Generating Report Data

This chapter provides an overview of report data generation and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Report Data Generation

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicThe Data Reporting Process

Using the report data generation process, you can easily read payroll results tables and use this data to populate your own reports.

The report data generation process enables you to create reports that contain:

Steps for Creating Reports Using the Report Data Generation process

To create reports using the report data generation process:

  1. Assign output and input tables for the report on the Define Report Data page.

  2. Define the rules used to create the output table on the Define Report Data page.

  3. Map fields and create filters used to generate the output table on the Report Data Process Details page.

Selecting Payroll Results and Populating Output Tables

After you set up the input and output table details using the Define Report Data page, and map fields and define filters on the Report Data Process Details page, the system completes the following steps to select the payroll results and populate the output tables:

  1. Select calendar groups.

  2. Select eligible payees using payee lists, group builds, security, and payee filter. If a payee filter was created, it is applied here.

  3. Join the payee process status table (GP_PYE_PRC_STAT) and the payee segment status table (GP_PYE_SEG_STAT).

  4. Select the original segments. If a process filter was created it is applied here.

  5. Insert the original, recalc, prior, and last version/revision segments into the worktable (GP_RPTW_TMP). The worktable now contains rows by payee for selected segments, recalculations, prior segments, and last version/revision segments. If a segment filter was created it is applied here.

  6. Join the worktable, the primary input table, and the link table (the additional input table joined with the primary input table) according to the data on the Report Data Process Details page. The results are posted to the output table. Only the results derived from the worktable or the primary input table are populated. If an input filter was created it is applied here.

  7. Update the output table with data from the additional input tables.

Overview of Generating Report Data 1

Overview of Generating Report Data 2

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFilters

Four levels of filters exist: payee, process, segment, and input.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReport Data and Segmentation

When retroactivity is encountered, the method used to store report data depends on the retroactive method encountered. When the forwarding method is used, deltas are forwarded to the first slice in the first segment that matches the pay group, run types, and payment keys. In corrective mode, the deltas are not forwarded.

The Report Data feature manages four kinds of segments:

Here is how the system interprets the following situations:

See Also

Defining Retroactive Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOutput Table Definitions

Output tables must be defined to store your selected results. These tables must include the following key structure:

Field Name























































Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUser-Defined Parameter Definitions

The user-defined parameters are defined when setting up the input filter on the Report Data Process Details page. They must follow this syntax:


Consider the following example using the filter And PRI.STATE in (%PARM.REPORT.STATE) and these parameters:







In this example, the generated SQL statement would include: And PRI.STATE IN ('CA','OR'). Below is an example of how you would use these user-defined parameters in the program:

&reportBatch.AddParamChar("REPORT", "STATE", "CA"); &amp_reportBatch.AddParamChar("REPORT", "STATE", "OR");

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBatch Processing Setup

The batch process provides a public section called “EXTRACT” that can be called by an application engine process that prepares the payroll results for reporting. You must prepare the list of parameters. Then the EXTRACT section generates the SQL requests based on the parameters and executes the requests.

A section called “MAIN” is provided for testing purposes. The MAIN section is used by the delivered run control Validate Report Data. The parameters are managed by the delivered application classes via an object &reportBatch defined at the component level:

import GP_RPT_DATA:ReportDataClasses:*; Component ReportDataAE &reportBatch;




  1. Prepare the list of parameters based on the run control GP_RC_RPT_DTL.

  2. Call EXTRACT.

EXTRACT (public)

  1. Initialization.

  2. Print the parameters log file.

  3. Generate the requests (call to .GenerateSQL).

  4. Loop on the requests. Call to EXECUTE


  1. Print a message in the log file.

  2. Execute a request.

  3. Print a message in the log file.

The application engine is based on the state record GP_RPT_AET and includes the following dedicated temporary tables: GP_RPTC_TMP, GP_RPTO_TMP, GP_RPTE_TMP, GP_RPTS_TMP, and GP_RPTW_TMP.

