Managing Social Insurance for Switzerland

This chapter provides an overview of Swiss social insurance, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Swiss Social Insurance

Before setting up and processing social insurance contributions, you should understand the terms and procedures Global Payroll for Switzerland uses for social insurance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Social Insurance Terms

Here’s a list of common abbreviations used on the social insurance components in Global Payroll for Switzerland.





Alters-und Hinterlassenenversicherung.

Retirement and survivors’ pension insurance.



Unemployment insurance.



Work-related accident/injury insurance.





Erwerbsersatzordnung für Diestleistende in Armee und Zivilschutz.

Military and civil service pay supplements.






Employer contribution to fund family benefits.



Disability insurance.



Non work-related accident/injury insurance.



Pension fund.


Schweizerische Unfallversicherungsanstalt.

Swiss Accident Insurance Institute (the largest insurance provider in Switzerland).



Accident insurance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSocial Insurance Overview

Contributory membership in national social insurance funds (such as AHV, IV, and EO) is mandatory for employers. You deduct social insurance contributions for those domestic and foreign employees with mandatory insurance coverage and transfer them to compensation funds in accordance with statutory requirements.

You specify the applicable prorated percentage rates for both the employer and the employee. When a new employee is hired, record his or her AHV number. At the end of prescribed pay periods, calculate the contribution amount, if the insurance provider hasn’t already calculated it. Then transfer the amount to the respective provider.

The same procedure applies to unemployment insurance (ALV). For both types of insurance, deduct the employees’ insurance percentage rate from their pay.

At the end of the year, total the paid earnings and then submit a complete list of employees with mandatory insurance coverage to the insurance providers. This list must include every employee's AHV number, total gross earnings, and the length of employment with the company.

If your company has a statutory requirement to make payments to a family allowance agency (FAK), transfer, depending on the canton, family and household allowances to employees along with their pay. Transfer the agreed percentage of the earnings subject to AHV to the FAK. If your company is exempt from making such payments, transfer the allowances established in the tariff agreement directly to the employees.

Deduct pension contributions in accordance with federal statutes governing pension funds (BVG) and, in some cases, transfer these contributions to a supplementary pension fund.

In accordance with federal statutes governing accident insurance (UVG), you must insure your employees against accidents with the SUVA or another accident insurance provider. Calculate the mandatory insurance contributions and transfer them to the insurance provider. If your company pays all or part of an employee's non-employer liability insurance premiums (NBU premiums), calculate no employee deductions, or only prorated deductions, depending on the program.

When you perform the respective calculations for these procedures, you create the prescribed reports and route them to the employee or to the responsible authorities.

You can enter tax and social insurance data after the following information is set up:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefault Hierarchy for Social Insurance

This section explains the override options for social insurance. Global Payroll for Switzerland enables you to view the percentage and/or status of AHV/ALV, UV, PK, and FAK at three levels:

You can override some values, such as eligibility status, at company or employee level. The following table displays whether information is available at each level.

Note. An X indicates that information is available at that level, and a dash (--) means that information is not available.


AHV / ALV Status

Percentage of AHV / ALV

Status / Percentage of UV




SI Setup










X through provider




EE - Add Employment










Status, no percentage




Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Delivered Elements

The PeopleSoft system delivers a query that you can run to view the names of all delivered elements designed for Switzerland. Instructions for running the query are provided in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll 9.0 PeopleBook.

See Also

Understanding How to View Delivered Elements

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used with Social Insurance

ALV Status

Select or view who pays the ALV contributions:

  • ER/EE (default): Employer and employee each pay 50% of the contributions.

  • NONE: No contributions are paid.

  • EMPLOYER: Employer pays all contributions.

AHV Status

Select or view who pays the AHV contributions:

  • ER/EE (default): Employer and employee each pay 50% of the contributions.

  • NONE: No contributions are paid.

  • EMPLOYER: Employer pays all contributions.

Risk Group

Select the classification for your company. Insurance providers and employers decide which employees belong to which group. Possible entries are A, B, and Z.

