter values are used. These policies and values are available in the ascrs.properties file.

The valid values are normal or fast. If it not specified, no policy will be referenced. The -resourceParams values always take precedence over those from the policy.


ascrsctl update -n mydisk -t disk -umfc "/bin/umount -l /sharedisk"

H.15 update/vip


update/vip - update vip ASCRS resource


ascrsctl update -name <string> [-type vip] [-ipAddr <string>
          [-netmask <string>] [-interface <string>] [options]


This ASCRS command is used to update a vip resource created with ASCRS.

Mandatory arguments:

-name, -n

This argument specifies the resource name to be updated. If it is fully qualified name, -type option can be omitted.

Non-mandatory arguments:

-type, -t

If specified, must be vip.

-ipAddr, -ip

This argument specifies the IP address of the virtual IP or its hostname.

-netmask, -nm

This argument specifies the network mask with the above virtual IP.

-umountCommand, -umc

This argument specifies a platform specific fully qualified command or script name be executed for unmounting the shared disk.

-interface, -if

This argument specifies the network interface on which the IP should be enabled.

Value can be one or more interface names such as eth0 or "eth0|eth1".

-clusterNodes, -nodes, -cn

This argument specifies the valid nodes of the cluster across which the resource can failover.

The value is a comma or space-separated subset of at least two nodes of the cluster. The special value default will include all the nodes.

-resourceParams, -params, -p

This argument specifies a string of comma separated name value pairs to set CRS configuration for a specific resource, for example, as=1, rt=400.

The resource values are listed in Table H-1. Except for as, st and ra, all the other numbers are in seconds.


This argument specifies what resource parameter values are used. These policies and values are available in the ascrs.properties file.

The valid values are normal or fast. If it not specified, no policy will be referenced. The -resourceParams values always take precedence over those from the policy.


ascrsctl update -n ora.myvip.cfcvip -ip
ascrsctl update -n ora.myvip.cfcvip -if eth1 -p ci=3