Using Inquiry Pages

This chapter provides an overview of inquiry pages and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Inquiry Pages

Managers, employees, and human resources (HR) administrators can access different inquiry pages that enable them to view data of interest to their role.

Manager and Employee Pages

Managers and employees can view lists of their completed documents for both performance and development evaluations and can drill down to detail documents.

Additionally, managers can view the approval status of documents for their direct reports and access documents for their indirect reports in view-only mode.

Note. If PeopleSoft Portal Pack is installed, managers can use the Employee Performance pagelet to view the status of the documents for which they are responsible.

Administrator Pages

The following inquiry pages are designed specifically for HR administrators:

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Historical Documents

This section discusses how to access historical documents.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View Historical Documents

Page Name

Object Name



Performance Document History


  • Manager Self Service, Performance Management, Performance Documents, Historical Documents, Performance Document History

  • Self Service, Performance Management, My Performance Documents, Historical Documents, Performance Document History

Access completed documents for employees that you manage or for yourself.

Development Document History


  • Manager Self Service, Performance Management, Development Documents, Historical Documents, Development Document History

  • Self Service, Performance Management, My Development Documents, Historical Documents, Development Document History

Access completed documents for employees that you manage or for yourself.

My Historical Evaluations for Others


  • Self Service, Performance Management, Other's Performance Documents, Historical Evaluations, My Historical Evaluations for Others

  • Self Service, Performance Management, Other's Development Documents, Historical Evaluations, My Historical Evaluations for Others

Access completed documents for multi-participant evaluations in which you participated.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing Completed Documents

Access the Performance Document History, Development Document History, or My Historical Evaluations for Others page.

Note. These pages are all similar in appearance and usage; only the Performance Document History page is detailed here.

Search for Documents

Enter search criteria to limit which documents appear in the list.

Note. This page region appears only if you access the page from Manager Self-Service.

Employee First Name and Last Name

Enter the first and last names of the employee whose documents you want to access.

Period Between

Enter a date range for which you want to view documents.

Performance Documents

Completed documents that meet the selection criteria appear in this list. The information that appears—Employee Name, Document Type, Begin and End dates, and Job Title—assists you to identify the specific document you want to view. You can click the link under the Document Type column to open the document for viewing.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Documents for Indirect Reports

This section lists the pages used to view documents for indirect reports.

Note. You can view documents of any status.

See Also

Accessing Documents

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Documents for Indirect Reports

Page Name

Object Name



Document Details


Manager Self Service, Performance Management, Performance Documents, View-Only Documents, View-Only Documents

Select the effective date for determining employees and click Continue.

Select an employee and click Continue.

Select a document type.

View the document steps and statuses for the selected document. From this page, you can click the View link wherever it appears to view details of the step.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Approval Status

This section lists the pages used to view approval status.

See Also

Approving Documents

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Approval Status

Page Name

Object Name



View Approval Status Summary


Manager Self Service, Performance Management, View Approval Status, View Approval Status Summary

View a list of all documents for which you are a participant in the approval process.

View Approval Status Detail


Select the Performance Document link on the View Approval Status Summary page.

View approval status of a single document.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Data for Inquiry Pages

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you run inquiries to produce reports and graphs, you must:

See Also

Setting Up and Working with Group Definitions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Data for Inquiry Pages

Page Name

Object Name



Setup Rating Distribution


Workforce Development, Performance Management, Reports, Setup Rating Distribution, Setup Rating Distribution

Define the parameters for generating the Rating Distribution Summary report for a selected group of employees.

Create Summary Data


Workforce Development, Performance Management, Reports, Create Summary Data

Define the data collection that contains the documents against which inquiries are run. This is a prerequisite for using the Rating Distribution Summary and Status Summary inquiry pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Desired Rating Distribution

Access the Setup Rating Distribution page.

The group for which you define the desired distribution parameters appears at the top of the page.

Review Rating Model

For the report to be meaningful, all group members for which you are defining parameters should share the same rating model and calculation method that you select in the following fields.

Document Type

Select the type of document for the desired distribution.

Rating Model

Select the rating model for the desired distribution.

Calc Method (Calculation Method)

Select the calculation method for the desired distribution. Options are: Average, Revw Band (review band), or Sum (summation).