UV Status (accident insurance status)

Select who pays accident insurance contributions. Valid values are 0 None, 1 NBU/EE, 2 NBU/EMPLOYER, 3 BU only, and 4 ER/EE.

EE Contr AHV (employee contribution AHV)

Displays the employee AHV contribution expressed as a percentage.

Total Contribution AHV

Displays the AHV contribution rate as a percentage for the employee and the employer together. Shows the (fixed) total contribution percentages for employer and employees.

Employee Contribution ALV1

Displays the employee contribution to the ALV 1 percentage.

Total Contribution ALVI

Displays the total contribution to ALV 1 percentage paid by the employee and the employer together.

Employee Contribution ALV2

Displays the employee contribution to the ALV 2 percentage.

Total Contribution ALV2

Displays the total contribution to ALV 2 percentage paid by the employee and employer.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Social Insurance Data

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Social Insurance Data

Page Name

Object Name



Social Insurance System


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Social Insurance CHE, Social Insurance System

View contribution limit data for Swiss social insurance. This page displays the standard values that apply throughout Switzerland, although there are extra fields for the canton of Schaffhausen.

Social Insurance Details


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Social Insurance CHE, Social Insurance Details

View contribution limits for ALV and accident insurance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Social Insurance System Data

Access the Social Insurance System page.

Note. The PeopleSoft system delivers and maintains the data on the display-only Social Insurance component.

Retirement Age Female

Displays the age at which women may retire and therefore draw a pension.

Note. Global Payroll for Switzerland takes into account the planned future increase of the retirement age for women from 62 to 64.

Retirement Age Male

Displays the age at which men may retire and therefore draw a pension.

Enrollment Age

Displays the age from which retirement and survivors' pension insurance (AHV) contributions are paid.

Exemption Amount

Displays the amount below which no AHV contributions are required for pensioners.

EE Soli SH (employee solidarity, canton Schaffhausen)

Displays the employee contribution as a percentage for solidarity tax, which is deducted only in the canton of Schaffhausen.

Total Contrib Soli Ct SH (total contributions solidarity, canton Schaffhausen)

Displays the combined employee and employer contributions as a percentage for solidarity tax, which is deducted only in the canton of Schaffhausen.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Social Insurance Details

Access the Social Insurance Details page.

Statutory Limit ALV1

Displays the statutory limit of insurance for ALV 1.

Statutory Limit ALV2

Displays the statutory limit of insurance for ALV 2.

ALV Status

To set the default value for a company here, you should override it at the company level.

Asylum Contribution

Displays the deduction for the asylum fund. Asylum contributions are basically source taxes for asylum seekers, expressed as a percentage of gross earnings. This deduction must be made every month and deposited in an account as ordered by the Federal Ministry for Refugees.

Minimum Work Hours per Week

Displays the lowest number of working hours per week for liability insurance.

Statutory Limit UV

Displays the maximum monthly gross salary that can be insured.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Insurance Providers

To define insurance providers, use the Providers CHE (GPCH_SI_PROVDR) component.

Define the names of insurance providers and their associated provider codes on the Insurance Providers component, which consists of two pages: Insurance Providers and Contributions Rates. You enter all values yourself on both pages, except for the insurance provider code. This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Insurance Providers

Page Name

Object Name





Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Providers CHE, Providers

Enter names and codes of insurance providers.

Contribution Rates


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Providers CHE, Contribution Rates

Enter accident insurance data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Insurance Providers

Access the Providers page.

Provider ID

Enter a provider ID for this insurance provider.


Select the type of coverage. Possible values are FZ_UVG, KTGV, KV and UV.

Contact Name

Enter the name of your contact at the insurance provider.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Contribution Rates

Access the Contribution Rates page.

Employer Contribution BU % (employer contribution percentage for BU)

Enter the employer’s contribution for employer liability insurance (BU).