Below is an example of the batch processing setup:

import GP_RPT_DATA:ReportDataClasses:*; Component ReportDataAE &reportBatch; &reportBatch.AddParamChar("EXTPRC", "COUNTRY", "USA"); &reportBatch.AddParamChar("EXTPRC", "NAME", "GP_REPORT"); &reportBatch.AddParamChar("EXTPRC", "TYPE", "P"); &reportBatch.AddParamChar("SELPYE", "SECUR", "Y"); &reportBatch.AddParamChar("SELCAL", "CALGRPID", GP_REGISTER_AET.CAL_RUN_ID); &reportBatch.AddParamChar("SELCAL", "FROMDT", GP_REGISTER_AET.FROM_DT); &reportBatch.AddParamChar("SELCAL", "TODT", GP_REGISTER_AET.TO_DT);

The call section name is EXTRACT, and the program ID is GP_EXT_AE.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReal Time Processing Setup

Below is an example of real-time processing setup:

import GP_RPT_DATA:ReportDataClasses:*; Component ReportDataReal &report; Local number &instance; &report = create ReportDataReal(); &report.AddParamChar("EXTPRC", "COUNTRY", "USA"); &report.AddParamChar("EXTPRC", "NAME", "GP_REPORT"); &report.AddParamChar("EXTPRC", "TYPE", "P"); &report.AddParamChar("SELPYE", "SECUR", "Y"); &report.AddParamChar("SELCAL", "CALGRPID", GP_REGISTER_AET.CAL_RUN_ID); &report.AddParamDate("SELCAL", "FROMDT", GP_REGISTER_AET.FROM_DT); &report.AddParamDate("SELCAL", "TODT", DERIVED_GP.TO_DT); &instance = &report.GetInstance(); &report.ExecuteNow(); /* selection from the output tables (using &instance) can be done here in order to display results */

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBuilding a Transaction That Uses Report Data

When building a transaction that uses report data, you should follow these guidelines:

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Output Table

Name of the table to be populated.

Primary Input Table

The functional name of a Global Payroll result table. For example, GP_RSLT_ERN_DED would be referred to as the Result Table for Earnings and Deductions.

Original Segment

The segment represented by version 1 and revision 1.

Recalculated Segment

The segment that is not version 1 and revision 1.

Prior Segment

The segment that the Global Payroll core application used to calculate deltas.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Report Data

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Report Data

Page Name

Object Name



Define Report Data


Setup HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Reports, Define Report Data, Define Report Data

Assign the output table, writable array, primary input table type, and segment options.

Report Data Process Details


Click the Details link on the Define Report Data page.

Map fields and create filters used to generate the output table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Output Tables and Primary Input Tables

Access the Define Report Data page.

Report Data

Displays the identification code for the report data setup.

Generate Log

Select to generate log details when you run the report.

Segment Writable Array

Enter a writable array segment. The corresponding writable array table can be used throughout the report data generation process in two ways. First, any field on this writable array table can be included in the field map. Thus it is used to populate fields in the output tables. Second, any field on this writable array table can be used as a filter for the process (using the parameter “SEGFILTER” on the Validate Report Data page). For example, for a writable array that contains the Company and Establishment fields, a process can be run for a single company or establishment.

Row Level Security

Select to enable row level security for the report. When row level security is enabled, the Report Data process selects payee records from EMPL_SRCH_GBL where the Row Security class equals the one defined for the operator.

Run Time Security Override

Select to allow the Row Level Security value to be overridden on the run control page of the report.

Process Details


Enter the sequence number. The same input and output tables may be used repeatedly.

Warning! The report data generation process uses this sequence number when generating output tables. The output table must have a SEQ_NUM field to hold the sequence number value.

Output Table

Enter the record name of the output table.

Primary Input Table

Select the primary table to be read for data selection. The Primary Input Table and the Output Table have a one to one relationship; for each row selected in the Primary Input Table there will be one row selected in the Output Table. The options available are:

  • Absence Daily Data (GP_RSLT_ABS).

  • Accumulators (GP_RSLT_ACUM).

  • Earnings and Deductions (GP_RSLT_ERN_DED).

  • Internal Worktable (GP_PYE_PRC_STAT joined with GP_PYE_SEG_STAT and a segment writable array).

  • Positive Inputs (GP_RSLT_PI_DATA).

  • Supporting Elements (GP_RSLT_PIN).

  • Writable Array Table (any writable array table).

Writable Array Table

When the Primary Input Table is Writable Array, enter the table name here. This writable array is not the same as the value in the Segment Writable Array field, which applies to the entire process.

Segment Option

Select which data will be selected if the process encounters retroactive information. Options are:

  • Original: Select only original segment information (no retroactive information).

