Setting Up Workforce Groups and Group Sets

This chapter provides an overview of workforce groups and group sets and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Workforce Groups and Group Sets

You can use workforce groups and group sets in workforce analytic applications for different purposes:

Although you can include an entire workforce in one workforce group, groups are most often a subset of the workforce. You can define workforce groups by:

Although you can define universal workforce groups to use throughout Workforce Analytics, you typically create specific workforce groups to use with a particular rule, simulation, scenario, or function.

To use the workforce group and group set functionality in Workforce Analytics, follow these steps:

  1. Plan your approach and determine the types of workforce groups that you need to create.

  2. Use the Workforce Groups setup component to define workforce groups.

  3. Use the Workforce Groups report to review the workforce groups setup.

  4. Use the Workforce Groups process page to run the Build Workforce Groups process (WA_BLDGRPS) in the Build Workforce Groups jobstream (WA_BLDGRPS).

    This process builds the workforce groups so that you can review the results before using the groups in an application.

  5. Use the Workforce Groups inquiry page to review the results of the Build Workforce Groups process.

  6. Use the workforce groups in a Workforce Rewards or Workforce Planning scenario or in Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) role security.

  7. If necessary, use the Workforce Group Set setup component to define workforce group sets.

  8. Use the Workforce Groups process page to run the Group Set jobstream (WA_GROUPST) to create group sets and security roles based on the group set definition (that is, based on the security option selected on Group Set setup page).

Note. Not all of the preceding steps apply to every Workforce Analytics application. The following sections explain the steps that are required for each application.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Workforce Groups

To define workforce groups, use the WA_CP_GROUP_DFN.GBL component.

This section provides an overview of constraints and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Constraints

Constraints are collections of one or more filters. The system uses them to define subsets of data for processing. With respect to workforce groups, the applicable constraints and associated filters that you select should define the set of employees included in the group. You build constraints and filters using the Constraint Definition page and the Filter Definition pages.

See Setting Up and Working with EPM Foundation Metadata.

You can use constraints to create an integration link between the Retention Strategy and Compensation Strategy modules of Workforce Rewards. In Retention Strategy, the scenario's final output for the decisions is store in three tables, which are lists of employees to retain, employees to track, and employees to reduce. PeopleSoft provides the following sample constraints to point to the data in these tables:

These sample constraints appear under the setID SHARE. Add them to your system and use them as templates. They are based on the data maps and table maps delivered with the system. After you add the constraints to the system, you can reference them from the Workforce Group setup page when creating workforce groups, and you can use them in the Compensation Strategy module.

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Object Name



Workforce Group


Workforce Analytics, Workforce Analytics Setup, Setup Groups, Workforce Group

Select a setID and group ID.

Define workforce groups for Workforce Rewards or Workforce Planning.

Workforce Group - Notes


Select the Notes tab on the Workforce Group setup page.

Add notes for a workforce group definition.

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Access the Workforce Group (setup) page.

Manager ID

Select a manager ID if you plan to use the group in a group set.

Constraint Defined, Constraint Code

Select the Constraint Defined option and then select a constraint code to create a group based on a constraint. The system stores prompt values in the WA_CONSTR_VW table. You can only select constraints based on WA_JOB_S00 or JOB_F00.

The constraints must reference a data map that uses a table map whose primary table is WA_JOB_S00 or JOB_F00. To include simulated employees in your group (from the Workforce Simulation process of Workforce Rewards), create or select a constraint based on a table map with WA_JOB_S00 as the primary table. To exclude simulated employees, create or select a constraint based on a table map with JOB_F00 as the primary table. Enter one constraint per workforce group. To create a group for use in Workforce Planning, create or select a constraint based on a tablemap with JOB_F00 as the primary table.

View Constraint Code

Click to open the Constraint page and view details of the constraint code you have selected.

Manually Defined

To create a small static group, select the Manually Defined option and select an employee ID. The system stores prompt values in the PERSONAL_SRCH view. When you select an employee, the system displays the employment record number and personal name. Add rows of data to enter multiple employees in the manual group definition.


Click to compile the Structured Query Language (SQL) for the rule at any time.

The system automatically compiles the SQL for the rule when you save your work. In either case, the system displays the SQL object ID prefix.

See Also

Setting Up and Working with EPM Foundation Metadata

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Workforce Group Setup

Once you have set up your workforce groups, run the Workforce Groups Crystal report to review your workforce group setup.

This section discusses how to run the Workforce Groups Crystal report.