Total Contribution NBU % (total contribution percentage for NBU)

Enter the total contributions for accident insurance not covered by employer liability (NBU) as a percentage.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Company Social Insurance Contributions

To define company social insurance contributions, use the Company SI Contributions CHE (GPCH_SI_COMPANY) component.

Define social insurance data specific to your company on the Company SI Contributions component. This component enables you to manage AHV and ALV data as well as accident insurance and daily accident benefits insurance. This section discusses how to:

Note. You must maintain both Company SI 1 and Company SI 2 tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Company Social Insurance Contributions

Page Name

Object Name



Social Insurance - Rates


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Company SI Contributions CHE, Social Insurance - Rates

Set up social insurance data for old age and survivors' insurance (AHV) and unemployment insurance (ALV).

Social Insurance - Detail


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Company SI Contributions CHE, Social Insurance - Detail

Enter social insurance data for accident insurance (UV) and daily accident benefits insurance (KTGV).

Social Insurance Data


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Social Security/Insurance, Maintain Social Ins Data CHE, Social Insurance Data

Display and change social insurance data for individual employees. You can view and change retirement and survivors' pension insurance data (AHV) and unemployment insurance data (ALV).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Social Insurance Rates

Access the Social Insurance - Rates page.

5 Rappen Rounding

The system automatically rounds values to 5 Rappen except on the self-service Request Overtime page and the Garnishment Data page. To implement rounding in 5-Rappen increments for these pages as well, select this check box. The system notifies the user when it rounds the entered amounts on these pages.

AHV Provider

Select a code for the insurance provider.

AHV Member Number

Enter your company's employer ID as registered with the benefits agency (Ausgleichskasse).

AHV Admin Cost Contribution (AHV administration cost contribution)

Enter the administrative clearing costs of the benefits agency, expressed as a percentage.


Select this check box if you want to apply the AHV tax exemption for employees over the age specified on the Social Insurance system page on a year-to-date basis instead of a monthly basis.

Default Value

Click to import the values defined at installation from the Social Insurance system tables.

Solidarity Status

Select the Solidarity tax distribution for the company. Values are: 0 None: no contribution, 1 ER/EE: Employer/employee distribution, and 2 ER: Employer pays all.

Note. You can override the ALV and AHV status on the Social Insurance Data page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Social Insurance Details

Access the Social Insurance - Detail page.

Subject to FAK

Displays whether a company is affiliated with an FAK. If you select Yes, the company is eligible for FAK.

PK Status (Pensionskasse status)

Select the required Pensionskasse status. Pensionskasse contributions are mandatory from the age of 25. PK Status appears when an employee is eligible to pay Pensionskasse contributions.

Primary Provider

Select if this is your primary insurance provider.

Accident Insurance Provider

Select a provider code. All insurance providers are represented here.

Acc Ins ID (accident insurance ID)

Enter your accident insurance identification.

See Also

Managing BVG Deductions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Modifying Social Insurance Data

Access the Social Insurance Data page.

End Date

Enter an end date if you want to display data for a restricted period of time.

Total Contr NBU (total contributions NBU)

Displays the total contributions for accident insurance not covered by employer liability (NBU) as a percentage.

ER Contr BU (employer contributions BU)

Displays the employer’s contribution for employer liability insurance (BU).

UV Provider (accident insurance provider)

Select the code for the accident insurance provider. All insurance providers are represented here.

Default Value

Click to use company-wide values. The default values are defined at the company and social insurance setup level.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Additional Insurance

To manage additional insurance, use the Addtl Insurance Provider CHE (GPCH_SI_ADDITIONAL_GBL) component.

Some companies might provide employees with additional insurance packages, depending on their position in the company or their salary grade. For example, some employees might be eligible for additional health insurance in addition to the mandatory insurance packages that are available.

Global Payroll for Switzerland enables you to create voluntary combinations of insurance packages. These are presented to the employee, who chooses one from the selections. You can use Global Payroll’s functionality as a basis for additional calculation and other features that you add when you install Global Payroll for Switzerland.

You create the insurance packages on the Additional Insurance Provider page, and assign them to an employee on the Additional Insurance Data page.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Additional Insurance

Page Name

Object Name



Additional Insurance Provider


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Addtl Insurance Provider CHE, Additional Insurance Provider

Set up additional insurance packages for an employee.

Additional Insurance Data


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Social Security/Insurance, Add Other Insurances Data CHE, Additional Insurance Data

Enter additional insurance data for an employee.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Additional Insurance Providers

Access the Additional Insurance Provider page.

Insurance Type and Premium Rates

Insurance Type ID

Select the type of insurance employees may require, such as health or accident insurance.

Insurance Alternative ID

Select an alternative ID. Additional insurance entitlement may depend on varying conditions. For example, some types of mandatory insurance might apply only until the end of the 90th day. From the 91st day, additional insurance might be required.

Total Premium Rate Male, Total Premium/Person Male, Total Premium Rate Female, and Total Premium/Person Female

Enter these values as specified by the insurance provider.

Salary Lower Limit and Salary Higher Level

Enter the limits to entitlement for this type of insurance.

Employee and Employer

Enter the earning or deduction code for each.

BU (Berufsunfall)

Optional field for Berufsunfall (work-related accident), not currently supported.

Premium Details

Premium EE Male %, Premium EE Female %, EE Premium/Person % Male, and EE Premium/Person % Female

Enter these values as specified by the insurance provider.


Select how the insurance should be generated. Valid values are Automaticallyand Mandatory.

Minimum Premium

Enter the value specified by the insurance provider.


Select to have Global Payroll for Switzerland process the insurance. If the insurance information is for information only, clear the check box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Additional Insurance Data

Access the Additional Insurance Data page.

Annual Rate

Displays the annual rate that applies to an employee.

Provider Type

Select the provider type. Valid values are FZ_UVG, KTGV, KV, and UV.

Click to jump to parent topicReporting on Social Insurance

This section discusses how to:

The Element Contribution report defines all contributions and deductions, and the SI Company Setup report lists all employee contributions for AHV, ALV1, ALV2, and UV.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Report on Social Insurance

Page Name

Object Name



Elem. Contr. List (element contribution list)


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Element Contribution List CHE, Elem. Contr. List

Create a report that documents the calculation process by defining all contributions and deductions. A + in the report indicates that the amount is added; a - indicates that the amount is deducted. Where there is no symbol, the value is not included in the calculation.

SI Company Setup


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Company SI Contrib Rpt CHE, SI Company Setup

The report lists all employer and employee contributions for AHV, ALV1, ALV2, and UV. It also lists the AHV administration cost, Geneva maternity insurance, and the Source Tax fund. The report also states the age from which AHV should be paid, retirement ages for men and women, and the limit to which earnings are AHV-free. If any changes are made to the data, it must be printed out and kept by the employer.

UV Year


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, UV Year Report CHE, UV Year

The report displays SUVA gross salary, UV basis, UV upper limit, the employee’s gender, and the employee’s SUVA code. Even those employees who are not insured (those with SUVA code X0) are included in the report, although no value is entered in the SUVA Base column. The last page of the UV Year report contains important data that is required to calculate the company fee.

AHV Year


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, AHV Year Report CHE, AHV Year

The AHV Year report lists the contributions for all employees, by their insurance number in ascending order. The AHV Year report lists the insurance number of all employees, together with their full names, period of employment, AHV contributions, and ALV1 and ALV2 contributions.

The system creates a special error list report appendix for payees terminated in the previous year who have income in the current year and for whom the system has no current record of previous payment.

You can generate a printed report or an interface file that enables you to report social insurance data using file transfer.



Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Non AHV/ALV Report CHE, Non AHV/ALV

The Non AHV/ALV report displays the AHV and ALV1 tax allowances for these employees. The report also lists the insurance number of each employee (where an employee does not have an insurance number, the date of birth is displayed instead) and specifies the employee’s period of employment using the month number. For example, 01 means that the employee has been employed since January that year.

