Using Function Result and Actuarial Factor Aliases

This chapter provides overviews of function result aliases and actuarial factor aliases and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Function Result Aliases

Certain function results can produce multiple results. Because the function result name always references the primary result, you need a way to reference any secondary results.

The final average earnings and cash balance accounts functions both enable you to specify whether to apply limits. If you apply limits, as you will in all of your qualified plans, the function produces limited and unlimited results. The function result name references the result according to how you configure your definition: limited if the definition uses limits, unlimited if it does not. If the function result is limited, the secondary result is the unlimited equivalent. If the function result is unlimited, the secondary result is identical to the primary result.

The participation function produces a participation status and a participation date. The function result name references the status only. The secondary result is the date.

To reference any of the secondary values produced by these function results, you have to set up a special kind of alias: a function result alias.

Three functions, participation, final average earnings, and cash balance accounts, always produce results beyond those referenced by the function result name. These are the results you reference with function result aliases.

Typically, you reference function result aliases for final average earnings and cash balance accounts within the benefit formula.

You might use the participation date when you set up a service definition if you want to exclude service before the participation date.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Actuarial Factor Aliases

When you convert a pension payment from one payment form to another, you use factors to determine an actuarially equivalent amount. A factor alias calculates the factor based on:

Use the factors that you create anywhere your plan needs them. If your cash balance plan produces a lump sum amount, but your normal form is an equivalent annuity, you might set up a lump-sum-to-annuity conversion factor to include in your benefit formula. When you determine the annuity value of an employee’s contributions, you use a factor alias to perform the conversion.

You do not need to use factors when you set up your optional form sets for each plan; the optional forms of payment function handles the conversions.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Function Result and Actuarial Factor Aliases

To create function result actuarial factor aliases, use the Function Result Aliases (FNC_RSLT_ALIASES) and Factor Aliases (FACTOR_DEFINITIONS) components.

This section lists the pages used to create function result and actuarial factor aliases and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Function Result and Actuarial Factor Aliases

Page Name

Object Name



Function Result Alias


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Pension, Variable Definitions, Function Result Aliases, Function Result Alias

Create a function result alias.

Factor Alias


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Pension, Variable Definitions, Factor Alias, Factor Alias

Set up the factor parameters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Function Result Alias Options

Access the Function Result Alias page.

Associated Function Result

Select the function result that produces the extra value.

Associated Concept

Select the results you want to reference:

  • Lim Cash Bal @ Lump Sum Date (limited cash balance at lump sum date).

  • Limited Average Earnings.

  • Limited Cash Balance @ BCD (limited cash balance at benefit commencement date).

  • Limited Cash Balance @ NRD (limited cash balance at normal retirement date).

  • Participation Date.

  • Unlim Cash Bal @ Lump Sum Date (unlimited cash balance at lump sum date).

  • Unlimited Average Earnings.

  • Unlimited Cash Balance at BCD (unlimited cash balance at benefit commencement date).

  • Unlimited Cash Balance at NRD (unlimited cash balance at normal retirement date).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Factor Alias Options

The factor utility calculates actuarial factors that convert payment amounts from one optional form of payment to another. You use the Factor Alias page to specify the information that the factor utility uses in this conversion.

Access the Factor Alias page.

Actuarial Assumption Set

Assumption Set Name

An actuarial assumption set incorporates assumptions about mortality, interest, and payment frequency. For example, if you want to convert from a lump sum to a monthly annuity, the actuarial assumptions should specify a monthly payment frequency.

Employee Age

Enter the annuitant’s age.

Beneficiary Age

Enter the beneficiary’s age.

You can enter constant ages or aliases for these fields.

From and To

A factor is used to convert payments from one form to another—for example, from a lump sum to a single life annuity, or from a single life annuity to a 50 percent joint and survivor annuity. You define the two payment forms in the From and To group boxes.

Form Code

Describe each form by entering a form code. Select from these options: Certain Only Installment, Joint and Survivor Annuity, Life Annuity, Level Income Option, Last to Survive Annuity, Lump Sum, Pop Up Annuity, Reversionary Annuity.

There is also a Spouse J&S Demonstration option. This is used on the optional forms pages when a plan provides an automatic benefit to a spouse. Do not select this option on the Factor Alias page; instead, use Joint and Survivor Annuity.

Certain forms incorporate additional parameters, which are specified in Years Certain and Pct Continued fields.

Years Certain

Enter the number of years certain if:

  • You select the Form Code Certain Only Installment.

  • You want to specify a guaranteed number of payments for any of the annuity options.

For example, to enter a 5-year certain and continuous form, select Life Annuity in the Form Code field, and enter 5 in the Years Certain field.

Pct Continued (percent continued)

If the option includes a survivor benefit, enter the percent continued to indicate the survivor’s continuing percentage of the original annuity. For example, joint and survivor and last to survive annuities include survivor benefits.

For example, to enter a 50 percent joint and survivor form, select Joint and Survivor Annuity in the Form Code field, and enter 50 in the Pct Continued field.

See Also

Using Actuarial Assumptions

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Form Codes

When you define a form of payment, you provide the following information:

This is true whether you use the factor utility (the Factor Alias page) or the optional forms of payment function.

The factor utility automatically applies the appropriate actuarial equation to a form code. The following table indicates, by form code, when you must enter information in the Years Certain and Pct Continued fields. In the column labeled Options Required?, Y means you must enter information, N means the information is not applicable, and O means it is optional.

Form Code and Full Name

Options Required?



Certain Only Installment

Years Certain: Y

Pct Continued: N

An amount is paid for a specified number of years and no longer. If the participant dies, any remaining payments are made to a beneficiary.


Joint and Survivor Annuity

Years Certain: O

Pct Continued: Y

One amount is paid until the participant dies. Then a survivor benefit, reduced to the specified percent continued, continues until the beneficiary dies.


Life Annuity

Years Certain: O

Pct Continued: N

A periodic amount is paid for the life of the participant.


Level Income Option

Years Certain: O

Pct Continued: O

A monthly payment is reduced at the social security retirement age by the estimated amount of money to be received from social security.


Last To Survive Annuity

Years Certain: O

Pct Continued: Y

Similar to a joint and survivor annuity, except that the amount is reduced when either the participant or the beneficiary dies.


Lump Sum

Years Certain: N

Pct Continued: N

A onetime payment.


Pop Up Annuity

Years Certain: O

Pct Continued: Y

Similar to a joint and survivor annuity, except that the participant’s otherwise reduced benefit “pops up” to the single life annuity level if the beneficiary predeceases the participant.


Reversionary Annuity

Years Certain: O

Pct Continued: N

On the retiree’s death, the entire benefit is paid as a life annuity to a beneficiary. The system’s actuarial calculation of a reversionary annuity assumes that the benefit is forfeited if the beneficiary predeceases the retiree.

If your plan rules differ, use a different method for calculating this optional form. If you enter a years certain, the certain period starts when the beneficiary begins receiving payments.


Spouse J&S Demonstration

Years Certain: O

Pct Continued: Y

No actual benefit. This is informational only. It shows the benefit that a spouse loses if the participant names a non-spouse beneficiary.

Whenever you enter a value in Years Certain, any payments remaining after the participant dies are paid to a beneficiary.

There is no separate form code for certain and continuous forms of payment. You create these forms by adding years certain criteria to other forms. Typically, you add to a single life annuity (LIFE), but you might also add to joint and survivor and other forms. For example, to set up a 10–year certain and continuous annuity with no joint and survivor criteria, enter LIFE in the Form Code field and 10 in the Years Certain field.