Appendix: Benefits Administration Reports

This appendix provides an overview of PeopleSoft Enterprise Benefits Administration reports and enables you to:

Note. For samples of these reports, see the PDF files published on CD-ROM with your documentation.

Click to jump to parent topicBenefits Administration Reports: A to Z

This table lists the Benefits Administration reports, sorted alphanumerical by report ID. The reports listed are all Structured Query Reports (SQRs). If you need more information about a report, refer to the report details at the end of this appendix.

Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


Eligible Participants

Lists, by schedule and benefit program, employees that are eligible to participate in company benefit programs with details on plan and option eligibility.

Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Investigate Exceptions, Eligible Participants Rpt, BenAdmin Eligible Participants



Benefit Program Mailing Labels

Prints a set of 4-across mailing labels for employees participating in benefit programs. Compiles the list from the BAS Participant tables created during open enrollment or event maintenance processing.

Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Participant Enrollment, Print Mailing Labels, Benefit Mailing Labels (4-up)



Invalid Benefit Elections

Lists, by schedule and event, participants and their dependents, showing any errors such as coverage over the maximum or under the minimum, invalid choices, failure to meet eligibility requirements, and so on.

Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Investigate Exceptions, Invalid Elections Report, Preparation/Election Errors



Enrollment Statements

Prints a generic enrollment statement for each eligible benefit program participant in the BAS Participation table.

Includes the name and address of each participant, with options the participant is eligible for and the associated price tags and credits (if applicable) for the options.

Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Participant Enrollment, Print Enrollment Statements, BenAdmin Enrollment Form



Confirmation Statements

Prints a generic confirmation statement for each valid benefit program participant. Includes coverage and per pay period costs.

Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Participant Enrollment, Print Confirmation Statement, Benefit Confirmation Statement.



Missing Elections

Lists and provides location information for participants who did not return enrollment statements.

Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Investigate Exceptions, Missing Elections Report, BenAdmin Missing Elections



Dependent/Beneficiary Election

Lists all dependents with current or new elections.

Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Participant Enrollment, Dep/Beneficiary Election Rpt, Dependent/Beneficiary Election



Flagged Participants

Lists events that have had job, address, or union eligibility information changed, events that have been processed out of sequence, and events that have been disconnected during processing.

Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Investigate Exceptions, Report on Flagged Items, BenAdmin Flagged Participants



Ineligible Participants

Lists all participants ineligible for any benefit program (events processed to AN status) and their eligibility parameters, such as birthdate and status.

Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Investigate Exceptions, Ineligible Participants Rpt, BAS Ineligible Participants



Employee Process Status

Lists all participants in a particular process status or set of status levels.

Benefits, Manage Automated Enrollment, Investigate Exceptions, Employee Process Status Rpt, BAS Employee Processing Status



Geographic Locations

Prints location IDs, effective dates, and from and to ranges for the U.S. and Canadian postal code ranges that you’ve defined to determine benefit eligibility.

Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Automated Benefits, Reports, Geographic Locations, Geographic Loc Eligibility Tbl



Benefit Program /Plan/Options

For a specified benefit program, prints program-level information (effective date and status, program type, age criteria, COBRA, FMLA, and FSA parameters and self-service configuration) along with the plan- and option-level structure (event rules, eligibility rules, coverage levels and deduction codes).

Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Automated Benefits, Reports, Benefit Program/Plan/Options, Benefit Program (Options) Tbl



Benefit Program Costs

For a specified benefit program, prints the program description along with the cost and credit structure for all of the offered options (deduction and earnings codes, rate information and calculation rules).

Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Automated Benefits, Reports, Benefit Program Costs, Benefit Program (Costs) Table



Eligibility Rules

For each plan type in a benefit program, prints the rules for minimum standard hours, maximum standard hours, minimum service, maximum service, minimum age, maximum age, service and age as of information, employee class, employee status, employee type, full/part, reg/temp, officer code, union code, company, location, state and eligibility configuration.

For each eligibility rule definition, prints the minimum/maximum criteria (standard hours, service months and age) and the “membership” criteria (such as employee class, full or part time, company and paygroup, union code, state, and so on) along with the applicable grouping methods and evaluation rules.

Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Automated Benefits, Reports, Eligibility Rules, BAS Eligibility Rules Table



Event Rules

Prints event rules for benefit plan types. For an event rule definition, prints each event class with its basic change restrictions (type of changes allowed and option-level movement), date rules (coverage and deduction dates with waiting periods), and other event controls (defaulting, editing and exceptions).

Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Automated Benefits, Reports, Event Rules, BAS Event Rules Table



Event Rules-Billing

Lists the parameters in which billing enrollments are created or updated during the Benefits Administration process. Displays the event rules, event class, billing action, billing action date, and the rate qualifier.

Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Automated Benefits, Reports, Event Rules-Billing, Billing Event Rls



Benefits Administration Scheduling

Lists the criteria that make up a schedule.

Use to review schedules that have been entered into the system and to ensure that there are no employee overlaps.

Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Automated Benefits, Reports, Schedules, BAS Scheduling Tables



FSA Claim Payment Process (flexible spending account claim payment process)

Process all claim data with the following statuses: Submitted, Pending, and Ready To Pay.

  • Benefits, Admin Flex Spending Acct CAN, Process Claims, Calculate Claim Payment

  • Benefits, Admin Flex Spending Acct US, Process Claims, Calculate Claim Payment



Flexible Spending Account Closure

Initiate an SQR that updates the account status to Closed for FSA participants who had an active FSA at the end of the calendar year.

  • Benefits, Admin Flexible Spending Acct US, Create Account Reports, Close and Summarize Accounts

  • Benefits, Admin Flexible Spending Acct CAN, Create Account Reports, Close and Summarize Accounts



Flexible Spending Account Check Print

Print FSA claim checks for records flagged in FSA001. Run this process for each type of check stock that you use. Set up FSA Claims Processing Run Ctl page, and then run Processing Claim Payments.

  • Benefits, Admin Flexible Spending Acct US, Process Claims, Print Checks

  • Benefits, Admin Flex Spending Acc CAN, Process Claims, Print Cheques



Flexible Spending Account Check Register

Print a list of checks printed by the FSA Check Print Report. Set up FSA Claims Processing Run Ctl page, and then run Processing Claim Payments.

  • Benefits, Admin Flexible Spending Acct US, Process Claims, Print Check Register

  • Benefits, Admin Flex Spending Acct CAN, Process Claims, Print Cheque Register



Flexible Spending Account Quarterly Statement

Create and print quarterly statements for FSA participants who had activity in one of their spending accounts during the current quarter.

  • Benefits, Admin Flexible Spending Acct CAN, Create Account Reports, Quarterly Account Statements

  • Benefits, Admin Flex Spending Acct US, Create Account Reports, Quarterly Account Statement



FSA Check Reversal Process (flexible spending account check reversal process)

Reverse FSA payment checks that were created in error.

  • Benefits, Admin Flex Spending Acct CAN, Correct Errors, Reverse Checks in Error

  • Benefits, Admin Flex Spending Acct US, Correct Errors, Reverse Checks in Error



FSA Claim Reversal Process (flexible spending account claim reversal process)

Enter the parameters for the check reversal process.

  • Benefits, Admin Flex Spending Acct CAN, Correct Errors, Cancel Claim/Reverse Check

  • Benefits, Admin Flex Spending Acct US, Correct Errors, Cancel Claim/Reverse Check


Click to jump to parent topicBenefits Administration Selected Reports

This section provides detailed information on individual reports, including important fields and source records. The reports are listed alphabetically by report ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBAS002 - Benefit Program Mailing Labels (4-Up)

Note. Be sure to load the correct label stock in your printer before initiating this report.

See Also

Running the Benefits Administration Process

Investigating Participant Eligibility

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBAS003 - BenAdmin Preparation and Election Errors

Note. You can use this report as an audit trail for fixing errors by having staff check off each error as they make a correction.

See Also

Running the Benefits Administration Process

Investigating Participant Eligibility

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFSA002 - Flexible Spending Account Closure

The Flexible Spending Account Closure report provides an audit trail of the account information for a plan year. You can use it to review annual pledge amounts, contributions, claims paid, forfeited amounts, and excess payment amounts for employees and to view program and plan totals for these categories.

This information enables you to see how various FSA benefit plans are used. Over time, you might learn which plans are most appreciated by employees and how you might structure FSAs to meet employees' needs.