Payr. Reg. Options (payroll register options)


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Payroll Results Register CHE, Payr. Reg. Options

Monitors the associated accumulators and displays the payroll register.

Payr.R. Elem. View (payroll register element view)


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Payroll Results Register CHE, Payr.R. Elem. View

View payroll register elements.

Pay Balance


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Pay Balance CHE, Pay Balance

Lists the employee ID, date of birth, hire and termination dates, and AHV number for each employee.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Element Contribution Report

Access the Elem. Contr. List page.

A plus sign (+) indicates that the amount is added to an accumulator; a minus (-) indicates that the amount is deducted. Where there is no symbol, the value doesn’t contribute to any of the accumulators specified in the header.

From Date and To Date

Lists all contribution changes between the dates specified.

Print Class

Select a print class. The PeopleSoft system delivers two standard print classes, but you can create your own. The print class determines the set of selected contributing elements.

Only Elements in Print Class

Select to report only elements specified in the selected print class.

Non Elements in Print Class

Select to report on all existing elements.

Element Name

Enter accumulators whose contributing components should be reported. The element name determines the set of elements contributed to and is mandatory.


Select to optionally override the description of the selected element. You can display up to ten columns in your report and can configure the level of detail that you want to display.

Sequence Number

Enter a mandatory sequence number for the selected element's column. If you want to have the AHV/ALV contributions as the second column in your report, for example, enter sequence number2.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the AHV Year Report

Access the AHV Year page.

Serial Number

Enter the serial number for the ASCII file.

Print only, Interface Only, or Print & Interface

Select one of these options depending on whether you want to print the list, create the interface file, or both.

AHV Contribution, ALV1 Contribution, and ALV2 Contribution

Enter an optional override for the total contribution reported in the interface. If you leave these fields blank, this is calculated by totaling the individual employee contribution.

Adjusting Date

Enter the posting date for the AHV interface. The default is the system date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the GPCHTX04 – Payroll Register Report

The run control for the payroll register is a two-page component, consisting of the Report Options page and the Pay Element View page. In addition to gross pay, the columns of the report might provide information about base amounts (calculation bases) for UV pay, UV base, AHV gross, AHV base, amount not subject to AHV, ALV 1 pay and ALV 2 pay, as well as the resulting payment. You define the required information on the Pay Element View page.

Element Name

Select the year-to-date accumulator to report.

Override Indicator

Select to override the description of the selected element. You can display up to ten columns in your report.

Element Heading

Enter a new heading name (a new description of the element) if you select the Override Indicator for an element.


Enter a sequence number for the selected element's column. If you want to have the AHV/ALV contributions as the second column in your report, for example, enter sequence number 2.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the GPCHTX06 – Pay Balance Employee/Company Report

Access the Pay Balance page.

This report:

Print Pay Entity Report

Select to print only those pages that display the annual and monthly totals for a pay entity, and not all of the retro pay data for all employees that the report lists.

Print Detail Report

Select to print the detailed presentation of retro results.

Print Class

Select the print class you require. The PeopleSoft system delivers two standard print classes, although you can create your own.

Print classes for this report must not assign more than one component per selected element. Otherwise the report will have duplicates and fail. To show amounts and units of an earning, do the following on the Print Classes page: enter the earning and select the Print Sum Amounts check box for that earning and then enter the Auto Assign element (xx_unit) and select the Print Units check box.

Click to jump to parent topicSubmitting Reports Through ELM

This section provides an overview of ELM and eGovernment for Global Payroll Switzerland and discusses how to generate ELM reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding ELM and eGovernment for Global Payroll Switzerland

Swiss eGovernment, or ELM (einheitliches Lohnmeldeverfahren), is the secure electronic transmission of salary declaration for social insurance, taxation and statistical reporting.