Desired Rating Distribution

The desired rating distribution defines, for a given group of employees, the desired percentage of documents that should fall into each rating category or point spread. The selected calculation method determines which fields appear in this group box:

Review Rating

If the calculation method is average or review band, this field displays the document's qualitative ratings from the rating model table.


If the calculation method is average or review band, the description of the qualitative rating appears here from the rating model table.

From Points and To Points

These fields appear if the calculation method is summation. Enter the beginning point value and ending point value for the desired distribution. Enter point ranges sequentially; do not leave gaps or enter overlapping point ranges.

Desired Distribution

If the calculation method is summation, enter the percentage of employees that should receive the number of points that are defined by the From Points and To Points fields.

If the calculation method is average or review band, enter the percentage of employees that should receive the rating that is specified in the Document Rating field.

Distribution percentages must add up to 100.


The following examples illustrate how the Desired Distribution field works with the From Points, To Points, and Review Rating fields:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Data Collection for Inquiries

Access the Create Summary Data page.

The Create Summary Data process builds the data collection that is used in the rating distribution and status inquiry pages. You must specify at least a Group ID and a Group As Of Date to run this process; other parameters are available to further refine the data collection.

Group As of Date

The system summarizes data for employees belonging to the group defined in the Group ID field as of the date specified.

From Date and To Date

Enter the dates that define a date range for selecting documents to include in the report. These fields work in conjunction with the period basis selection.

Document Type

Select a document type, such as quarterly, annual, or yearly. If you leave this field empty, the system selects all document types.

Group ID

Enter the Group ID that is associated with the employees for whom you want to generate the inquiry data. (Group IDs are defined as part of the Group Build process in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources.)

Note. When generating data for the status inquiry pages, PeopleSoft recommends that group members share the same approval process option.

Period Basis

Period Begin Date

Select to have the system retrieve data for documents that have a period begin date that falls between the dates that you enter in the From Date and To Date fields. The period begin date represents the first day of the period and is associated with a document when the document is first created.

Period End Date

Select to have the system retrieve data from documents that have a period end date that falls between the dates that you enter in the From Date and To Date field. The period end date represents the last day of the period and is associated with a document when the document is first created.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Ratings Summaries

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIUnderstanding Ratings Distributions

The ratings distribution summary report is the most reliable if the documents for everyone in the ratings distribution group are no longer in the In Progress status, and that an overall summary rating was entered or calculated on all documents. Additionally, because the rating distribution reports include preliminary ratings, you should ensure that all preliminary ratings are entered.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can view a rating distribution summary you must:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Ratings Summaries

Page Name

Object Name



Performance Rating Distribution


Workforce Development, Performance Management, Administer Documents, Reports, View Rating Summary

View the preliminary, actual, and desired rating distributions for a group of employees and document type.

Rating Distribution Detail


Click a bar on the Rating Distribution Summary report.

View details for employees that fall into the selected rating category or point spread on the rating distribution bar chart.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Rating Distribution Summaries

Access the Performance Rating Distribution page.

Group ID

The group ID for the employees whose rating results appear on the page.

Last Updated

The date on which the document rating distribution data that appears on the page was last calculated.

Note. To calculate the data, you must run the Create Summary Data process.

Total Prelim Rated Documents (Total Preliminary Rated Documents)

The total number of documents for which preliminary ratings were defined.

Total Final Rated Documents

The total number of documents with final rating results.

Rating Model

The rating model that is used to quantify and evaluate employee performance.

Calc Method (Calculation Method)

The method that is used to calculate ratings. Values are: Summary, Average, and Review Band.

Note. The document template defines the calculation method.

Bar Chart Data

The information that the bar chart represents depends on the method that is used to calculate the overall ratings:

For both calculation methods, the bar chart compares preliminary, actual, and desired results. Preliminary results come from the Preliminary Ratings page; actual ratings come from the Manager Evaluation page; desired results come from the Desired Rating Distribution Table page.

Click a preliminary or actual bar to access the Rating Distribution Details page, where you can see detailed information for the selected rating category or point spread.

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Access the Rating Distribution Detail page.

This page lists detailed information for the employees within the rating category or point spread that you selected on the Rating Distribution Summary page.

