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Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Installation Guide
Part Number E12690-01
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Installing BI Publisher into Oracle Application Server or OC4J


This chapter discusses the installation of BI Publisher using the Oracle Universal Installer.

Performing a Basic Install

Basic Installation

The following steps guide you through the installer.

Run the Oracle Universal Installer

  1. Access the installation files.

    The installation program window appears and prompts you through each screen. Provide the requested input for each screen.

    To continue to the next screen, click Next. To return to a previous screen, click Back.

  2. Specify file locations.

    Accept the default drive and directories, or click Browse to change them. Do not change the Source Path. You may accept the default Destination Name and Path or change them as you wish.

  3. Select installation type.

    The installation type screen allows you to choose between Basic and Advanced installs. The Basic type installs BI Publisher into a standalone OC4J bundled within the install. The Advanced type installs BI Publisher into an existing Oracle Application Server (or later).

    Select Basic.

  4. Choose your OC4J Administrator (oc4jadmin) password.

    The Basic install provides a standalone OC4J. Enter the password you wish to use for this OC4J.

    The Administrator password must be a minimum of 5 characters, maximum of 30 characters, and include at least one digit.

  5. Review the summary information, which lists the components to be installed and shows the installation location and size.

  6. Click Install to begin the installation and display the Install screen.

    The Install Screen

    The Install screen displays the current task and the installation progress bar. The installation process consists of three general phases:

    Copy Files



    Click Stop Installation if you want to terminate the install process.

    The Configuration Assistants Screen

    This screen shows the name, status, and tool type for tools recommended to be run before completing the installation.

    This installer includes one tool: the BI Publisher Configuration Assistant.

    The tool may have one of the following states, as shown in the status column:

    When the configuration assistant completes, OUI automatically proceeds to the next page.

    If the configuration assistant does not complete, the installation screen displays the error message, and the configuration assistant writes its result code to the following log file: C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs\installActionstimestamp.log

    For all failed or skipped tools, OUI generates a list of the tool names and the commands used to run them; you can copy/paste this information directly into a shell script or batch file to run these tools after installation is complete. The generated script file is named and is located in the ORACLE_HOME\bin directory. The script is generated after you exit the installer.

    The End of Installation Screen

    The End of Installation screen informs you that installation was successful and provides instructions on starting and stopping BI Publisher, the BI Publisher login URL and additional details about your installation. These details will also be saved in BI_Publisher_readme.txt in the Destination path you specified in the second screen of the installation procedure.

Log in to the BI Publisher Server

At the end of the installation the BI Publisher server will be running.

Note: If you attempt to start BI Publisher when it is running, the start command will return errors.

  1. Launch the BI Publisher application using one of the following methods:

  2. Log in with user name "Administrator" and password "Administrator".

    Important: Please change the Administrator password on the Account tab under Preferences.

Continue with Postinstallation Tasks.

Performing an Advanced Install

Advanced Installation

The following steps guide you through the installer for an Advanced installation.

Important: The BI Publisher installer requires that the OC4J home into which you install BI Publisher be named "home". If there is no instance of an OC4J home named "home", the installation will fail.

If you wish to install into an instance not named "home" please follow the manual install instructions. See Installing Manually into a J2EE Application Server.

Run the Oracle Universal Installer

  1. Access the installation files.

    The installation program window appears and prompts you through each screen. Provide the requested input for each screen.

    To continue to the next screen, click Next. To return to a previous screen, click Back.

  2. Specify file locations.

    Accept the default drive and directories, or click Browse to change them. Do not change the Source Path. You may accept the default Destination Name and Path or change them as you wish.

  3. Select installation type.

    The installation type screen allows you to choose between Basic and Advanced installs. The Basic type installs BI Publisher into a standalone OC4J bundled within the install. The Advanced type installs BI Publisher into an existing Oracle Application Server or later.

    Select Advanced.

  4. Choose your Application Server 10g home location. Click “Installed Products” to see the list of Oracle Homes and display the location (path).

  5. Enter the oc4j Administrator password for the Application Server into which you are installing BI Publisher.

  6. Review the summary information, which lists the components to be installed and shows the installation location and size.

  7. Click Install to begin the installation and display the Install screen.

    The Install Screen

    The Install screen displays the current task and the installation progress bar. The installation process consists of three general phases:

    Copy Files



    Click Stop Installation if you want to terminate the install process.

    The Configuration Assistants Screen

    This screen shows the name, status, and tool type for tools recommended to be run before completing the installation.

    This installer includes one tool: the BI Publisher Configuration Assistant.

    The tool may have one of the following states, as shown in the status column:

    When the configuration assistant completes, OUI automatically proceeds to the next page.

    If the configuration assistant does not complete, the installation screen displays the error message, and the configuration assistant writes its result code to the following log file: C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs\installActionstimestamp.log

    For all failed or skipped tools, OUI generates a list of the tool names and the commands used to run them; you can copy/paste this information directly into a shell script or batch file to run these tools after installation is complete. The generated script file is named and is located in the ORACLE_HOME\bin directory. The script is generated after you exit the installer.

    The End of Installation Screen

    The End of Installation screen informs you that installation was successful and provides instructions on starting and stopping BI Publisher, the BI Publisher login URL and additional details about your installation. These details will also be saved in BI_Publisher_readme.txt in the Destination path you specified in the second screen of the installation procedure.

At the end of the installation, the OUI will start the BI Publisher server.

Log in to BI Publisher

At the end of the installation the BI Publisher server will be running.

  1. Launch the BI Publisher Application:

  2. Log in with user Administrator and password Administrator.

    Important: Please change the Administrator password on the Account tab under Preferences.

Continue with Postinstallation Tasks.