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Workforce Groups report


Workforce Analytics, Workforce Reports, Workforce Group Report, Workforce Groups

Run the Workforce Groups Crystal report (WAC0018), which provides a summary of workforce group setup.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Workforce Groups Crystal Report

Access the Workforce Groups report page.

The Workforce Groups Crystal report is a query of the WA_CP_GROUP_DFN table. The report provides a summary of all the active workforce group definitions for a given setID and effective date.

Click to jump to parent topicBuilding and Reviewing Workforce Groups

This section provides an overview of building workforce groups and lists the pages used to build and review workforce groups.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Building Workforce Groups

You can build the workforce groups using a standalone process, so that you can review the results before using the groups in an application. Once you have completed setup of the workforce groups, run the Build Workforce Groups process in the WA_BLDGRPS jobstream. The results are stored in the WA_GROUP_F00 table. Then review the results of the process using the Workforce Groups inquiry page. This page displays the results (group members) of the PeopleSoft Application Engine processing. In the case of the standalone process, the results that you view with the inquiry page are the employees in the originally defined group, because the process has no other selection criteria or rules to narrow the group.

The group results that you see on the inquiry page depend on your row-level security access. The Workforce Groups inquiry page uses the WA_GROUP_SRCH table, which is a view for WA_GROUP_F00 that joins in the security table so that you can see only the results that your security access allows.

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Workforce Groups Run Control


Workforce Analytics, Workforce Analytics Setup, Run Workforce Groups Jobstream, Workforce Groups Run Control

Use this page to generate Workforce Groups for use in Workforce Rewards or Workforce Planning

Review Groups inquiry


Workforce Analytics, Workforce Analytics Setup, Review Groups, Review Groups

Review the workforce groups after running the group build process or after running a scenario-generating process in Workforce Rewards or Workforce Planning.

Click to jump to parent topicIncluding Workforce Groups in Scenario Processes

You can use workforce groups in various scenario processes. These include the Match process in Workforce Planning and the Workforce Simulation process, the Retention Assignment process, and the Compensation Planning process, and the Simulation process in Workforce Rewards.

When you run the scenario processes, a PeopleSoft Application Engine library named WA_GRPBUILD is called. The process resolves the constraints and inserts the group members into a permanent table (WA_GROUP_F00), keyed by the business unit, scenario, fiscal year, accounting period, and group ID fields. This table stores the group results for viewing through an inquiry page.

Some processes such as the Retention Assignment process in Workforce Rewards and the Match process in Workforce Planning do not necessarily use the groups exactly as defined. In these cases, the scenario rules may narrow the group build results. For example, the Retention process may start with the employees in the group but exclude employees that do not appear in the overall group defined for the retention scenario. Consequently, if you have specified groups for the risk, cost, and value rules through the retention model and the group members do not belong to the overall group for the retention model, they are not used. For these types of scenario processes, the results that you view using the inquiry page are the employees selected from the scenario processing and not necessarily all of the employees in the original group.

The system uses the group ID as a dimension in the Workforce Rewards data marts.

To access the page where you include workforce groups in scenario processes go to EPM Foundation, Job Processing, Setup Engines and Jobstreams, Processes in Jobstream

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Workforce Group Results From Scenarios

This section discusses how to review workforce group results.

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Object Name



Review Groups


Workforce Analytics, Workforce Analytics Setup, Review Groups, Review Groups

Review the workforce groups after running the group build process or after running a scenario-generating process in Workforce Rewards or Workforce Planning.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Workforce Group Results

Access the Review Groups page.

Business Unit

Select search criteria. Valid values are from the SP_BU_PF_NONVW and SCENARIO_SRCH tables, respectively.

Scenario ID

Select search criteria. Valid values are from the SP_BU_PF_NONVW and SCENARIO_SRCH tables, respectively.

Fiscal Year, Accounting Period, Group ID EpmlID (Employee ID)

Narrow the search criteria by entering information in these fields. Prompt list values for the latter two fields are from the WA_CP_GROUP_DFN and PERSONAL_SRCH tables, respectively.


Once you have entered search criteria, click the Search button. The system displays the results of the search in the Workforce Groups group box. The results are from the WA_GROUP_SRCH table. For each member of a group included in the scenario, the system displays the group ID, employee ID, and employment record number.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Workforce Group Sets

A workforce group set is a collection of groups. You can define sets of workforce groups using the Workforce Group Set component.