Approval Status

The code for the approval status:

  • NREQ: Not required

  • OPEN: Not submitted

  • SUBM: Submitted

  • APRV: Approved

  • DENY: Denied

Calculation Method

The calculation method that is used to calculate the overall ratings. Values are A (average), R (review band), and S (summation).

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Document Status Summaries

This section provides an overview of status inquiry page access, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Status Inquiry Page Access

For the status inquiry pages, group members should share the same approval process option. The approval process option determines when, and if, documents approval is required. It also determines which statuses documents must pass through before they reach the Complete status.

To access the Status Inquiry pages, enter either a group ID or a document type to select the employees whose document statuses you want to view. All members of the group should have the same document type. If more than one document template was used to generate the documents, and the review process options differ (for example, some documents hold a review and others do not), then it is possible that not every document that is selected for the report will go through the same set of statuses.

The inquiry pages always represent the correct percentage of documents in each status; however, if more than one review process option is represented, the pages might not give you a complete picture of the statuses through which documents must pass.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Before you can use inquiry pages to view the status of documents, use the Create Summary Data page to create a snapshot of the data to be used by the inquiry page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Document Status Summaries

Page Name

Object Name



View Status Summary


Workforce Development, Performance Management, Administer Documents, Reports, View Status Summary, View Status Summary

View a pie chart that shows the percentage of documents in each document status. Each wedge represents a document status.

Document Status Detail


Click a wedge in the pie chart on the View Status Summary page.

View the list of employees that comprise the document status selected on the Document Status Summary page. Also see status details for each employee.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Document Status Summary

Access the Performance Status Summary page.

Total Documents

Displays the total number of documents for which summary results are available.

Last Updated

Displays the date when the document status summary data that appears on the page was last calculated.

Note. To calculate the displayed data you must run the Create Summary Data process.

Pie Chart Data

For the selected group and document type, the pie chart displays the percentage of documents that are currently associated with each document status.

Click a wedge to access the Document Status Detail page, where you can see the list of employees with documents in the selected status.

See Also

Document Statuses during Review and Approval

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Document Status Details

Access the Document Status Detail page.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Detailed Calculations of Performance Results

This section provides an overview of debug/trace logs, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to view the debug/trace log.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Debug/Trace Logs

You can view a log of the steps that the system takes to calculate the results of a selected document. This feature can be helpful when you're trying to debug setup problems that are not easily identified by looking at the results of a document calculation.

The system generates a debug/trace log for a document when the user clicks a calculate button on the Maintain Documents page.

When a user first enters the Evaluation page, the system deletes any existing debug/trace information for the subdocument and begins a new trace. The document does not need to be saved to record the debug/trace results; clicking a calculate button automatically saves the results to the log.

Review the results of the debug/trace process after results are calculated and before accessing the Evaluation page for the same subdocument, since accessing the page again deletes the debug/trace data just created.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

To have the system log calculation entries, the Debug Rating Calculation, you must select the check box on the General Settings page.

Warning! Enabling this feature can have a significant impact on system performance. We recommend that you use the feature only when you are testing and debugging the ePerformance setup.

See Also

Defining System Settings

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Page Name

Object Name



ePerformance Debug/Trace Log


Workforce Development, Performance Management, Calculation Debug/Trace Results, ePerformance Debug/Trace Log

View the detailed calculations for a document so that you can debug or trace the calculation.

ePerformance Debug/Trace Log (printable version)


Click the Printable Version link on the ePerformance Debug/Trace Log.

Display all calculation information on a single page for convenient printing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Debug/Trace Log

Access the ePerformance Debug/Trace Log page.

Log Entry Type

Select a log entry type to filter the output. Options are:

  • Trace:

    Only those entries that show the steps performed in the calculation appear.

  • Info:

    Informational entries only appear. For example, an information entry is created when the system attempts to calculate a section for which none of the subordinate items have been rated. Information entries help explain why a particular result is obtained from a calculation.

  • Errors:

    Errors appear in red and generally indicate a setup problem.

Printable Version

Click to render a page that presents all trace information, without tabs, so that you can print a copy.

Note. When using the browser's File, Print option to print this page, be sure to set the printer layout to landscape mode.

Step Detail Tab

Access the ePerformance Debug/Trace Log: Step Detail page.