  • Original and Retro: Select Information coming from recalculated segments and prior segments in addition to the original segments.

  • Last Version/Revision: Select only the segments with the latest version and revision numbers.

  • User Defined: Select this option to manually choose the segment. Selecting this field displays the Last, Retro (Prior), Retro (Recalculated), and Original Calc fields.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Fields

Access the Report Data Process Details page.

Additional Input Tables

Additional input tables can be used in addition to the Primary Input Table. To use additional tables in the process, a linking relationship must be defined on this page in order to retrieve the data. The relationship can be defined with either the primary input table or the output table.

Input Table

Enter an input table. Once a table is defined as an additional input, any of its fields can be used to populate a field in the output table.

Join with

Select one of the following options:

  • Output Table: This creates a one to one relationship. The additional input table will be read after the output table has been populated from the primary input table. Then the selected fields from the additional input table will be used in an update statement on the output table.

  • Primary Input: This creates a many to many relationship. The additional input table will be read during the selection of the primary input table. A join is made between these tables and thus the selected fields from the additional input table will be used in an insert statement on the output table.

    Note. Only one additional input table can be joined with the primary input table. This additional input table is called the link table and it can be filtered with an input filter.

Update Sequence

You must enter a sequence number when joining an input table with an output table. This sequence number determines the order of the different accesses to the additional input tables that are triggered by some update statements. There is one update statement per additional input table. For example, the field UNION_CD is populated with data from JOBCODE_TBL based on the SETID and JOBCODE defined in the output table. Then the field DISABILITY_INS is populated with data from UNION_TBL based on the UNION_CD. In this case the JOBCODE_TBL must have an Update Sequence value of 1 and the UNION_TBL must have an Update Sequencevalue of 2.

Join Condition Defined

The system uses this field to indicate that a join condition is defined between the additional input table and the primary input table or the additional input table and the output table, depending on the value in the Join with field. This field is read-only.

Generate Field Map

Use this push button to generate a field mapping based on the output table definition, the primary input table, the additional input tables, the writable array segment and the worktable. Once the field mapping has been generated, the user can change it using the Field Map group box.

Field Map

Once you have selected the Generate Field Map button, the system populates this group box. You may then alter these fields.

Field Map Input Record and Field Tab

Output Field

Displays the field name of the output table. The fields of the output table are not required. You cannot select the fields that define the mandatory key structure.

Input Type

The following options are available:

  • Primary Input: A field from the primary input table populates the output field.

  • Internal Worktable: A field from the worktable populates the output field. Any field from GP_PYE_PRC_STAT and GP_PYE_SEG_STAT can be selected.

  • Additional Input: A field from a specific record populates the output field.

  • Element: An element populates the output field. The as of date can be specified in the As of Field field (field present in the output table).

  • Writable Array: A field from a writable array populates the output field. The as of date is the segment retro period.

  • Period Accum: A balance accumulator element populates the output field. The balance period is defined under Period Accum.

  • Writable Array Segment: The field is populated by the corresponding field present in the segment writable array, if one is defined.

Input Record

Enter a record name if Input Type is Additional Input or Writable Array. For other input types, the records' technical names appear.

Input Field

Displays the field name of the primary input, additional input, the worktable, the writable array segment, or a writable array.

Reverse Sign

Indicates if the field must take the opposite sign (+/-) when the result is attached to a prior amount. Usually, this field is selected for all the fields that can be summed. This option should not be selected for fields that do not contain values, such as PIN_NUM or INSTANCE.

Field Map Element Tab

The following fields are required if the Input Type is Element.

Entry Type

Select from: System Element, Variable, Formula, Bracket, Earning, Deduction, Auto-Assigned, Accumulator, Count, and Duration.


This field is required if the Input Type is Element. Be sure to use the correct Country field.

Field Map Element Options Tab

Element Source

Required if the Input Type is Element or Writable Array. Determines how the element is read, in the case of retroactivity.

  • Original: Read in the original segment.

  • Recalculated: Read in the recalculated segment.

As of Field

Required if the Input Type is Element and the Element Source is Original. The field name is used for the As of Date to find the element. This field is populated by the output table.

Period Accumulator Type

Required if the Input Type is Period Accumulator. Values are: MTD Amount, MTD Unit, PTD Amount, PTD Unit, QTD Amount, QTD Unit, YTD Amount, and YTD Unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Input Filters

Access the Report Data Process Details page.


