1.4 Template Summary

The following tables summarizes the predefined templates that may be provided in your product installation.

Table 1-3 Summary of Oracle WebLogic Server and Workshop for WebLogic Templates

Template File name Description

Basic WebLogic Server Domain Template (Domain Template)


Creates a base WebLogic Server domain.

WebLogic Server Starter Domain Template (Domain Template)


Creates a WebLogic Server starter domain.

WebLogic Beehive Extension Template


Extends the base WebLogic Server domain to create a WebLogic Beehive domain. Adds required Beehive libraries to support run-time use of controls.

Note: Resources from the WebLogic Advanced Web Services Extension template are required to create a complete WebLogic Beehive domain.

WebLogic Advanced Web Services Extension Template


Extends an existing WebLogic Server domain to add functionality required for advanced Web Services, including WSRM, Buffering, and JMS Transport.

Avitek Medical Records Sample Domain Template


Extends the Basic WebLogic Server domain to create the Avitek Medical Records sample domain. This domain is a WebLogic Server sample application suite that demonstrates all aspects of the J2EE platform.

Avitek Medical Records Sample Domain Template (Spring Version)


Extends the Basic WebLogic Server domain to create the Avitek Medical Records sample domain for Spring. This domain is a WebLogic Server sample application suite that demonstrates all aspects of the J2EE platform.

Oracle Workshop for WebLogic Extension Template


Extends the Basic WebLogic Server domain to create Oracle Workshop for WebLogic domain.

Workshop for WebLogic 10.3 Extension Template


Extends the Basic WebLogic Server domain to create Workshop for WebLogic 10.3 domain.

WebLogic Server Default Domain Extension Template


Extends the Basic WebLogic Server domain with a web application designed to guide new users through an introduction to WebLogic Server. When running the web application, users can review informative content on various topics, including highlights of WebLogic Server functionality. From the web application, users can also run several preconfigured, precompiled examples. Resources from this extension template are required for a WebLogic Server Examples domain.

WebLogic Server Examples Extension Template


Extends the WebLogic Server domain containing resources from the base WebLogic Server domain template and the WebLogic Server Default Domain extension template to create a complete WebLogic Server Examples domain. The WebLogic Server Examples domain contains a collection of examples that illustrate best practices for coding individual J2EE and WebLogic Server APIs.

WebLogic Personalization Extension


Extends an existing WebLogic Server domain to add Weblogic Personalization functionality.

WebLogic Content Extension


Extends an existing WebLogic Server domain to add WebLogic Content Management functionality.