Managing Life Events

This chapter provides an overview of life events and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Life Events

Two major life events that have an immediate impact on benefit enrollments are:

The Life Events transactions can streamline this process for employees by enabling them to update their personal data and then change their benefit enrollments; all from one self-service transaction.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Life Event Rules

To set up life event rules, use the Life Event Rules (W3EB_LE_RULES) component.

This section provides an overview of life event rules and discusses how to set up life event rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Life Event Rules

eBenefits supports two Life Event transactions:

Organizations might want to control whether an employee can automatically update the HR database. You will establish life event rules according to the practices established by the organization.

You use these rules to:

  1. Determine whether an employee can automatically update the HR database.

  2. Identify the pages the employee will see when using the Marital Status Change and Birth/Adoption self-service transactions.

The following table summarizes how the database is updated using the rules that are defined on the Life Events Rules page, what applications are selected on the Installation table, and other flags that are set in the HR database.

Update to HR Database


Create BAS_ACTIVITY trigger

  • Benefits Administration selected on Installation page.

  • Create Event is selected on Life Event Rules page.

  • Employee has at least one job managed by Benefits Administration as of the Life Event effective date.

  • The employee enters the transaction within the period described by the “days to Notify” parameter.

  • Allow Event Creation check box is selected.

Create COBRA_ACTIVITY trigger

If an employee is managed by Base Benefits, a COBRA activity is triggered when:

  • COBRA Administration is selected on Installation page.

  • Benefits Administration is not selected on Installation page.

  • Proof Required is not selected on the Life Events Rules page.

If the employee is managed by Benefits Administration, a COBRA Activity is triggered when:

  • Benefits Administration is selected on Installation page.

  • The employee has at least one job managed by Benefits Administration as of the Life Event date.

  • Proof Required is not selected on the Life Event Rules page.

  • Create Event is selected on the Life Event Rules page.

  • A COBRA Action code is entered on the Life Event Rules page.

  • Benefits Administration event finalizes.

Employee’s marital status is updated in PERS_DATA_EFFDT table

  • For marital status change only.

  • Proof Required field in Life Event Rules page is not selected.

Current spouse’s marital status is changed to Divorced and relationship is changed to Ex Spouse in DEPENDENT_BENEF table

  • Proof Required field in Life Event Rules page is not selected.

  • Life Event Type is Divorce.

Note. If you have purchased PeopleSoft eProfile or PeopleSoft eProfile Manager Desktop and have set up the Workflow Configuration for self-service transactions, setting these life event rules will override the rules you set for the marital status transaction on the Workflow Configuration page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Life Event Rules

Page Name

Object Name



Life Event Rules


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, eBenefits, Life Event Rules

Create rules that impact how data and information is processed for changes in marital status or birth or adoptions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Life Event Rules

Access the Life Event Rules page.

Maximum Days To Notify

This identifies the maximum number of days that can elapse between the date of the event and date the transaction is entered by the employee through the self-service transaction. Exceeding this time period will not prevent the employee from entering basic information, but a BAS Activity trigger will not be created even if Allow Event Creation is selected. If the employee enters the event after the maximum days allowed, the system displays a message on a self service page notifying them their benefit elections cannot be changed.

Notify Administrator

If selected, an email is sent to the benefits administrator when this type of life event occurs informing them of the event.

The administrator is automatically notified of the event, if Proof Required is selected, regardless of the setting of Notify Administrator.

Proof Required

This field determines whether this type of life event requires proof before it is processed. If this field is selected, the HR database is not updated, BAS Activity and Cobra Activity triggers are not generated, and the Administrator is notified of the event using email.

Allow Event Creation

This field is available if Benefits Administration is selected on the Installation table and Proof Required is not selected. A BAS Activity trigger is created only if the employee has at least one job managed by Benefits Administration as of the life event effective date.

Selecting this field indicates that you want the system to trigger a BAS Activity for this type of life event and allows the employee to change benefit election through the eBenefit election pages.

Source of Action

This field is available and is required, if Benefits Administration is selected on the Installation table and Allow Event Creation is selected. In order for a BAS Activity trigger to be created, you must enter Manual in the field.

BAS Action

This field is available and required if Benefits Administration is selected on the Installation table and Allow Event Creation is selected. Enter a BAS Action code that is appropriate for this life event. Typically, this will be FSC - Family Status Change.

COBRA Action

This field is available if both COBRA Administration and Benefits Administration are selected on the Installation table. This field is only used when the life event is for an employee managed by Benefits Administration, Create Event is selected, and when the resulting Benefits Administration event should create a COBRA Activity trigger when it finalizes.

Click to jump to parent topicChanging Marital Status

Employees begin by accessing the Marital Status Change transaction by navigating to the Marriage Life Event Transaction.

After accessing the transaction, the system presents you with a series of pages that direct you through the life event process. Rules set on the Life Event page and the Activity List for the Change Marital Status transaction determine which pages the system displays.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Workflow Technology

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Change Your Marital Status

Page Name

Object Name



Marital Status Change Life Event


Self Service, Benefits, Life Events, Marriage

Initiate a change in your marital status.

Request Marital Status Change


Click Start on the Marital Status Change Life Event page.

Enter changes in marital status.

Benefits Summary


Click Next on the Request Marital Status Change page.

Review current benefits.

Personal Information


Click Next on the Benefits Summary page.

Review and change personal information.

W-4 Tax Information


Click Next on the Personal Information page

Review and change tax information.

Direct Deposit


Click Next on the W-4 Tax Information page

Review direct deposit information.

Voluntary Deductions


Click Next on the Direct Deposit page.

Review and change voluntary deduction information.



Click Finish on the Enrollment Information page.

Provide confirmation life events process completed and provide other relevant event information.

Click to jump to parent topicAdding New Dependents

Employees begin by accessing the Birth/Adoption transaction by navigating to Birth/Adoption transaction.

Note. You can also add a new spouse and other dependents from the Marriage Life Event.

After accessing the transaction, the system presents you with a series of pages that direct you through the life event process. Rules set on the Life Event page and the Activity List for the Birth/Adoption transaction determine which pages the system displays.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Add a Dependent

Page Name

Object Name



Birth and Adoption


Self Service, Benefits, Life Events, Birth/Adoption

Initiate the birth or adoption of a dependent life event process.

Birth/Adoption Event Form


Click Start on the Birth and Adoption page.

Enter the detailed information about the birth or adoption.

Birth/Adoption Date


Click Next on the Birth/Adoption Event Form page.

Enter the date of the birth or adoption.

Benefits Summary


Click Next on the Birth/Adoption Datepage.

Review benefit summary information.

Dependent and Beneficiary Coverage Summary


Click Next on the Benefits Summary page.

Review dependent/beneficiary benefits coverage summary information.

W-4 Tax Information


Click Next on the Dependent and Beneficiary Coverage Summary page.

Review and change W-4 tax information.

Direct Deposit


Click Next on the W-4 Tax Information page.

Review and change direct deposit information.

Voluntary Deductions


Click Next on the Direct Deposit page.

Review and change voluntary deduction information.

Enrollment Information


Click Next on the Voluntary Deductions page.

Display information about birth/adoption event process.



Click Finish on the Enrollment Information page.

Confirms the completion of the life events process and display other relevant event information.