Note. Workforce group sets can be used to define security roles. Workforce group sets are not used in the other workforce analytic applications at this time.

This section discusses how to:

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Workforce Grp Set (Workforce Group Set)


Workforce Analytics, Workforce Analytics Setup, Setup Group Sets, Workforce Group Set

Enter a setID and a workforce group set code.

Define sets of groups that can be used to define EPM security roles.

Workforce Group Set - Notes


Select the Notes tab on the Workforce Grp Set page.

Add notes for a group set definition.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Workforce Group Sets

Access the Workforce Grp Set setup page.

Use for Security Groups

Select the Use for Security Groups check box to create EPM security roles definitions based on the groups within the group set. When you run the group set engines, the system verifies whether this check box is selected. If it is, a security role is defined and created for each organization tree or position table-based group (department or position) selected in the group set.

The system only allows one position-based and one organization-tree-based group set where the Use for Security Groups check box is selected. You can define multiple groups based in Organization trees or the Position table (POSITION_D00), but only one of each when the security check box is selected.

Organization Tree Defined

You can define a group set based on the Organization (Department) tree. To do this select Organization Tree Defined, and then select the appropriate Tree Name.

Tree Name

Prompt list values are from the PF_METATREE_TBL table.

Position Table Defined

For security, the group is defined as all of the people in the departments who roll up to the specified department. The manager may or may not be included in the group, depending on the department that the manager is in. You can define a group set based on the Position table. To do this select Position Table Defined. If the group set is predominately for use in security, then the group is defined as all of the people below who roll up to a manager (or position). Whether or not the manager is included in the group should be defined in the Position table.

Warning! When there is more than one person assigned to an employee's Reports To position in the Position table, the Build Workforce Groups Application Engine process ends abnormally. If it is valid to have multiple Reports To positions for a single employee (for example, if the organization uses job-sharing), review the data and match each employee with a single Reports To position.

Manually Defined

If you have a small group set, you can define it manually. To do this, select Manually Defined. Then select a group ID from the prompt list values, which are stored in the WA_GRPSET_MN_VW table. This table limits the selection to groups that have a manager ID selected on the Group Definition page. To include multiple groups in the group set, add rows of data.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Group, Group Set, and Security Processes

You run the Standalone WF Groups (standalone workforce groups) jobstream and the Group Set jobstream from the Workforce Groups process page. To access the Workforce Groups process page go to Workforce Analytics, Workforce Analytics Setup, Run Workforce Groups Jobstream. To process EPM Role Security based on the Group Set you generated, go to EPM Foundation, EPM Security, Advanced, Request Security Processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Workforce Group and Group Set Processes

The following table summarizes the various delivered jobstreams, jobs, and engines that you can run for workforce groups and groups sets and describes their purpose:

Jobstream ID and Name

Job ID and Name

Engine ID and Name

Program ID / Name


WA_BLDGRPS / Standalone WF Groups

WA_BLDGRPS / Build Workforce Groups

WF_GP_MRG / Standalone WF Groups

WA_BLDGRPS / Build Workforce Groups

MERGE / Final Table Merge

WA_BLDGRPS / Build Workforce Groups

PF_MERGE / Final Table Merge

Run this jobstream to build the workforce groups. This is an optional step for verifying the population of the group or verifying that the constraint obtains the right group. You can run this jobstream before you use the groups in an application. The results of the process are not used in any other processing.

WA_GROUPST / Group Set

WA_GROUPST / Group Set Job

WA_GPST_MG / Group Set Merge

WA_GROUPST / Group Set Job

MERGE / Final Table Merge


PF_MERGE / Final Table Merge

Run this jobstream to create group sets and associated security role definitions.

Group and Group Set Primary Output Tables

When you run the Build Workforce Groups process as a standalone process, the final output table is the WA_GROUP_F00 table.

In Workforce Planning, the Match process calls the Build Workforce Groups process to create the group during scenario processing. This is also the case for the Workforce Rewards Retention Assignment, Workforce Simulation, and Compensation Planning and Simulation processes. In these cases, the final output table is the WA_GROUP_F00 table, but the group results you see may differ from the original group definition.

The output tables for the WA Group Set process (WA_GROUPSET) are as follows:


Contains group set and associated groups.


Contains all direct reports for each group in the group set. For example, a group created for the department at the top of the Organization tree would have everyone attached to the organization tree in it.


Contains all direct reports for each group. This is the same output table as for the Build Workforce Groups process.


Contains the groups and manager IDs for the groups.