Increasing demand for electronically submitted data is currently spreading across Europe. Approximately 300,000 companies operating in Switzerland report information relating to social insurance registration, taxation, and statistical data to government agencies and insurance providers. An estimated 90 percent of all salary-related information is already in electronic form. In Switzerland SUVA, SWISSDEC, and other Swiss social insurance and software providers have been working together to define an XML-based electronic submission standard under the umbrella project initiative called Lohnstandard-CH.

eGovernment Reporting

Delivered eGovernment functionality enables you to run year-end legal reporting using a single dashboard, simplifying the process. Governmental data is taken from the existing set of legal reports and stored in separate XML records. eGovernment creates the ELM records using the following reports:

The data generated from the reports are stored in three categories: summary results by company, employee data by emplid /empl_rcd /company, and employee details data. Existing Global Payroll report functionality remains unchanged.

Dashboard Processing

From a central dashboard, eGovernment allows you to control the year-end reporting process. Using the dashboard you can:

Manage Governmental Data

By selectively processing eGovernment reports you can breakup data reporting and submission in discrete parts as necessary. For example, consider an organization with four entities of varying sizes: one large and three smaller entities. You may choose to process data from the large entity separately from the other three, which may then be processed together as a group. The data for all four entities may then be sent to the government in two transmissions.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating ELM Reports

This section provides an overview of ELM workflow and discusses how to generate the ELM reports.

Once you have generated the reports, you can review company totals online, audit the XML files, or send preliminary data to the government.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicELM Workflow

Enter company and employee level data at any time before generating the year-end reports. You generate ELM reports as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Year End Process page in Global Payroll for Switzerland.

  2. At the Search page, select a Run Control ID.

  3. Enter the Request For information and press select.

  4. Select run options for each of the year-end reports. Add any report you are filing electronically to the transmission file.

  5. Select the finalize status of the report run. If you are sending a file to the government, click the Create ELM check box and enter a path for file saving.

  6. Enter signature and contact information.

  7. Save the run control settings.

  8. Run the report generation process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Generate ELM Reports

Page Name

Object Name



Year End Process


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security / Insurance, Year End Process CHE, Year End Process

Generate year-end government reports for electronic transfer.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating ELM Reports

Access the Year End Process page.

Request For

Transfer Sequence

Specify a transfer sequence.

Global Payroll for Switzerland uses the transfer sequence to separate different setups for year-end reports due to the fact that different reports may be distributed by different means (paper, file, or webservice).


Click to populate the dashboard with the default reports to be generated for the given Pay Year, Company, and Transfer Sequence.

Report Details

Run Options

Select an option to control the processing of the report. The available options are Cancel, Not Run, and Run. The default option is Run. A selection of Run enables the check boxes Print? and Add to File.

Add to File

Select to include the report output in the ELM transfer file. The field is disabled until Run Options is set to Run.

Report Status

Indicates the current run state of the report. The report status levels are Open (the report has not been run) and Run (the report has been run). If you cancel a report, the status returns to Open.


Click to view the specific run control page of the report. The view opens in a separate window.

Note. This option is not supported for the BVG and Source Tax reports.

History Details

Time Stamp

Date and time of the previous run of the report. The information is updated each time the report is run.

Company Totals

Click to view the XML report totals for the company as of the Pay Year. When a report is run the generated data is stored in an XML file. The link is disabled until the XML file is created. The report totals are recalculated and stored each time the report is run.

ELM Details

File Name

The name assigned to the ELM file the last time it was created. The ELM file is created only when reports are added to it when the Add to File check box is selected.

File Reference Path

The location of the report file the last time it was saved.


Select a finalize status for the year-end report. The available options are: No, Test, and Yes. Once a report is finalized, it’s run options are disabled and no additional changes can be made. New reports requested for the same Pay Year, Company, and Transfer Sequence will need to be generated from the beginning.

Create ELM

Select to create the ELM transmission file. This check box is disabled until the Finalize status is set to Test or Yes.

File Directory

Enter a location where the ELM file will be saved. The default path is c:\temp. This field is disabled until the Create ELM check box is selected.

Signature Data

Creation Date

The field is stamped with a default date and time by the system. An alternate date and time may be entered.


Enter any further information or instructions about the report file.