Write a where clause to execute during the selection of the primary input table. Aliases are available. For example:

  • To filter only positive amounts: “and PRI.CALC_RSLT_VAL>0”.

  • To filter for one country: “and WRK.COUNTRY='USA'”.

  • To filter on a field stored in an additional input table (if joined with the primary input table): “and LNK.PIN_TYPE='ER'”.

Aliases available for Filter

This legend shows that the aliases that can be used in the SQL field. Use the button to refresh the legend. Aliases are as follows:

  • WRK: Represents the worktable.

  • PRI: Represents the primary input table.

  • LNK: Represents the record used as the additional input table that is joined with primary input table.

Note. You can use specific words in your SQL where clause. For example: “and WRK.PAY_ENTITY in (%PARM.PRMARG.1)”. In this statement, the report data process will replace %PARM.PRMARG.1 with the appropriate value.

Click to jump to parent topicValidating Report Data

This section discusses how to validate report data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReport Validation

The Validate Report Data page enables you to test a defined report with specific parameters so that you can validate the results. With this page you can:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Validate Report Data

Page Name

Object Name



Validate Report Data


Setup HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Reports, Validate Report Data, Validate Report Data

Enter report data parameters. Run the report data generation process in batch mode or real time. Generate SQL requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Report Validation Parameters

Access the Validate Report Data page.

Run Mode

Select one of three options:

  • Batch (Application Engine).

  • Real Time (PeopleCode).

  • Script (Data Mover).

The Run Mode determines how the SQL statements are applied.

Script Location

Enter the location of the script. Data Mover can execute the script only if you selected Script (Data Mover) in Run Mode. Otherwise the generated scripts can be used to debug the SQL statements.

Function and Parameter

Enter the functions and parameter that the system will use to select data for the report. For example, by entering SELCAL/CALGRPID you can then select which calendar group ID data to use in the report. Defined values are listed in the expandable Functions and Parameters group box.

Note. You can also create user-defined functions and parameters to use in the input filter.


Indicate the field type of the Parameter. Select either Char, Date, Numeric, or SQL.

Character Value

Enter the value of the Function or Parameter.

Create Scripts

Click to create a .dms containing the SQL statements and to display them on the page. The script includes a list of parameters used to generate the statements. If a parameter is not used in the process (because of a syntax error or a missing definition) the words “Not used” appear in the list.

Validate Report Data

Select this option to validate the report data. The process used depends on your Run Mode selection:

  • Batch (Application Engine): The system launches an Application Engine that runs the process in batch mode via process scheduler.

  • Real Time (PeopleCode): The system launches a PeopleCode function that runs the process in real-time.

  • Script (Data Mover): The system launches a Data Mover process that runs the process in batch mode via process scheduler.

Structuring Parameters

Below is a list of predefined function and parameter values.



Parameter Value




Country Code

This parameter is required.



Report Data

This parameter is required



P or A or B

Select one of the following:

  • P: Payroll extraction process.

  • A: Absence extraction process.

  • B: Both payroll and absence process.




Use this parameter to apply security to payee selection.



Record Name

Payee selection is based on this record. It must include EMPLID and EMPL_RCD.



SQL Statement

When the parameter value field is not long enough, the user can repeat the same parameter. The system will concatenate the different values.



Group Build Code




Group Build Version




Group List Name




Stream Number

Use this parameter to tell the system whether it must use EMPL_FROM/TO.



Employee ID

The same parameter can be repeated.



Employee Record Number




Calendar Group ID




1, 2, 3, or 4

Select one of the following:

  • 1: Period Begin Date.

  • 2: Period End Date.

  • 3: Payment Date.

  • 4: Period Begin Date >= FROMDT and Period End Date <= TODT.

If this parameter is not defined, the system uses the period end date.



From Date




To Date




1, 2, or 3

Select one of the following:

  • 1: All Cycles (Default).

  • 2: Off Cycle Only.

  • 3: On Cycle Only.




This is the process filter.



1 or 2

Select one of the following:

  • 1: Payee Level.

  • 2: Job Level.




Use this parameter to determine whether replacements are considered original.


Any field name on the worktable and the segment writable array (if a segment writable array is defined)

Any Value

This is the segment filter. The process adds WRK.fieldname to the report.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Report Data

Global Payroll delivers two reports that use the Report Data feature to extract results data: